Chapter 11 Designing Workflow - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 11 Designing Workflow


Workflow is the way tasks flow through a cycle on their way to getting a job done ... e-mail to supervisor in head office, courier original artwork to ad agency, post ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 11 Designing Workflow

Chapter 11Designing Workflow
What is Workflow?
  • Workflow is the way tasks flow through a cycle on
    their way to getting a job done
  • Workflow is a process that may or may not be
  • When designing workflow, you represent it
    diagrammatically, showing the various tasks
    involved in a project (job)
  • The workflow representation not only illustrates
    all the tasks and players, it also shows where
    your process needs to be simplified before they
    are automated
  • Design your workflow before selecting a workflow

Components of Workflow
  • Roles (players)
  • The people who do the tasks, identified by their
  • Responsibilities (tasks)
  • The steps to complete a particular piece of work
    everything that must get done within a process
  • The tasks for which the players are responsible
  • Processes
  • The flow of tasks, as performed by the various
    players, showing the interactions and
    interdependencies among players
  • The workflows that connect all the people and
    tasks together and define the path that each task
    must take

Benefits of Workflow
  • Good workflow design ensures
  • Departments that should be creating content or
    that should at least know about it are not left
  • Content and all supporting elements (such as
    graphics) are created in the proper order
  • Content is reviewed at the right time, by the
    right people, eliminating reviews and approvals
    that have to be redone if additional changes are
  • Departments are notified when content is
  • Efforts are not duplicated and content is
  • Work is not held up at any given stage of the
  • Content is stored in the right place after it is
    written, reviewed, approved, and delivered

Improve and Simplify Processes
  • Through workflow representation, you can see
    processes as they exist now, then depict them as
    youd like them to be
  • Simplification should always be one of your goals
    when depicting the workflow
  • It is not only critical to depict everything that
    happens, but also what should happen
  • To improve or simplify a process, you analyze and
    change the tasks, then test the process to make
    sure the work will flow properly
  • Tasks may be eliminated or combined, the sequence
    and location where the task is performed may be
    changed, as can the person who performs the tasks

Depicting Workflow
  • The first step in designing workflow is to figure
    out how tasks such as authoring, editing,
    reviewing, approval, publishing, and distribution
    should flow through the organization and what
    should happen if, at any given stage, a task
    cannot be completed as dictated by the workflow
  • Depicting workflow by linear flowchart or a
    swimlane diagram

  • Linear flowchart depict a process from beginning
    to end, often using flowcharting symbols to
    indicate the types of tasks in the process
  • Flowcharting symbols illustrate such things as
    which task is a process, which task is a
    decision, which task is a predefined process,
    which task is a manual operation
  • Instead of flowcharting symbols, you can use
    boxes with clear task description written in them
  • Useful if you want to show all the tasks within a
    process, with a view to simplify them

Swimlane Diagrams
  • Swimlane diagram show process in lanes to
  • Depict tasks that occur concurrently
  • Illustrate who does what, and when
  • Also known as process maps, business process
    maps,LOV (line of visibility) charts, and process
    responsibility maps
  • Show the interdependencies of tasks
  • To design workflow as it will be supported by a
    workflow system, you may want to use a swimlane
  • Show all roles and all tasks, as they relate to
    each other, which is critical in UCS
  • You can still use flowcharts to illustrate where
    you can simplify tasks

Opportunistic Reuse Workflow
Systematic Reuse Workflow
Roles, Responsibilities, and Processes
Roles (Players)
  • A player is any person or group that handles the
    work between the initial event and the
    achievement of the process's results
  • Can be internal staff, external customers, and
    information systems
  • The workflow must accommodate all roles
  • Common players
  • Authors
  • Reviewers
  • Editors
  • Approvers

Workflow and Players
  • The workflow does not tell the players how to do
    their part
  • The workflow tells the players that they have a
    part, what that part is, and when it must be done
  • The workflow must allow for alternatives if
    players are not available when they are required

Depicting Roles
  • In a swimlane diagram, the players are the
    swimmers actually doing the work (tasks) shown in
    the swimlanes
  • Your workflow must depict how all the different
    swimmers collaborate on the different aspects of
    your project in a tightly integrated manner,
    without swimming into other swimmers' lanes
  • Each player is shown on the left side of the
    diagram, beside the lane which they belong in
  • Players are shown by their roles, not by their
    individual names, along with the name of the

Responsibilities (Tasks)
  • A task is a particular series of actions that
    accomplish a particular goal
  • If it must get done, then it is a task and you
    need to show it
  • To determine all the tasks within a workflow, you
    need to talk to the various players about their
    responsibilities, keeping the discussion focused
    on the particular process, not all the activities
    of the players in their departments

Types of Tasks
  • Tasks that add value (work tasks)
  • When value is added to a task, the work is
    changed in some way
  • Written, approved, revised, returned for
    correction, metadata added
  • Tasks that move the work along (transport tasks)
  • Moves the work item from task to task in the
    workflow (does not change the work item)
  • Transport tasks are critical to include because
    they illustrate important parts of the process,
    such as how a work item gets to the next person
  • In a transport task, include information on how
    the work item is transported
  • Ex. Route first draft by e-mail to supervisor in
    head office, courier original artwork to ad
    agency, post to intranet

Types of Tasks (Cont.)
  • Tasks that introduce a delay (wait tasks)
  • When a task introduces a delay, the subsequent
    task cannot proceed until the previous one is
  • Wait for content from marketing before completing
    draft (YES)
  • While waiting for graphics, an author may still
    be able to proceed (NO)
  • A task that introduces a delay may not actually
    do anything to the work item ? instead, pause the
    process temporarily
  • While waiting, the author can do other work, but
    not work that moves this process along
  • It is important to include these types of delays
    because they give you a more accurate depiction
    of how long a process will take

