Title: Risk of CV events with COX2 inhibitor rofecoxib
1Risk of CV events with COX-2 inhibitor rofecoxib
Elevated risk observed
Favors rofecoxib
Favors control
Case-control studies McGettigan 3.65 0.63
Singh 11.86 1.32 Sturkenboom 7.86 1.52
Hippisley-Cox 10.35 1.32 Johnsen 10.21
1.80 Levesque 10.82 1.24 Kimmel 5.55
1.16 Graham 8.43 1.34 Solomon
11.23 1.14 Cohort studies Gislason 11.12
2.29 Mamdani 8.93 1.00 Overall 100.00 1.35
Meta-analysis of controlled observational
studies2006 2005 2004 2003 CV events
MI or sudden CV death
Relative risk (95 CI)
McGettigan P, Henry D. JAMA. 20062961633-44.
2Risk of CV events with COX-2 inhibitor celecoxib
Neutral effect observed
Favors celecoxib
Favors control
Case-control studies McGettigan 3.89 1.11
Singh 12.06 1.09 Hippisley-Cox 9.48 1.21
Johnsen 9.11 1.25 Levesque 10.89 0.99
Kimmel 4.07 0.43 Graham 9.78 0.84
Solomon 11.71 0.93 Cohort studies
Gislason 10.59 2.06 Mamdani 8.87 0.90
Ray?? 9.55 0.96 Overall 100.00 1.06
Relative risk (95 CI)
2006 2005 2004 2003 ??2002
McGettigan P, Henry D. JAMA. 20062961633-44.
3Risk of CV events with nonselective NSAID naproxen
Neutral effect observed
Favors naproxen
Favors control
Case-control studies Singh 11.93 1.08
Hippisley-Cox 8.47 1.27 Johnsen 4.32 1.50
Levesque 3.93 1.17 Fischer 5.14 0.96
Kimmel 2.98 0.48 Graham 11.73 1.14
Garcia Rodriguez 5.88 0.89 Bak 3.28 0.70
Solomon 10.96 0.84 Schlienger 3.39 0.68
Watson 2.40 0.57 Cohort studies Mamdani 3.14
1.0 Ray (a) 11.11 0.93 Ray
(b) 11.35 0.95 Overall 100.00 0.97
Relative risk (95 CI)
2005 2004 2003 2002NSAID nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drug
McGettigan P, Henry D. JAMA. 20062961633-44.
4Risk of CV events with nonselective NSAID
Elevated risk observed
Favors diclofenac
Favors control
Case-control studies Hippisley-Cox 14.62
1.55 Fischer 13.02 1.23 Graham 6.73 1.60
Garcia Rodriguez 13.61 1.18 Bak 8.44 1.10
Schlienger?? 12.22 1.38 Watson??
9.38 1.68 Cohort studies Gislason 14.34
2.19 MacDonald 7.65 0.80 Overall 100.00 1.4
Relative risk (95 CI)
2006 2005 2004 2003 ??2002
McGettigan P, Henry D. JAMA. 20062961633-44.