Title: Implicazioni tecnologiche delle innovazioni censuarie
1An online system for multi-channel,
register-based census data collection
Giuseppe Sindoni, Istat, Italy
2Italian Census 2011 organization context
- European regulation
- N. 763/2008, 09/07/2008
- Variables and classifications
- Deadline for data delivery
- 1 April 2014
3Whats new for the 2011 Population Census?
- Use of street numbers in field operations
- Business and household geocoding to the census
tract - Use of administrative archives
- New questionnaire delivery process
- Personalised questionnaires
- Mail out
- New methods and survey techniques
- Census areas
- Short and long form
- Multi-channel collection
- Flexible organisation network
- Downsized municipal front-office gt Stronger
back-office - Population-based differentiation
- Enumerator guidance
4Census pilot
- Started 25 October 2009
- Stratified sample
- 31 municipalities
- About 80,000 households
- About 195,000 people
- 6 survey schemes to be tested on different types
of municipalities
5This presentation
- Architecture of the web-based collection and
management system - Technical characteristics
- The online questionnaire
- The Census Management System
6System architecture
7On line questionnaire main features
- Generalized system for questionnaire structure
definition - Web application framework
- Implements rule-based validation, both client and
server side - Java script and server-side based customization
- Platform independent
8The management and monitoring system
- Aimed at simplifying back-office work
- Needed to
- manage the day-to-day work of enumerators
- monitor multi-channel data collection
9Management system access modes
- Access through a web site
- Access management allows to define user profiles
with authorizations depending on user tasks, also
by territorial level - Each user will be given a role, that is a set of
allowed functions
10Management system users
- ISTAT Central and Regional officers
- Census organizations Municipal Census Back
Office, coordinators and enumerators - Other organizations e.g. the company in charge
of printing and mailing questionnaires
11Management and monitoring system main functions
- Census tract status
- Summary reports
- Operator management
- Questionnaire management
- Documentation
13Technical features
- Three layer architecture
- RDBMS - application server - browser
- Model-View-Controller pattern
- Java Enterprise Edition 5
- Servlet Java Server Pages
14- Final thoughts
- Very difficult to assess the right usability
issues for the questionnaire - The pilot will probably provide a lot of feedback
on user satisfaction, from both households and
municipal back offices
15Generalized system for questionnaire structure
- Desktop application
- Interactive editor for section structure,
questions and fields - Prerequisite DB to store microdata
- Automatic generation of
- JSP pages
- .jar package
16Web application framework
- Basic functions to run an on line questionnaire
- User interaction flow control
- Validation rule configuration
- Validation rule execution
- DB interaction
17Rule-based validation
- Basic validation
- Field format
- Mandatory fields
- Business rules
- Range checks
- Inter-field logical rules
- Client-side validation based on Javascript
- If JS disabled -gt server-side validation
- Java script and server-side based customization
- JSP pages can be customized client-side
- New modules can be added to the web framework
19Platform independence
- Based on Java and relational technologies
- Runs on any platform where the Tomcat application
server is available
20Management system operator management
- The following functions are provided
- Adding and modifying personal information of
municipal enumerators and coordinators - Assignment of census tracts to enumerators
- Assignment of enumerators to coordinators
- Assignment of roles to operators
- Monitoring operators activity
- Account management
- Municipal Census Office supervisors can
autonomously organize their work
21Management system operator management
- ISTAT will provide Municipal Offices with the
supervisor/s accounts, which will be enabled to
all operator management functions - Each account will be linked to an individual
22Management system census tract status
- The following functions are available
- Census tract journal visualization and printing
- Census tract journal update
- Auxiliary form visualization
- Auxiliary form update
- Enumerators daily work can be guided and
targeted through census tract status control.
23Management system summary reports
- The following functions are provided
- Visualization of summary reports on collection
progress at the census tract level of detail - Monitoring multi-channel collection
- Visualization of aggregated data on collection
results -
24Management system questionnaire management
- The following functions are provided
- Personal data change visualization
- Individual questionnaire visualization
- Questionnaire or additional individual form print
- Postal reception registration
- Monitoring postal delivery status
25Management system on line documentation
- The following documents will be available
- Survey instructions
- User manual
- Training materials
- ...