Title: Learning to make decisions with incomplete feedback
1 Learning to make decisions with incomplete
Brunswik Society Meeting Houston November 16, 2006
- Tom Stewart
- Jim Holzworth
- Jeryl Mumpower
2Conditional probabilities of outcome feedback
p selection rate for subjects given conditional
Random feedback on same proportion of trials as
corresponding conditional feedback condition
3Cue display for screening task
4Weights for screening task
5Value conditions
6Decision scoring reminder
7Score feedback after each block of 25 cases
8Cue display for hiring task
9Weights for hiring task
10Independent variables
- Feedback (full, conditional, partial)
- Uncertainty (Re2 .5, .7, or .9)
- Base rate (.1, .2, .5, and .8)
- Payoffs -- Points lost for errors
11Task construction Taylor-Russell vs. Detection
- Detection theory
- Create noise distribution
- Add d to every observation to produce signal
distribution - Set p(Signal) base rate
- Variance (Noise) Variance (Signal)
- Taylor-Russell
- Create Ye with desired R2
- Choose cutoff to yield desired base rate
- Variance (Noise) ? Variance (Signal) unless base
rate .5
12Base rates determined by thresholds on criterion
Base rate
r2 .7
13Noise and signal distributions from
Taylor-Russell for different base rates
ra .83
ra .83, base rate .80
ra .83, base rate .10
Probability density
14Distribution of signal and noise distributions
derived from Taylor-Russell, by base rate (ra
- Step 1. Instructions
- Describe correct weights
- Describe payoffs
- Step 2. Make judgments and decisions
- 500 trials (20 blocks of 25 cases each)
- Make judgment, then yes/no decision
- Outcome feedback correct decision on each trial
(full), trials when decision is Yes
(conditional), or random trials (partial) - Scores and accuracy feedback after each block
- Performance bonus up to 10
- Step 3. Subjective reporting
- Subjective weights, accuracy, threshold, percent
correct, subjective base rate
16Performance depends on
- Accuracy of judgment (sensitivity)
- Predictability of environment
- Irreducible uncertainty
- Fidelity of information system
- Judgment process
- Weights, function form, organizing principle
- Reliability of information acquisition and
processing - Threshold (bias)
- Threshold location
- Reliability of threshold use
- Threshold movement
- Threshold violations
17Results Decision threshold
- Selection rate proportion of Yes decisions
- Selection rate for last 250 cases indicates what
subjects learned. - Consider the following condition
- Base rate .5
- Values equal penalty for false positives and
false negatives - Uncertainty .7 (Re2)
18Results Decision threshold
- Base rate .5
- Values equal penalty for false positives and
false negatives - Uncertainty .7 (Re2)
Conditional probabilities of feedback
19Results for last 250 cases hiring task (UConn),
base rate .5, equal values
SDT representations of tables
Tables B, C, and D have essentially the same
B, C, D
Which condition produced which table?
- Full
- Conditional
- Partial
- Ideal
20Results for last 250 cases hiring task (UConn),
base rate .5, equal values
SDT representations of tables
Tables B, C, and D have essentially the same
B, C, D
Which condition produced which table?
B. Full A. Conditional C. Partial D. Ideal
21Mean selections rate (proportion of positive
decisions) for last 250 casesEqual
penaltiesRe2 .7
UConn, hiring task
UAlbany, screening task
UConn, screening task
22Accuracy/Sensitivity screening task (UAlbany)
data, Az, equal values