Title: CollabSpace
1CollabSpace An Advanced Geospatial
Collaboration Environment Nigel Tzeng,
PIJennifer Ockerman, Nathan Koterba, Osbaldo
Cantu Johns Hopkins University - Applied Physics
- Command and Control (C2) is one area of interest
for JHU/APL - Collaboration in C2 can be broken down into
general categories - Geospatial Where are we/them?
- Process How far along in doing X are we?
- Temporal When do we/they get there?
- Identification What are they?
- Decision Making What do we go about X?
3Focus Geospatial Chat
- Geospatial
- Maps
- Planning
- Common Operational Picture
- Maps Symbols
- Chat
- Widely used in C2
- Not Optimized for C2
- Users watching 5-13 chat windows
- Integrated Chat and Geospatial Display
- User Defined Operational Picture (UDOP)
- Users get to pick what they want/need to see
- Geospatial Whiteboarding
- Users get to draw on their UDOP
- Natural Language Processing
- Identification of things of interest in C2 chat
- Highlights important stuff in chat and UDOP
- Can click on chat text to take you to important
5Screen Shots
6Screen Shots
7C2 Enhanced Chat
Tabs contain multiple rooms
Color Indicates Room
List of questions to you. Typing a name as
first string indicates a request. In this
example Fire-1 is asking EOC-0 (the user) to
hook FIRE-2. Click on list item to respond.
Messages to user bolded.
Hyperlinks to objects in World Wind
List of questions youve asked of others.
8Technology Applications
- Command and Control Applications
- Military
- First Responders
- Spacecraft Mission Planning
- Scientific Studies
- Collaboration
- Augmented Cognition
9Commercial Applications/Opportunities
- CollabSpace
- 3D UDOP C2 Enhanced Chat Prototype
- C2 Enhanced Text Chat
- 2006 Study shows increased effectiveness in some
C2 tasks - Collaboration in C2 Research
- JHU/APL spends 1M in C2 Research
10FY08 Enhancements
- Web Based CollabSpace
- Easier Deployment
- Portal Integration - DecisionPoint
- 4-D UDOP
- 4th Dimension is Time
- Cross Domain Collaboration
- FY 2007 Work added some multi-level security
enhancements that will be integrated into
11Contact Information
- For technical information contact
- Nigel Tzeng, Inventor
- 443-778-1464
- nigel.tzeng_at_jhuapl.edu
- For licensing information contact
- Susan Furney, Technology Associate
- Office of Technology Transfer
- The Johns Hopkins University
- Applied Physics Laboratory
- 11100 Johns Hopkins Road
- Laurel, MD 20723
- 443-778-8122
- susan.furney_at_jhuapl.edu
- www.jhuapl.edu/ott