Title: Solving 2nd Best Toll Pricing Problems
1Solving 2nd Best Toll Pricing Problems
- Donald W. HearnSiriphong LawphongpanichCenter
for Applied OptimizationIndustrial and Systems
EngineeringUniversity of Florida
- Introduction
- 2nd Best Toll Pricing Problem as MPEC
- Equivalent Formulations
- Properties of 2nd Best Tolls
- Cutting Constraint Algorithm
- Numerical Examples
- Conclusions
3Traffic Congestion
4Electronic Toll Collection Facilities
5Congestion Charging in London
6Publications in Congestion Toll Pricing
- Hearn, D. W., Bounding Flows in Traffic
Assignment Models,'' Research Report 80-4, Dept.
of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University
of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 1980. - Bergendorff, P., The Bounded Flow Approach to
Congestion Pricing, Master's Thesis, Center for
Applied Optimization, University of Florida, and
Department of Mathematics, Royal Institute of
Technology, Stockholm, 1995. - Bergendorff, P., D. W. Hearn, and M. V. Ramana,
Congestion Toll Pricing of Traffic Networks,
Network Optimization, P. M. Pardalos, D. W. Hearn
and W. W. Hager (Eds.), Springer-Verlag Series,
Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical
Systems, 1997, pp. 51-71. - Hearn, D. W. and Ramana, M. V., Solving
Congestion Toll Pricing Models, in Equilibrium
and Advanced Transportation Modeling, P. Marcotte
and S. Nguyen (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
1998, pp. 109-124. - Hearn, D. W. and Yildirim, M. B., A Toll
Pricing Framework for Traffic Assignment Problems
with Elastic Demand, Current Trends in
Transportation and Network Analysis papers in
honor of Michael Florian, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 2001.
7Publications in Congestion Toll Pricing (cont.)
- Hearn, D. W., Yildirim, M. B., Ramana, M. V. and
Bai, L. H., Computational Methods for
Congestion Toll Pricing Models, Proceedings of
The 4th International IEEE Conference on
Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2001. - Yildirim, M. B., Congestion Toll Pricing Models
and Methods for Variable Demand Networks, PhD
Dissertation, Department of Industrial Systems
Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville,
FL, 2001 - Yildirim, M. B. and Hearn, D. W., A First Best
Toll Pricing Framework for Variable Demand
Traffic Assignment Problems, submitted for
publication. - Lawphongpanich, S. and Hearn, D.W., On the
Second-Best Toll Pricing Problem, submitted for
publication. - Bai, L., Hearn, D.W., and Lawphongpanich, S.,
Heuristics for the Minimum Toll Booth Problem,
submitted for publication. - Bai. L, Hearn, D.W., Lawphongpanich, S.,
Decomposition Techniques for the Minimum Toll
Revenue Problem, submitted for publication.
- The 2nd Best tolling pricing problem assumes that
some arcs are not tollable. - Our research goals
- Study the problem as a mathematical program with
equilibrium constraints (MPEC) - Examine the relationship between 2nd best tolls
and marginal social cost pricing - Develop a solution procedure based on existing
nonlinear programming algorithms
92nd Best Toll Pricing Problem Notation
- Indices
- a arcs or links in the network
- k origin-destination (or OD) pairs
- Problem data or parameters
- Ek OD vector for the kth OD pair, i.e., Ek
ep eq - bk demand for the kth OD pair (when the demand
is fixed) - A node-arc incidence matrix of the traffic
network - Y set of non-tollable arcs
- s(v) travel time or cost vector whose element,
sa(v) denotes the travel time for link a. - w(t) inverse demand vector whose element, wk(tk)
can be interpreted as the benefit gained from
making tk trips from the origin to the
destination of OD pair k. - Variables
- ? toll vector
- v,u total flow vector
- t,d demand vector
- xk flow vector for OD pair k
102nd Best Toll Pricing Problem Fixed Demand
112nd Best Toll Pricing Problem Elastic Demand
12Elastic Demand Equivalent Formulation 1
- Because it satisfies SBQC, ED-VI is equivalent to
13Properties of ED-KKT
- The last constraint in ED-KKT implies that the
total toll revenue is constant with respect to an
associated toll set.