Writing and Depicting Tasks
  • Tasks are shown in the swimlane of the player who
    does the task, with description text depicting
    each task
  • Write task consistently in a verb-noun format
  • Form CP-13 ? Submit graphics request on Form
  • Include "how" information (optionally)
  • Sort graphics requests ? Sort graphics requests
    by due date
  • Use qualifiers to modify the noun
  • Sort graphics requests from marketing by their
    due date
  • Dont write the task by focusing on the result
  • Graphics requests are sorted (NO)

Writing and Depicting Tasks (Cont.)
  • The system can have tasks as well
  • Tasks that are programmed by a system developer
    or integrator and to be included in workflow
  • Ex. Publish content to PDF, post content to the
    web site

Processes (Flow)
  • A process has a start point and an end point
    between which various tasks are performed
  • A process comprises the tasks and
    responsibilities, as performed by various players
  • Workflow must illustrate the entire process from
    beginning to end
  • You need to decide where your process begins,
    where it ends, then start charting everything
    that happens in between

Processes (Flow) (Cont.)
  • Process may start outside the system, but
    automated workflow starts when the system can
    manage a task
  • Include such tasks as "determining project
    requirements" and "holding meetings" (even though
    they are not managed by the system)
  • The automated workflow starts when work begins on
    the action items
  • At which point the process must be managed
    automatically, workflow begins
  • If you include requirement tasks, or tasks that
    are not managed through the system, you should
    indicate where the automated workflow begins
  • The automated tasks form your requirements for
    selecting and configuring a workflow system

Processes (Flow) (Cont.)
  • It may be difficult to determine the end of
  • EX. A web product page is posted to the Web, but
    it is modified over time to remain current
  • Probably make sense to end the workflow when the
    page has been posted. Then create an additional
    workflow that handles the content when it needs
    to be updated, modified, or corrected

Processes (Flow) (Cont.)
  • Typical workflow for UCS
  • New products or services
  • Updates to existing products or services
  • Discontinued products or services
  • Workflow for special situations
  • EX. Emergency notification of changes to the
  • Overall workflow supporting workflow
  • Workflow for writing user documentation, for
    developing collateral and graphics, and for
    creating training materials
  • All the processes are part of an overall project
    and are dependent on each other

Business Requirements Often Govern Workflow
  • Budgets that dictate how much can be spent on any
    given task
  • Hours of work in which tasks can be completed
  • Union job descriptions that govern who can
    perform a certain task and under which conditions
  • Physical location of the company that dictates
    where a task is performed (handoffs and transport
    tasks, translation and localization)
  • Suppliers that your company does business with
    and their particular constraints

Depicting Processes
  • Processes are shown in swimlane diagrams with
    specific start and end points, and with all lanes
    completed with all relevant tasks, including such
    things as handoffs and delays
  • Where a task is performed by two players at the
    same time, write the task in each lane, but draw
    a box around them both to show they are performed
  • Use arrows to connect the flow of tasks and to
    show when they transfer to another role/lane

Review and Approval Workflow
Designing Effective Workflow
  • Need to analysis of players and their tasks, as
    well as identification of patterns and
    interactions, then a documenting of detailed
    tasks, followed by testing

Designing Effective Workflow (Cont.)
  • Determine a starting point for your workflow
  • Usually a process starts with an incoming event
  • New product being made ready for market, or a
    request to update existing documentation
  • Can also be a crisis that you need to response
  • If you include tasks that are not part of the
    automated workflow, indicate where automated
    workflow begins
  • Figure out a logical place for the workflow to
  • Typically when the incoming event has been
    handled satisfactorily
  • In UCS, content must be stored in the repository
    for the event to be considered complete

Designing Effective Workflow (Cont.)
  • Identify all players from the beginning to the
    end of the workflow
  • Identify players by their roles
  • A task should be associated with a role to
    accommodate people moving in and out of jobs

Designing Effective Workflow (Cont.)
  • Sketch the tasks
  • Start by identifying all the tasks that belong to
    each player, including when those tasks are
    waiting for something else to happen, or when
    they are handing off work to someone else
  • You may omit notification in your first
    iteration, but notification must be included
    before your workflow can be considered complete
  • Look for potential bottlenecks that may slow your
    workflow down, such as one player having too many
    tasks at a certain stage, while other players
    wait for those tasks to be done so they can
    contribute theirs
  • Can tasks be delegated to other roles? Can tasks
    be completed concurrently?

Designing Effective Workflow (Cont.)
  • Identify interaction patterns among players and
  • When are players working alone and when are they
    working with others?
  • Who relies on whom or on what information?
  • When there are numerous interactions, there may
    also be bottlenecks
  • Look for potential bottlenecks that may slow your
    workflow down
  • Can you build a alternative?
  • Allocate timeframes for tasks
  • When is each task complete and how much time
    should you allow from the time a task is assigned
    until it is complete?
  • How much leeway should you build into the

Designing Effective Workflow (Cont.)
  • Identify notification patterns
  • Who needs to know what at any given stage of the
  • Identify approval patterns
  • Who is responsible for reviewing work items
    throughout the workflow?
  • Determine all the "what ifs" that may knock your
    workflow off its path
  • What happens if an approver is away?
  • Can work be routed to someone else for approval?
  • What happens to other tasks if a deadline is
  • What if a tool breaks or if content is lost
    somewhere along the way?

Designing Effective Workflow (Cont.)
  • After all roles are identified, tasks are
    sketched, and notification and approval patterns
    are identified, examine your workflow to see
    whether it can be simplified
  • Repeat these steps for all the workflow processes
    you need to support your UCS, for example,
    workflow for new projects, workflow for different
    types of new products, or workflow for updates to
    existing content
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