Classroom Procedures - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Classroom Procedures


... should remain neatly stacked in the center of the tables (or clusters of desks) ... No food/drinks will be allowed around computer area. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Classroom Procedures

Classroom Procedures Routines6th Grade
Language Arts
  • EDUC 3308/05 Joanna Ashley
  • March 3, 2005 Alice Garrity
  • Assignment 5 Fanette Hilson

I. Procedures for Beginning Class
  • Roll call
  • The teacher will verify attendance using a
    seating chart immediately after the tardy bell
    rings. Any absences will be recorded in the
    grade book. Students should be quietly working
    on warm-up exercises during this time.
  • Absentees
  • Students who are returning to class after an
    absence should refer to the What Did I Miss?
    binder to obtain any assignments missed. The
    student may ask the teacher for clarification of
    missed coursework at the end of class or after
    completing all of the current days assignments.
  • Tardy Students
  • Students who enter the classroom after the second
    bell are considered tardy. Tardy students should
    quietly enter the classroom, sign the tardy sheet
    on the clipboard located near the entrance, place
    tardy slip in the basket near the clipboard, and
    proceed to assigned seat. Note Students will
    be assigned detention after three (3) successive
    tardies. A parent and/or an administrator will
    be notified if students are excessively tardy.
  • Tardy students may ask for clarification of any
    instructions after all work has been assigned.

I. Procedures for Beginning Class(Continued)
  • Taking Up Distributing Materials
  • In general, textbooks that are used as class sets
    should remain neatly stacked in the center of the
    tables (or clusters of desks).
  • Either the teacher or a designated assistant will
    distribute handouts and other materials by
    placing them in the center of each table or
    cluster of desks.
  • Students should place completed assignments (both
    homework and class work) in the center of the
    table or cluster of desks. An assistant will
    collect the assignments from all groups and place
    them in the bin designated for his/her class.
  • Academic Warm-ups Preparing for Class
  • Upon quietly entering the classroom, students
    will be given a maximum of 5 minutes to sharpen
    pencils (if necessary) and to complete the Daily
    Oral Language (DOL) that the teacher has placed
    on the overhead. After the teacher and students
    have discussed the solutions to the DOL, students
    will be given 2-3 minutes to copy the agenda from
    the whiteboard.

II. Procedures Related to Instructional
  • Student movement in room
  • Students should remain in their seat during
    lectures and testing unless given permission to
    do so otherwise.
  • Students should limit movement around the room
    which would include any of the following
    throwing away trash, sharpening pencils and so
  • Students must have a written pass from teacher to
    leave the classroom. These passes will be
    limited to 3 a week unless a specific problem
    (medical issue, etc.) arises.
  • Signaling for student attention
  • The teacher will raise his/her hand when if not
    getting full attention of students. Students
    will raise hand if they would like to say
    something in the class.
  • If classroom gets unruly, teacher will speak more
    softly and try to get students attention by using
    positive reinforcement.
  • If students are working in groups, the teacher
    will ring bell to signal that the time set aside
    for group work is over.

II. Procedures Related to Instructional
Activities (Continued)
Name Subject/Period Date Assign. Title
  • Heading for Papers
  • The heading for papers will be located in the top
    right hand corner of students papers and will be
    as follows
  • Name
  • Subject/Period
  • Date
  • Assignment Title

II. Procedures Related to Instructional
Activities (Continued)
  • Student Talking
  • Students will be given many opportunities to
    participate in class discussions and smaller
    group discussions as well.
  • Students will raise hand when the whole class is
    having a discussion led by the teacher.
  • No talking is allowed during tests/quizzes.
  • No shouting or raising voices.
  • Activities to do when work is completed
  • Students may read their own books or choose from
    a selection of books that the teacher has
    provided for the students on the classroom

III. Procedures Regarding Room Areas
  • Lab, sink, supply rooms
  • Unless students have special permission from
    teacher, students will not use supply room.
  • Bookshelf/reading relaxing areas
  • Students will be responsible for keeping these
    areas clean. If students take advantage of these
    areas, privileges will be taken away.
  • Computer area
  • Students must keep computer area clean. No
    food/drinks will be allowed around computer area.
    Computer time will be monitored by teacher and
    cannot be used for personal use. Improper use of
    computers will be dealt with according to school

IV. Procedures for Ending Class
  • Putting Away Supplies
  • In general, the teacher or an assistant will have
    already placed textbooks that will be used as
    class sets in the center of the tables (or
    clusters of desks) prior to the first class.
  • Special projects materials (such as markers, glue
    sticks, scissors, etc.) should be returned to the
    supply area by a representative from each group.
  • Students who have borrowed reading materials
    (books, magazines, etc.) are responsible for
    neatly returning them to their designated storage
  • Organizing Materials for the Next Class
  • Approximately 5 minutes before the end of class
    and at the teachers instruction, students should
    dispose of any trash near their seating area and
    push their chairs under the table (or straighten
    the desks in their cluster). A representative
    from each group should make sure that all
    textbooks are neatly stacked in the center of
    their table or cluster of desks.
  • Dismissing Class
  • Students should quietly gather all personal
    belongings and wait for the teacher not the
    bell to dismiss the class.

V. Other Procedures
  • Fire Drill
  • Students should immediately stop what they are
    doing while remaining as calm as possible. The
    teacher will call upon the students by groups to
    quickly and quietly form a single file line
    inside the classroom. Students are to remain
    quiet as they walk in an orderly fashion,
    following the established evacuation route.
  • The teacher will take attendance (or a head
    count) while outside the building and after the
    students have re-entered the classroom.
  • Lockers
  • Students are to visit their lockers in the time
    allotted between classes. If students need to go
    to their lockers during class, they must have the
    teachers permission and a hall pass. Any
    student who goes to his/her locker to retrieve
    materials for this class will also receive a
    demerit for not being prepared for class.
  • Restroom Water Fountain Breaks
  • All students are encouraged to visit the restroom
    and water fountain between classes. Students may
    go to the restroom and/or water fountain during
    class time only in cases of emergency. The
    student must have the teachers permission and a
    hall pass before leaving the room. (Note Only
    one person at a time should be permitted to go to
    the restroom and/or water fountain.)

V. Other Procedures(Continued)
  • Substitute Folder/Procedures
  • In the event of the teachers absence, the
    substitute folder will be located on the
    teachers desk. The folder will contain the
    following information
  • School Map
  • A Thank-You Message
  • Names and Locations of Team Members and
  • Schedule (Teachers Schedule/Bell Schedule)
  • Current Seating Charts (with the names of student
    helpers highlighted for
  • each class)
  • Fire Drill Tornado Drill Procedures
  • Special Duties (i.e. Hall Duty, Bus Duty)
  • Class Conduct and Behavior Evaluation Form
  • Substitute Agreement Transparency (for students
    to copy, sign, and date)
  • Emergency Lesson Plans (Substitutes should follow
    the emergency plans
  • only if there are no specific plans

Other Procedures(Continued)
  • Lunch
  • Prior to going to lunch, the teacher will make a
    mental note of the students who are to wipe the
    cafeteria tables. Students should form a single
    file line inside the classroom and wait for the
    teacher to dismiss them.
  • While in the cafeteria, students are to remain
    seated until dismissed by the teacher.
  • After lunch, students will again form a single
    file line and proceed to the restrooms and water
    fountains. They will then walk back to the
    classroom in a quiet, orderly fashion and
    continue working on their assignments.

Lets have a great year this year!
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