14Properties of ED-KKT Example.
- To motivate another property, consider the
following two-arc problem where Arc 1 is tollable
and Arc 2 is not.
where s1(v1) v1, s2(v2) v2 2, and w(t) 9
15Properties of ED-KKT Example (cont.)
- In the literature (see, e.g., McDonald, 1995, and
Verhoef, 2000), the optimal toll for Arc 1 is
- In this expression, the optimal toll includes a
portion of MSCP from the non-tollable arc. - Are there similar formulas for general networks?
16Properties of ED-KKT
- Results related to the previous question
- When certain regularity conditions hold, the
second-best tolls can always be written as an
expression involving marginal social cost pricing
(MSCP) terms. - The KKT conditions associated with ED-KKT yields
the following expression of an optimal toll
- An interpretation
- An optimal 2nd best toll on a link involves its
own MSCP as well as those from non-tollable arcs
via the KKT multipliers.
17Properties of ED-KKT Example (cont.)
18Properties of ED-KKT Example (cont.)
19Properties of ED-KKT Technical Issues
- The above result assumes that the multipliers
exist. - This assumption is difficult to prove.
- Scheel and Scholtes 2000 show that MFCQ is
violated at every feasible solution of ED-KKT. - A similar expression for the tolls can be
obtained using the tightened NLP associated
with ED-KKT. The multipliers for this problem
exist when, e.g., - sa(v) are either linear or concave
- wk(tk) are either linear or convex.
20Elastic Demand Equivalent Formulation 2
- The set VED can be expressed as a convex
combination of its extreme points, (ui,di), i
1,..., n.
21Cutting Constraint Algorithm for ED-EX
- Let (u1,d1) be a system optimal solution. Set r
1. - Solve the following master problem
Otherwise, set r r 1 and go to 1.
22Numerical Results Fixed Demand
- Use GAMS
- CPLEX to solve the subproblem in Step 3.
- MINOS to solve the master problem in Step 2.
- Two networks from the literature
- Sioux Falls 76 links, 24 nodes, 528 OD pairs.
- Hull 798 links, 501 nodes, 158 OD pairs.
- Tollable arc selection
- An arc is tollable if its user equilibrium flow
exceeds its system optimum flow by a given
percentage (excess percentage).
23Numerical Results Fixed Demand
- Total delay at SOPT 71.9426
- Total delay at UOPT 74.8023
- CPU times are from a 300 MHz IBM SP2 computer
with 512 MB of RAM
24Numerical Results Fixed Demand
- Total delay at SOPT 179063
- Total delay at UOPT 186720
- CPU times are from a 300 MHz IBM SP2 computer
with 512 MB of RAM
25Numerical Results Elastic Demand
Inverse Demand Function wk(t) ak bkt
26Numerical Results Elastic Demand
Travel Cost function sa(v) Ta(10.15(va/Ca))
27Numerical Results Elastic Demand
28Toll Pricing Framework
- Let (v,t, ?) be an optimal solution to ED-KKT.
Then, ? (and an associated ? ) is one of
possibly many solutions to the following system
of equations
- One possibility is to choose a solution that
optimize an objective.
29Toll Pricing Framework.
- Solve ED-VI or one of the equivalent problems to
obtain (v,t, ?) . - Solve the following toll selection problem
30Numerical Results Elastic Demand
- Two equivalent formulations for the 2nd best toll
pricing problem - Properties of the 2nd best tolls
- Under some regularity conditions, the 2nd Best
toll vector can be written as an expression
involving MSCP. - Toll revenue is constant.
- Cutting constraint algorithm for ED-EX
- Converges finitely
- Solves realistic problems