Title: Programming in Matlab
1Programming in Matlab
- The Matlab programming environment
- The Search Path
- startup file example
- m-file scripts and functions
- Flow Control statements
- Function functions
- A simulink example
3The programming environment
- The working directory is controlled by
- gtgt dir
- gtgt cd catalogue
- gtgt pwd
- The matlab search path defines where matlab
searches for m-files - gtgt path
- gtgt addpath
- gtgt pathtool
- gtgt which function
4The programming environment
- Executable m-files are located in the current
working directory or somewhere on the search
path. - The function/variable duality causes Matlab to
search for an identifier according to the scheme - 1. variable in current workspace
- 2. built-in variable
- 3. built-in m-file
- 4. m-file in current directory
- 5. m-file on search path
5The programming language
- Script-files contain Matlab lines just as you
type them inside Matlab
YFACT(N) Factorial n!12...n y prod(1n)
Tip Start with a comment line To type the file
(script of function), do gtgt type fact
6The programming language
- Function m-files have local variables and always
start with function
function yfact(n) YFACT(N) Factorial
n!12...n y prod(1n)
The first consecutive comment rows are displayed
by the command gtgt help fact
7Flow control - selection
- The if-elseif-else construction
if ltrelational expressiongt ltcommandsgt elseif
ltrel. expr.gt ltcommandsgt else ltrel. expr.gt
ltcommandsgt end
8Flow control - selection
- Relational operators , , gt, lt, (and),
(or), (not), xor. - Logical tests isempty, any, all
if isempty(who) disp(Empty workspace) else
who end
9Flow control - selection
- The if-elseif-else construction
function yfact(n) YFACT(N) Factorial
n!12...n if nargin lt 1 error(no input
assigned) elseif n lt 0 error(input must be
non-negative) elseif abs(n-round(n)) gt eps
error(input must be integer) end y prod(1n)
10Flow control - repetition
for kltvectorgt ltstatementsgt end
The commands are executed repeatedly and the
variable k is given each value in the loop-vector
11Flow control - repetition
- Display table of factorials
for k112 disp(num2str(k), ,...
num2str(prod(1k))) end
12Flow control - repetition
- Display table of factorials
function yfact(n) YFACT(N) Factorial
n!12...n y1 for k2n y yn end
13Repetition Animation demo
- Construct a script m-file that saves the movie,
frame by frame, in the variable M
logo dtheta 10 for k 1360/dtheta M(k)
getframe(gcf) camorbit(dtheta,0) end
Note Prior to Matlab 5.3 the movie needs to be
initated by the moviein command
14Animation demo
15Flow Control - Cond. Repetition
while ltcond. statementgt ltstatementsgt end
The commands are executed repeatedly as long as
the conditional statement evaluates to true
16Flow Control - Cond. Repetition
- What is the largest factorial Matlab can compute?
Compare the implementations
k1 While prod(1k)Inf, kk1 end k
for k1100000 if prod(1k)Inf, k, return,
end end
17Flow Control - Cond. Repetition
- Newtons method for solving nonlinear equations
- Solve the equation
18Flow Control - Cond. Repetition
function x,n newton(x0,tol,nmax) X,N
NEWTON(X0,TOL,MAXIT) x x0 n 0 while (n lt
nmax) (abs(x-x0)gttoln0) n n 1 x0
x x x - (exp(-x)-sin(x))/...
(-exp(-x)-cos(x)) end
- gtgt x,nnewton(0,1e-3,10)
19Function functions
- General purpose functions take other m-files as
input, e.g. solution of ODEs. - Several methods are provided in Matlab for
solving ordinary differential equations - gtgt help ode45
- a Runge-Kutta method of medium order for
non-stiff problems
20Example differential equation
General ODE This example is model of an
electronic circuit with a nonlinear vacuum tube,
called van den Pol equation.
21Example differential equation
- Construct an m-file function for the right-hand
side of
function dxdt fvdp(t,x) dxdt fvdp(t,x)
van der Pol equation dxdt x(2,) ...
Solve the ODE in the time span 0lttlt10 gtgt t,x
ode45(fvdp,0,10,20) gtgt plot(t,x) gtgt
22Customize startup
- Create a regular text file with extension .m,
e.g. with the commando - gtgt edit
My startup file addpath(C\MATLABR11\work\proje
ct) disp(Welcome to Matlab)
Save this m-file somewhere on the search path, it
will execute automatically when Matlab is launched
- User added m-files must be stored in the current
directory or on the search path - The functions have local variables while scripts
operate on the global workspace - Flow control is handled by if-statements,
for-loops and while-loops - General purpose functions take other functions as
input argument