Title: Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe Emergency Management Program
1Shoalwater Bay Indian TribeEmergency Management
- Lee Shipman, Emergency Mgmt. Director
- P.O Box 130 Tokeland, WA 98590 Phone
360-267-8120 E-mail leshipman_at_shoalwaterbay-nsn.
2Location Tokeland (Georgetown) Wash.
3Shoalwater Bay Indian Reservation(Nahps Chaats)
4We have prepared Eagle Hill Road to be an
official evacuation site and an assembly area to
be used by us and our surrounding communities in
case of an earthquake or Tsunami. The elevation
is 300 feet. The Tsunami evacuation signs are
installed on the roads.
5Vice Chair Single-handedly removes 40 ft
container from semi trailer
Emergency Supplies Container
6Shoalwater Bay Tribe has now had 4 CERT
(Community Emergency Response Team)
trainings. About 90 members. Entire Council is
CERT trained
7Shoalwater Bay Tribal Council and Admin EMI
Course ICS (most thru 800) NIMs Compliant
Chair-Charlene Nelson Vice Chair-Mike
Shipman Secretary-Lynn Clark Treasurer-Holly
Blake M-A-L-Jennifer Taylor Adm-Carol Johnson
8Elders homes are flagged NOAA weather radios in
most homes and in all Tribal Buildings MYN
for the entire community Grant for Fire
Extinguishers, gloves, hard hats Block
Captains and Back ups
92 AHAB Sirens at Shoalwater Bay Reservation
Insures coverage for all of TokelandOther
Warning SystemsNAWAS 24/7 warningNOAA Radios in
all Tribal Buildings Telephonic Warning System
Dave 1
George 1
10Tools and Equipment for the CERT TeamUsed for
Incidents and Exercises
11Gator Trailer gas cabinet w/cans, generators,
chain saws
- 2 Trailers-1 CERT, 1 Gator
- Equipment-Oil spill, Medical, Tools
- Communications Center
- Cribbing
12We PracticeSafety Zone in 14 minutes
Realistic Exercises
13Walking the Evacuation Route
14- Beautiful view from the safety zone on Eagle
Hill Rd
15 Shoalwater Bay TribeARES/RACES Ham Radio Group
- Ham/ARES Call Signs
- KE7JMB Lee Shipman
- KE7JMD Anna Anderson
- KE7JME Jim Anderson
- KE7JMF Mike Hermon
- KE7JMG Shane Thomas
- KE7JMH Naomi Hermon
- KE7JMJ Jake Christensen
- KE7JMK Holly Blake
- KE7KNU Carolyn Moore
- KE7JNV Austin Stately
16Basic Search and Rescue Training
174 CERT Train the Trainers CERT Expo
Continuing CERT Skills Hazmat at the Hammer 8
Hazwoppers Oil Spill Training 4 Tsunami TTT
2 Trained PIOs 2 MoulageMap Your
Neighborhood MRCRed Cross Training
Communication Training
18CPR/AED Training
193rd and 4th CERT ClassesTribal and Surrounding
Community Members
20Emergency Planning CommitteeCouncil, Admin,
Employees, Community Members
21Our Casino has its own evacuation plan putting
the safety of guests and employees first
22- We have joined with other tribes in a statewide
consortium, NWTEMC, to better facilitate our
efforts in emergency planning.
23Storm 2007Army Corps of EngineersBuild up of
25Blocked RoadsIsolation
26Broken water linerepaired by 3 Ms
27We knew we were never aloneArmy Corp of
Engineers State EMD National
GuardSquaxin Island Tribe NWTEMC DOT
DOH Partners
283 Elders with the Governor Visiting our
ShelterNo Power for 8 Days
29- We are a small Indian Nation. We dont have the
experts that the state, regions, and counties
have. - We cant put out huge forest fires or clean up a
big hazmat spill, but we can save lives. We can
save property and we can help keep the
environment safe and protected. - We do have
- The will to survive
- The desire to do the best that we can
- The stamina to keep on going
- The ability to do something, even just one thing
about disaster preparedness. It may mean to seek
out those who can help the experts, the
partners many are in this room. - And, finally, when we have made the right path we
have the love to take everyone around us with us.
30We meet interesting people
31We honor and we call him friendGeorge Crawford
32- Masi (Thank You)
- Any Questions?
- E-mail leshipman_at_shoalwaterbay-nsn.gov