Title: Texas Facts
2Texas. Wide Open For Business
- In the past 4 years, Texas
- Exports have increased
- over 19 percent
- Texas Exports in 2007
- 168 billion
- Texas Exports rose 72.7 billion from 2002-2007.
That is 76.3 percent increase. -
- Source All statistical data within presentation
- are drawn from the USDOC
3Texas. Wide Open For Business
- In 2007 Texas exported to 221
- foreign destinations. Largest markets
- Mexico
- 56 billion (33 percent)
- Canada
- 16.8 billion
- China
- 8.3 billion
- Other top markets included South Korea,
Netherlands, Taiwan, Singapore, Brazil, Japan,
and United Kingdom
4Texas. Wide Open For Business
- Texas Exports to Global Regions in 2007
- Asia 35 billion
- Europe 26 billion
- Latin America Carib. 19.5 billion
- Middle East 6.4 billion
- Africa 6.7 billion
5Texas. Wide Open For Business
- Chemical manufactures make up 20.8 percent of
Texas' exports - Leading Texas Export categories
- Computers electronic products (34 billion)
- Machinery manufactures (25 billion)
- Transportation equipment (16 billion)
- Petroleum and coal products (15 billion)
- Electronic Equipment., Appliances Parts (7
6Texas. Wide Open For Business
- A total of 21,983 companies exported goods from
Texas locations in 2006. Of those, 92 percent
were small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
with fewer than 500 employees. - SMEs generated 27 percent of Texas's total
exports of merchandise in 2006.
72007 Exports from Texas to Eastern Europe
82007 Exports from Texas to Eastern Europe
- Export Growth
- numbers are in thousands ( USD)
9Top exporting states to Eastern Europe
Top Exporting States to Eastern Europe numbers
are in thousands ( USD)
102007 Exports from Texas to Western Europe
112007 Exports from Texas to Western Europe
- Export Growth
- numbers are in thousands ( USD)
12Top exporting states toWestern Europe
- Top Exporting States to Western Europe
- numbers are in thousands ( USD)
13Texas Foreign Direct Investment
- In 2006, majority-owned
- affiliates of foreign companies
- employed 344,600 workers in
- Texas. This is the third highest
- figure among the 50 states,
- trailing only California and New
- York.
14 Texas. Wide Open For Business
- Major sources of Texas's foreign
- investment supported jobs in 2006 were the
- United Kingdom, the Netherlands, France,
- Canada, Germany and Japan.
15Texas FDI by Country
16Texas FDI by Industry
17Texas. Wide Open for Business
- Manufacturing accounts for the majority of Texas
FDI, with Manufacturing estimated at almost
40.4B or 46. - Wholesale Trade is a distant second, with almost
21.2B or 25. -
18Texas. Wide Open For Business
- Some of the worlds top-ranked companies doing
- business in Texas include
- Toyota Motor (Japan), IKEA (Sweden)
- BP (UK), Samsung (South Korea)
- Royal Dutch Shell Group (The Netherlands),
- BASF (Germany)
- In April 2005, Texas was named the 2005-2006
U.S. State of the Future. (Foreign Direct
Investment magazine, April 2005)
19Texas. Wide Open For Business
- Trade Activities
- Trade Missions
- Reverse Missions
- International Trade Shows
- Export Counseling
- Export Seminars