Title: Rita Bailey
1Destination PROFIT
Creating People Profit Opportunities in Your
Rita Bailey QVF Partners, Ltd. 2810 Trinity
Mills 209 Carrollton, Texas 75006 972-416-8644 ri
2What distinguishes your organization from the
rest? How do you attract and keep new Customers?
Are your people driving business toward or away
from your organization?
- The Best Leaders build high performance
organizations and teams by creating a style,
system, structure and culture that is ideal for
executing their strategy, leveraging the power of
their people, and generating the financial margin
to achieve their desired results.
- Stephen R. Covey
3The 4-A process is a blueprint for creating a
workplace environment where people understand and
are connected and committed to driving positive
results to the bottom line.
- The 4-A Process
- Awareness What is your destination?
- Alignment What do you need to do to get there?
- Accountability How are destination-supporting
behaviors reinforced? - Adaptation How do you make slight adjustments to
keep you winning, continuously, in any
4Decision Matrix.
5External Forces that Drive Organizational Change
- Specific things that are driving change in your
- Destination
- Where do you want to go?
- Evidence
- How will you know youre there?
- Context
- When, where and how do you want to get there?
- Ecology
- What will happen when you get there?
- Resources
- What resources do you have or need to get there?
- Boundaries
- What are the enablers and obstacles?
- Benefit
- What will be different once you get there?
7Often the only constant we have in business today
is change. From emerging technologies to
encroaching competition, binding government
regulations to Wall Street expectations, change
bombards us from every direction, bringing with
it the need for adaptation at lightning speed!
- How do you answer these questions?
- In the midst of challenging times, what is the
equal or greater benefit for our organizations? - What enables us to compete successfully?
- What is demanding more attention leadership,
our people, or customers?
- Awareness helps leaders be better organizational
pilots. Its a tool for determining a specific
destination, getting buy-in and navigating
intentionally toward each destination.
(Destination Planning) - If a business is to flourish, every person in the
organization must be able to answer three
fundamental questions - Where is our organization going?
- What competencies/skills do we need?
- How do we make MONEY?
- Once you have specific Destination, you need to
get everyone and everything working toward it.
Alignment is the map that charts the course.
People, processes, and systems are all working
toward supporting the destination. - A few questions to consider
- Does the hiring plan link to training?
- What is the communication process?
- How do departments align?
- Do incentives reward collaboration?
- How do you measure alignment?
- Accountability is holding the organization,
including leaders, teams and individuals
accountable for reaching the destination. - No excuses, no blaming indicates a culture where
people are empowered through shared purpose. - How do you cultivate commitment?
- Are people encouraged to think?
- What do you reward?
- What is measured?
- Do people know what is negotiable?
- Even though you know where youre going, have
everything and everybody aligned and have put
accountability measures in place, there are still
ongoing changes evolving everyday. - It is an endless cycle and we choose how to
manage it. - How do you stay focused on what you do best?
- Do you tend to do same or try new?
- How do you mine new ideas?
- How does the organization react to external
change impact? - Is feedback/feedforward encouraged?
12Applying the 4-As
Describe your destination(s) How will you
effectively communicate the message? Why does it
matter? What needs to be aligned and in place
to reach the destination together? To foster
individual responsibility, what expectations,
measures and support are necessary? What do
you need to monitor on a consistent basis to stay
ahead? What will you continue, stop, and start