Title: POLAR
- Shuang Nan Zhang (???)
- Tsinghua University
- and
- Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy
of Sciences
- POLAR a GRB Polarization Instrument aboard
Chinas Spacelab to be launched around 2011-2012 - SHARP-ASM an instrument concept for an X-ray
all-sky monitor with sub-arcsecond angular
resolution and several eV energy resolution
3GRB prompt emission polarization one of the
last observables of GRBs
- Different GRB models
- E-M Model well defined, moderate Plin 50
- Fireball Model high values excluded Plin 10-20
- Cannon ball Model full range possible Plin 0 -
100 - Probe quantum gravity (???)
- Amelino-Camelia G., 2000, Nature, 408, 661
- Amelino-Camelia G., et al., 1998, Nature, 393,
763 - Piran T, 2005, Lect. Notes Phys, 669, 351
- Fan, Y-Z Wei, D-M Xu, D. 2007, MNRAS, 376, 1857
From M. Lyutikov, 2003
See papers discussing various GRB models T.
Piran, A. Dar, M. Lyutikov, D. Eichler, G.
Ghisellini, D. Lazzatti, M. Medvedev, E. Rossi
4Current GRB polarization measurements
- Polarization of the prompt ?-ray emission from
the ?-ray burst of 6 December 2002 (RHESSI),
Coburn, W Boggs, S. E., Nature, 2003, 423, 415
(122 citations) Plin 80 20 (highly
significant detection!) - Re-analysis of polarization in the ?-ray flux of
GRB 021206, Rutledge, R. E. Fox, D. B., MNRAS,
2004, 350, 1288 - Statistical Uncertainty in the Re-Analysis of
Polarization in GRB021206, Coburn, W
Boggs, S. E., 2003astro.ph.10515B - Gamma-Ray Burst Polarization Limits from RHESSI
Measurements, Wiggler, C. et al, ApJ, 2004, 613,
1088 - Evidence of polarisation in the prompt ?-ray
emission from GRB 930131 and GRB 960924
(BATSE/GRO), Willis, D. R. et al, 2005, AA, 439,
245 - Polarisation studies of the prompt ?-ray emission
from GRB 041219a using the spectrometer aboard
INTEGRAL, McGlynn, S., 2007, AA, 466, 895
Important, rare, large uncertainty
5POLAR mission status
- Instrument concept proposed by N. Produit, et
al., NIM (2005) - Onboard Chinas spacelab TG-2 launch time
2011-12 - FOV of POLAR ½ sky
- MDP is 10 gt10 GRBs per year down to 10
polarization - Requires directionality and energy spectrum known
after the fact
Tian-Gong ?? Palace in Heaven
6The joint spacelab-TG POLAR team
- China Tsinghua/IHEP Shuang Nan Zhang (PI)
- China IHEP Bobing Wu, Shaolin Xiong, etc.
- Swizerland ISDC Nicolas Produit (Co-PI), Daniel
Haas - Switzerland PSI Wojtek Hajdas, Aliko
Mchedlishvili - Switzerland DPNC Estela Suarez, Martin Pohl,
Catherine Leluc, Divic Rapin - France LAPP Giovanni Lamanna, Jean-Pierre Vialle
- Poland IPJ Radoslaw Marcinkowski, Michal Gierlik
China 50 others 50
7Compton Scattering(F. LEI, A. J. DEAN and G. L.
HILLS,Space Science Reviews 82,309,1997)
8Azimuthal Scattering Angle
9Detector Models
PS bars 8x86mm6mm20cm PMT H8500 (88 anode
Weight constraints lt 30 kg
PS Bars PMTs Weight (kg) Dimension (cm)
DM1 3232 44 12 2424
DM2 4040 55 20 3030
10Monte-Carlo Simulations
Direction Polarization Spectrum Band
(a-1.01,ß-3.31,Epeak390 keV) BATSE LogN-LogF
11Trigger Strategy
- For each event
- Ed (energy deposition) in every PS bar.
