Title: GrowingFinishing Pig Management
1Growing-Finishing Pig Management
2Growing-Finishing Pig Management Outline
- 1. Moving pigs into the GF-Barn
- 2. Feeding GF pigs and daily management
- 3. Health considerations
- 4. Performance objectives/benchmarking
31.1. Moving pigs into the GF barn
- Sort by size and sex
- Leave one or two pens empty
- Check feeders and water nipples
42. Feeding GF Pigs and daily management
52.1 Feeding GF Pigs
- Phase Feeding
- 3 to 5 diets during GF period
- Varies in amino acid and phosphorus content
- Feed according to smallest pigs in group
- If pigs lt 25 kg, include animal protein in diet 1
(i.e. fish meal) - Feed separate diets to barrows and gilts
62.2 Phase Feeding
125 kg
20 kg
72.3 Feeding GF Pigs, cont
- Restrict feed intake in late finishing if
possible - Feed low energy diet to barrows in late finishing
if ad libitum feeding system
82.4 Lean Deposition and Feed Intake
92.5 Dietary Amino Acids conc.
- Calculate amino acids as daily req.
- Diff. Between genotypes
- Use Ideal protein
- Find lysine req.
- If straw bedding, increase AA conc.
102.6 General Feeding Management
- Check feeders and water nipples
- Avoid feed wastage
- Check access for pigs
112.7 Daily Chores in GF barn
- Check pigs
- Get them up and moving
- Move small pigs and sick pigs if necessary
- Treat sick animals
- Check ventilation, heat, humidity
123. Health Consideration
133.1 Importance of Health
- 1 reason for poor performance in GF pigs is
poor health - Resp. Tract diseases most important
- Mycoplasma, Pneumonia, and PRRS
- GI-tract diseases
- Dysentery, ileitis
143.2 High health pigs
- High Health pigs
- SPF pigs
- SEW pigs
- Vaccinated pigs
153.3 If diseases in barn
- Bleed pigs
- Determine if vaccination should be initiated
- Determine if medication program will help
164. Performance Objectives/Benchmarking
174.1 What is important in GF barn
- Feed to gain conversion
- Feed price
- Average daily gain
- Death losses
184.2 What is important in GF barn, cont.
- Record keeping is important
- Set production goals
- Evaluate actual performance
- Check new technologies
194.3 Realistic objectives for performance
- ADG 900 g (From 20 to 120 kg)
- Gain to feed 0.4 (FCR 2.5)
- Mortality lt 2
204.4 How to evaluate performance
- Record all death losses and calculate percent
mortality - Record reasons for mortality
- Follow ADG and ADFI in a few average pens
- Weigh pigs every week
- Measure Feed intake
- Calculate ADG, ADFI, and GF
214.5 Turn around in barn
- From 20 to 120 Kg 100 kg gain
- 900 g ADG 111 days on average
- 111 days 16 weeks
- Add 2 weeks for tailenders cleaning
- Total turnaround 18 weeks
- Yearly turnaround 2.88
224.6 Calculating Capacity
- 1000 head GF barn
- 2.88 turns per year 2880 pigs/year
234.7 Importance of ADG
244.8 Calculating GF Needs
- 600 sow farrow to finish operation
- Biweekly farrowing schedule
- 600 pigs weaned every other week
- One barn constructed per weaning group
254.9 Number of GF barns needed