Title: Amnesty
110 Plan
Chapter 12
- Amnesty
- Support 13th Amendment
- Oath of loyalty
Reconstruction and its Effects
2Radical Republicans
- Felt principles were compromised
- Want more extreme action.
- Wade-Davis Bill
- Executive-Legislative battle begins.
Charles Sumner
Thaddeus Stevens
3April 9, 1865
Lee surrenders
War is over
Lincoln hopes nation can heal.
4A Weary President February, 1865
5April 14, 1865
Lincoln's assassinated
John Wilkes Booth
"Sic semper tyrannis!"
Difficulty begins
6Funeral Procession April 19, 1865
Lincoln lying in State 1865
7Andrew Johnson Takes Control
- Improved education
- gthelped farmers
- disliked wealthy farmers.
- Amnesty for most Confederates
- Presidential Reconstruction
813th Amendment
- Slavery is abolished by the Constitution
- Black Codes emerge.
9Freedman's Bureau
- Run by Army
- Distributed necessities to poor whites and former
slaves. - Johnson vetoed bill.
- Radicals Congressional Reconstruction.
101866 Congressional Elections
Johnson and Grant go on speaking tour for
Democratic support gtDisaster Radical
Republicans win control of Congress gtReconstructi
on changes hands
Johnson and Grant 1866
1114th Amendment 1866
Formed basis for Civil Rights Act.
If states ratified amendment, they'd be
readmitted to union.
12and Abe would be P.O.d right about now!
But what youre doin to the South is
Destruction, not Reconstruction!
Go ahead Impeach me
Johnson found "not guilty" by one vote.
131868 Election
Grant's Elected
14Reconstructing Society
More than 40 hospitals 4,000 primary
schools 61 industrial institutes 74 teacher
training institutes All in the South
15th Amendment
15Reconstructing Society
Carpetbaggers Scalawags Out for themselves.
16Freed slaves face challenges
17Senator Hiram Revels
The First African American Senator and
The first African-American Senators and
Representatives to serve in Congress -- all
Republicans (Left to right seated) Senator
Hiram Revels of Mississippi, Representatives
Benjamin Turner of Alabama, Robert DeLarge of
South Carolina, Josiah Walls of Florida,
Jefferson Long of Georgia, (Standing) Joseph
Rainey and Robert Elliott of South Carolina.
18Sharecroppers and Tennant Farmers
Cotton is no longer King South diversifies
19Collapse of Reconstruction
Amnesty Act states regain right to vote powers
Freedman's Bureau allowed to expire... Southern
Democrats gain more power.
20scandals and money problems
- Credit Moblier
- Republican unity shattered
- Whiskey Ring
- Panic of 1873
- Does not seek reelection in 1876
The Grant Years 1869-1877
211876 Election
22According to the cartoon, what was the outcome
of President Hayess Let Em Alone policy?
According to the cartoon, what was the of
President Grants government on the South?