Title: Uintah Transportation Special Service District
1Alternate Truck Route Study Open House
- Uintah Transportation Special Service District
2We are here.
November 2006 - Study began. Steering Committee
kickoff meeting.
October 2007 Identify Potential Corridors
- January 2008 Comment Evaluation and
Recommendation - Three routes selected for in-depth analysis
- May 7, 2008
- Second Public
- Open House
- Present findings
- Solicit final comments
- May 2007 Traffic
- Analysis Complete
- Utah Department of Transportation Annual
Average Daily Traffic analyzed - Traffic volumes collected and turning
movements studied - Origin and destination study
- Survey of trucking companies conducted
June 23, 2008 Final Recommendation to Uintah
County Commission
- March 27, 2008
- Final Recommendation
- Stakeholders review analysis of routes and
select recommendation.
- November 2007 First Public Open House
- Solicit public comment on possible corridors
Study purpose and timeline
- Uintah Transportation Special Service District
3What we heard from the public
It is very important to preserve a transportation
corridor and protect it from future development
until a roadway can be built. Average
response from 175 people.
- Uintah Transportation Special Service District
4What we heard from the public
- Percentage of Opposition for Routes.
- Uintah Transportation Special Service District
5What we heard from the public
- Percentage of Support for Routes.
- Uintah Transportation Special Service District
6Corridors further analyzed
- Uintah Transportation Special Service District
7Aerial of Recommended Corridor
- Uintah Transportation Special Service District
8Alignment facts
- Uintah Transportation Special Service District
9- Uintah Transportation Special Service District
10Thank you.
Please leave your comment sheets here.
- Uintah Transportation Special Service District