- Find the two bars of the highest energy
deposition, i.e. Edmax, Edsec. - Get the azimuthal scatter angle ?.
Find the optimum Trigger Strategy (TS) to reduce
the background rates. TS1 Edsec gt 5 keV the
total Ed lt 400 keV. TS2 TS1 and exclude the
adjacent hits. TS3 TS2 and the total Ed gt 30
12Effective Area Gamma-ray Energy
13Modulation factor Polarization Angle
14Modulation factor direction
- FOV 2pis better than FOV 1.3p
- 2) DM2 is better than DM1.
3)TS2 is better. Because it eliminates the
background induced by charged particles.
17Conclusion of simulations
With the 30 kg constraint, the best configuration
of POLAR is DM2
TS2 FOV 2p Detector Model 2
(40x40)(6mmx6mmx20cm) plastic scintillators
Trigger Strategy 2
Edsec gt 5 keV the total Ed lt 400 keV
exclude the adjacent
Detector Model 2 PS Bars PMTs Weight (kg) Dimension (cm)
Detector Model 2 4040 55 20 3030
PS bar 6mm6mm20cm PMT H8500 (88 anode
18POLAR capability summary
10 GRBs per year down to 8, or 60 GRBs per year
down to 30, or 100 GRBs per year down to 50
polarization, if all POLAR GRBs are localized
independently to degrees accuracy by other GRB
19Feasibility studies ready for Phase-B
Vibration test survived
Polarizer in Switzerland
Polarization measured
Prototype in Switzerland
Eth5 keV achievable
Prototype in China
20Mechanical Design
Detector stack (outside)
Electronics box (inside)
21Sub-arcsecond X-ray ASM
- Current scheme in localizing GRBs
- ASM provides localization of arcmin
- Fast re-pointing of X-ray telescope for
arcsecond positioning - However no X-ray detection for a few percent of
LGRBs and 1/4 SGRBs - Nature of these GRBs?
- An ASM with sub-arcsecond angular resolution
should be able to find out their host (or lack
of) galaxies and their locations in their hosts - Helpful in determining their nature?
22Super-High Angular Resolution Principle SHARP
Accepted for publication in Chinese Journal of A
A (arXiv0806.3494)
23Coded-mask imaging for geometrical optics
In principle, extremely fine angular resolution
may be achieved with very small D and very large L
Mask pattern
24Diffraction is not always negligible
For a pinhole of size 5 µm, the size of the
diffraction spot is 500 µm located at 2.5 m for 1
keV X-ray photons.
25X-ray diffraction simulation for a pinhole
1.24 keV
12.4 keV
Pixel and pinhole size 5 x 5 (µm)2 Pinhole to
detector distance 2.5 m
26Mask and Shadow-gram
Shadow-gram at 1.24 keV
Shadow-gram at 12.4 keV
Diffraction and interference between neighboring
holes dominate the observed shadow-gram
27traditional coded-mask cross-correlation image
of a point source in X-ray band
1.24 keV
12.4 keV
28DICC Diffraction/Interference Cross-Correlation
- traditional cross-correlation between the
detected shadow-gram and the mask pattern - In the limit of geometrical optics, a
delta-function can be obtained for a point source - DICC between the detected shadow-gram and the
diffraction/interference pattern of
multiple-pinholes of the mask for each energy - For ideal detectors with absolute energy
measurement for each photon, a delta-function can
also be obtained for a point source
29DICC image of a point source in X-ray band
1.24 keV
12.4 keV
30Image comparison
1.24 keV
12.4 keV
31SHARP-ASM an instrument concept
Pixel size 5 x 5 (µm)2 Energy resolution 7
eV Energy range 0.2-12 keV Angular resolution lt
1 Location accuracy lt 0.1 FOV 60o x 60o
(with 36 modules) Technical challenge
cooling for such a huge TES array
32SHARP-ASM angular resolution
1.24 keV 0.72
12.4 keV 0.78
33 SHARP comparisons
TES Cooling?
36 modules
HETE-2 SXC (CCD) 0.5-14 keV, 0.91 sr, 3-15