Title: Constructing Identity The Source of Language
1Constructing Identity The Source of Language?
Paper presented at the Constructing Identities
Conference, Cardiff University 22 June 2006
- Martin Edwardes
- University of East London
- martin.edwardes_at_btopenworld.com
2Language Origins - Names and Faces
Steven Pinker
Michael C Corballis
Derek Bickerton
Noam Chomsky
3The Pirahã Language without Recursion
4Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and
Bonobo (Pan paniscus)
5Language Universals
- Action-object there are two types of
experience performing an action and encountering
a thing. - Subject-verb-object there are three roles in an
observed event the action performed, the thing
performing the action, and the thing the action
is performed on
6Modelling Requires Brain Power
7Modelling the Self some questions answered?
- Who am I?
- What can I do?
- When can I do it?
- What can I tell you?
- What can you tell me?
- How can we work together?
- Why should we work together?
- How am I able to change myself?
8Co-operative HuntingBrings Home the Bacon
9Ritual and Cultural Co-operation
10Constructing Identity The Source of Language?
Thank you for listening
Martin Edwardes University of East
London martin.edwardes_at_btopenworld.com