Review - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... thread t that is blocked because of a P(s) operation remains blocked if ... P takes over monitor, resumes. Example: Hoare Monitors. fn1(...) x.wait // T1 blocks ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Review

  • The Critical Section problem
  • Petersons Algorithm
  • Implementing Atomicity
  • Busy waiting
  • Blocking

  • Semaphores
  • what they are
  • how they are used
  • Monitors
  • what they are
  • how they are used

Whats wrong with this picture?
  • Our solutions to CS have two unappealing
  • They are mistifying and unclear
  • They use busy waiting

  • A semaphore consists of
  • A variable s
  • A thread set T
  • A function P (Passeren wait)
  • A function V (Vrijgeven signal)
  • syntax example Semaphore s(5)

Semaphore Operations
  • Initialization(val)
  • s val
  • T

  • s--
  • if(s lt 0)
  • add caller thread to T
  • block
  • This code executes atomically.

  • s
  • if(s ? 0)
  • Remove a thread t from T
  • Unblock(t)
  • This code executes atomically.

Mutual exclusion with semaphores
  • Thread T0
  • while (!terminate)
  • ltentry0gt
  • CS
  • ltexit0gt
  • NCS0
  • Thread T1
  • while (!terminate)
  • ltentry1gt
  • CS
  • ltexit1gt
  • NCS1

init s 1
Questions, Questions...
  • What if we have n threads instead of 2?
  • What if we want to allow at most k threads in the

Binary Semaphore
  • Two types
  • Counting semaphores
  • s takes any values
  • Binary semaphores
  • s takes only 0 or 1

Binary Semaphores
  • P(s)
  • if (s 0)
  • Add caller thread to T
  • Block
  • else
  • s--

V(s) if (T ! ?) Remove a thread t from
T Unblock(t) else if (s 0) s 1
Important properties of Semaphores -I
  • Semaphores are non-negative integers
  • The only operations you can use to change the
    value of a semaphore are P() and V() (except for
    the initial setup)
  • Semaphores have two uses
  • Mutual exclusion you know all about it
  • Synchronization how do we make sure that T1
    completes execution before T2 starts?

Important Propertiesof Semaphores- II
  • We assume that a semaphore is fair
  • No thread t that is blocked because of a P(s)
    operation remains blocked if s is Vd infinitely
  • Does this guarantee bounded waiting?
  • In practice, FIFO is mostly used, transforming
    the set into a queue.
  • V(s) never blocks.
  • Binary semaphores are as expressive as general
    semaphores (given one can implement the other)
  • But they are different
  • s 0 V(s) V(s) P(s) P(s) VS
  • s 0 Vb(s) Vb(s) Pb(s) Pb(s)

Classic Problems Producer-Consumer I
  • Producer adds items to a shared buffer
  • Consumer takes them out
  • Buffer avoids producers and consumers to proceed
    in lock step
  • Buffer is finite
  • Examples
  • cppccas
  • coke machine
  • ready queue in a multithreaded multiprocessor
  • .

Producer Consumer II
  • Two types of constraint
  • Mutual Exclusion
  • Only one thread can manipulate the buffer at any
    one time
  • Condition Synchronization
  • Consumer must wait if buffer is empty
  • Producer must wait if buffer is full
  • Are these safety or liveness properties?

Producer Consumer III
  • Use a separate semaphore for each constraint
  • Semaphore mutex // protects the shared buffer
  • Semaphore fullSlots // counts full slots if 0,
    no // coke
  • Semaphore emptySlots // counts empty slots
    if 0, // nowhere to put more coke

Producer Consumer IV
  • Semaphore new mutex (1)
  • Semaphore new emptySlots(numSlots)
  • Semaphore new fullSlots(0)
  • Producer()
  • P(emptySlots)
  • P(mutex)
  • put 1 coke in the machine
  • V(mutex)
  • V(fullSlots)
  • Consumer()
  • P(fullSlots)
  • P(mutex)
  • take a coke out
  • V(mutex)
  • V(emptySlots)

Is the order of Ps important?
Is the order of Vs important?
Beyond Semaphores
  • Semaphores huge step forward (immagine having to
    do producer consumer with Petersons algorithm)
  • BUTSemaphores are used both for mutex and
    condition synchronization
  • hard to read code
  • hard to get code right

Monitors (late 60s, early 70s)
  • A programming language construct, much like what
    we call today objects
  • Consists of
  • General purpose variables
  • Methods
  • Initialization code (constructor)
  • Condition variables
  • Can implement a monitor-like style of programming
    without without the language construct, using a
    combination of locks and condition variables

  • A lock provides mutual exclusion to shared data
  • LockAcquire() wait until lock is free, then
    grab it
  • LockRelease() unlock wake up anyone waiting
    in Acquire
  • Rules
  • Always acquire before accessing a shared data
  • Always release after finishing with shared data
  • Lock is initially free

Example Producer Consumer
  • addToBuff()
  • lock.Acquire() // lock before using shared
  • put item on buffer, if there is space
  • lock.Release()
  • removeFromBuff()
  • lock.Acquire() // lock before using shared
  • if something on buffer, remove it
  • lock.Release()
  • return item

