Title: CAMx Training for CAPIA Introduction to CAMx
1CAMx Training for CAPIAIntroduction to CAMx
- Greg Yarwood Ph.D.
- Novato, California 94945
- gyarwood_at_environcorp.com
- April 15-19, 2002
- Introduction
- Ozone photochemistry
- Photochemical grid model concept
- Where is CAMx used?
- CAMx features for regional modeling
- Computer requirements and run times
3CAMx Overview
- 3-D Photochemical Grid Model
- emissions, chemistry, dispersion, removal of
gaseous and aerosol air pollution - geographic scales from individual point sources
(lt 1 km) to regional (gt1000 km) - State-of-the-Science
- new coding (1995)
- computationally and memory efficient
- easy to use
- modular framework, many options available
- publicly available (www.camx.com)
4Sources and Sinks of Tropospheric Ozone
- Sources
- smog chemistry involving VOCs and NOx
- global methane and CO oxidation
- stratosphere
- Sinks
- chemical reactions, e.g., NO, alkene titration
- deposition
5Central Role of Hydroxyl Radical (OH)
6Photochemical Grid Model Concept
7Ozone and Precursor Relationships EKMA Diagram
VOC Sensitive
NOx Sensitive
8Grid Cell Processes
9Coupling Between Grid Cells
10CAMx 3-D Visualization
11El Paso (EPA)Los Angeles (CRC)Central CA
Major U.S. CAMx Applications
OTAG (EPA)Kansas/St. Louis (KDHE/MDNR) Texas
(TNRCC)Florida (FLDEP)Midwest (LADCO)
12CAMx Worldwide
Europe UK Greece France Spain Germany
United States
South Africa
13CAMx Grid Nesting
- Efficient regional modeling using coarse grid
- High resolution for key source/receptor areas
- Capabilities
- built-in two-way nesting
- information flows from fine to coarse and coarse
to fine grids - variable meshing factors (2, 3, 4..)
- multiple levels (e.g., 36/12/4/1.33 km grids)
- configured for up to 10 nested grids
- vertical nesting (no longer recommended)
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15CAMx Setup -- Domain Definition (continued)
16CAMx Coordinate Systems
- Coordinate systems to match many met models
- Avoid interpolating met data
- Horizontal
- Lambert Conformal (MM5)
- Polar Stereographic (RAMS)
- Geodetic latitude/longitude
- Vertical
- Physical height above ground
- time/space varying, can match pressure
17Mass Consistency and Conservation
- CAMx formulated to conserve mass by solving
continuity equation for mass, not mixing ratio - UAM conserved mass by holding pressure constant
- RADM/SAQM models dont conserve mass
- Mass consistency
- ability to preserve the atmospheric density field
- test using unit initial/boundary conditions
- CAMx version 3.1 usually within 1
- very difficult, for many reasons
18CAMx Chemistry Options
- Two main options for gas-phase chemical mechanism
- CB4 (Carbon Bond4)
- early 1990s
- widely supported, history of successful
application - lumped structure approach
- late 1990s
- more detailed and modern than CB4
- limited support and application
- VOC chemistry much more reactive than CB4
- run times 60 longer
19CAMx 3.1 Mechanism Options
- Mechanism 3 is usually used
20CAMx Plume-in-Grid
- Plume-in-Grid (PiG) concept developed to avoid
rapid dispersion of point source emissions in
coarse grids - CAMx PiG
- Puff model embedded within CAMx
- Treats initial dispersion and chemistry for
selected large NOx point sources - Most useful within coarse regional modeling grids
- You select which point sources should use PiG
- PiG requires compromises to allow two different
models to work together
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22Other Features in CAMx Version 3.1
- Parallel Processing
- shared memory architecture (e.g., dual-processor
PCs) - Flexi-nesting
- add/remove fine grids at model restarts
- interpolate information from parent grids
- Probing Tools
- OSAT ozone source attribution
- DDM sensitivity analysis
- Process Analysis diagnostic tools
23CAMx Flexi-Nesting
- Ability to add/delete nested-grids during a
simulation - model spin-up
- episode focus during longer runs
- Provide as much or little fine grid information
as you have available - Any fine-grid inputs that are unavailable are
interpolated from the next coarser grid
automatically - Example application
- Study grid resolution around major point source
- Compare with sub-grid scale plume algorithms
24OTAG Test Case Domain
25CAMx Run Times
- OTAG test case
- nested grid modeling for Eastern US and Canada
- 36-km coarse grid is 64 x 63 x 5
- 12-km fine grid is 137 x 110 x 7
- 126,000 grid cells
- Linux PC with 1 GHz Pentium III
- 40 minutes per episode day
- 200 MB disk per episode day
- 85 MB memory needed
26CAMx Run Times - Impact of Nested Grids
- OTAG test case coarse grid only
- 36-km coarse grid is 64 x 63 x 5
- 21,000 grid cells
- Linux PC with 1 GHz Pentium III
- 5 minutes per episode day
- 90 MB disk per episode day
- 25 MB memory needed
- Nested grids have strong impact on run time
- fine grids have large number of cells
- fine grids take shorter timesteps
27CAMx Parallel Processing
- Uses Open-MP (OMP) compiler directives
- Shared memory architectures
- Implemented for chemistry and transport
algorithms - Tested on
- dual-processor Linux box with Portland Group
compiler - SGI Origin 16-processor server (Weining Zhao,
TNRCC) - Sun 4-processor server with KAI guide (Winston
Hao, NYSDEC) - Sun compiler did not support OMP - Identical results for single and multi-processors
28CAMx Run Times with Multi-Processors
29CAMx - Speedup per CPU
30CAMx Multi-Processor Performance
- Speedup of about 1.6 with dual processors
- Scales well for 4 processors
- When to use?
- Annual runs
- Large grids
- Need the answer NOW!
31ENVIRON Linux Workstation
- Dual Athlon MP 1800, 1 GB DDR-RAM
- Tyan motherboard with onboard SCSI
- 7200 rpm IDE disk for OS
- RedHat 7.1 or 7.2
- 4 x 120 GB 5400 rpm disks onATA100 controller
- lower speed cooler, more reliable
- several failures of 7200 rpm data drives
- Sony DDS4 tape backup using onboard SCSI