Title: Welcome to our Open Day
1Welcome to our Open Day
- Support for Disabled Students
- Paula Harrison, Disabilities Officer
2Increasing Numbers of Disabled Students at the
University of Hull over past 5 years
3Disability Services
Help applying for Disabled Students
Allowance Coordination of Reasonable
Adjustments Assessment for SpLDs Support
workers Information about other sources of
4Disabled Students Allowance
Apply early Need for appropriate evidence Needs
assessment Help with ordering equipment Accessing
5Coordination of Reasonable Adjustments
- Increased Library Loans
- Exam arrangements
- Physical Access
- Accommodation
- Provision of information in alternative formats
6Assessment for SpLDs
Post 16 report required for DSA needs to conform
to DfES guidance http//www.dfes.gov.uk/studentsup
port/dsa__1.shtml Funded by Access to Learning
Fund but need to be a student to access this Can
be delay in getting equipment
7Support Workers
- 1 to 1 and group tuition for study skills
- Notetakers
- Personal Assistants
- Library Assistants
- Mentors
8Contact Us
- Disability Services
- Email Disability-services_at_hull.ac.uk
- Tel 01482 466833
- Fax 01482 466669
- Textphone 01482 466692