Houston, we have a problem
  • How do we change removeFromBuff so that it check
    if there is something in the buffer before trying
    to remove it?
  • Logically, want to suspend thread inside the
    critical section
  • What is the problem?
  • Solution suspend and atomically release lock

Condition Variables
  • A queue of threads waiting for something inside
    the critical section (why does it not violate
  • Condition variables have two operations
  • Wait()
  • Calling thread blocks, releases lock (gives up
  • Wait on a queue until someone signals variable
  • Signal()
  • Unblock someone who was waiting on the variable
  • Broadcast()
  • Unblock all waiting on the variable

Producer Consumer, again
  • addToBuff()
  • lock.Acquire() // lock before using shared
  • put item on buffer
  • condition.signal()
  • lock.Release()
  • removeFromBuff()
  • lock.Acquire() // lock before using shared
  • while nothing on buffer
  • condition.wait(lock)
  • remove item from buffer
  • lock.Release()
  • return item

A dilemma
  • What happens to a thread that signals on a
    condition variable while in the middle of a
    critical section?

Hoare Monitors
  • Assume thread Q waiting on condition x
  • Assume thread P is in the monitor
  • Assume thread P calls x.signal
  • P gives up monitor, P blocks!
  • Q takes over monitor, runs
  • Q finishes, gives up monitor
  • P takes over monitor, resumes

Example Hoare Monitors
  • fn1()
  • x.wait // T1 blocks
  • // T1 resumes
  • // T1 finishes
  • fn4()
  • x.signal // T2 blocks
  • // T2 resumes

Per Brinch Hansens Monitors
  • Assume thread Q waiting on condition x
  • Assume thread P is in the monitor
  • Assume thread P calls x.signal
  • P continues, finishes
  • Q takes over monitor, runs
  • Q finishes, gives up monitor

Example Hansen Monitors
  • fn1()
  • x.wait // T1 blocks
  • // T1 resumes
  • // T1 finishes
  • fn4()
  • x.signal // T2 continues
  • // T2 finishes

  • Hoare
  • Awkward in programming
  • Cleaner, good for mathematical proofs
  • Main advantage when a condition variable is
    signalled, condition does not change
  • Used bymost textbooks
  • Hansen
  • Easier to program
  • Can lead to synchronization bugs
  • Used by most systems

Classic Problems 2Readers-Writers
  • Motivation
  • shared database (bank, seat reservation system)
  • Two classes of users
  • readers (never modify database)
  • writers (read and modify database)
  • Want to maximize concurrency
  • at most one writer in database
  • if no writer, any number of readers in database

Towards a solution
  • State variables
  • ar --- active readers (readers in CS)
  • aw --- active writers (writers in CS)
  • Condition variables
  • oktoread (readers can enter critical section)
  • oktowrite (writer can enter critical section)
  • Safety
  • ar 0 ? aw 0 ? (aw 0 ? (aw 1 ? ar 0))

Structure of the solution
  • Databaseread()
  • wait until no writers
  • access database
  • if no readers in database, let writer in
  • Databasewrite()
  • wait until no readers or writers
  • access database
  • wake up waiting readers and writers

Use procedures startRead, doneRead, startWrite,
The procedures
  • DatabasestartRead()
  • lock.Acquire()
  • while (aw)
  • okToRead.Wait(lock)
  • ar ar1
  • okToRead.signal
  • lock.Release()
  • DatabasedoneRead()
  • lock.Acquire()
  • ar ar 1
  • if (ar 0) okToWrite.signal
  • lock.Release()
  • DatabasestartWrite()
  • lock.Acquire()
  • while (aw ? ar)
  • okToWrite.Wait(lock)
  • aw 1
  • lock.Release()
  • DatabasedoneWrite()
  • lock.Acquire()
  • aw 0
  • okToRead.signal
  • okToWrite.signal
  • lock.Release()

Semaphores and Monitors - I
  • Can we build monitors using semaphores?
  • Try 1
  • Wait() P(s) Signal() V(s)
  • Try 2
  • Wait(Lock lock) Signal()
  • lock.Release() V(s)
  • P(s)
  • lock.Acquire()

Semaphores and Monitors-II
  • Try 3
  • Signal()
  • if semaphore queue is not empty V(s)
  • If a thread signals on a condition on which no
    thread is waiting, the result is a no-op.
  • If a thread executes a V on a semaphore on which
    no thread is waiting, the semaphore is

A few matters of style
  • Always do things the same way
  • Always use monitors (condition variables plus
  • Always hold lock when operating on a condition
  • Always grab lock at the beginning of a procedure
    and release it before return
  • Always use while (not if) to check for the value
    of a condition variable
  • (Almost) never use sleep to synchronize

Example Java
  • Each object has a monitor
  • User can specify the keyword synchronized in
    front of methods that must execute with mutual
  • Use Hansen monitors
  • No individually named condition variables (just
    one anonymous condition variable)
  • wait()
  • notify()
  • notifyAll()
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