Title: RBT Rotherham Brought Together
1RBT Rotherham Brought Together
2- Background Summary
- RBT contract signature 17 April 2003
- 12-year contract (up to end March 2015)
- Joint Venture company 80.1 ownership with BT,
19.9 Council, Council retains golden share - Staff secondment not TUPE in-sourcing not
out-sourcing - 30m BT investment over 12 years investment
recovery and return at BTs risk 18m invested
to end 2006/07 - 586 staff in scope
- 26m turnover
3- 5 Workstreams
- 1. Operational HR Payroll
- 2. ICT Support
- 3. Revenues Benefits Services
- 4. Procurement
- 5. Rotherham Connect - call centres
- - customer service centres
4- Original Objectives of the Strategic Partnership
- To provide high-quality customer services, when
where required - To provide efficient effective support services
- To allow resources to be targeted to
customer-facing front-office provision - To make the Council more efficient fit for
purpose - To enable technology developments to achieve the
e-Government targets (initially for 2005)
5- Issues to Address by Partnership
- Limited funding options
- Lack of expertise in transformation
- Need for technology improvements (e.g. network)
- Fragmented and duplicated services
- Departmental silo mentality
- Inadequate performance monitoring
- Inconsistent customer services
6- Governance Client Role
- Initially seen as partnership
- Light touch governance
- DAs report first years experience changed
view - RBT more in contractor/supplier role
- Stronger governance required
- Client team required
- Client Team set up (November 2004)
- Client officer for each workstream
- Performance manager
7- Governance - Structure
- Joint Venture Company (RBT Connect Ltd) Board
- Joint CMT/RBT Management Meeting
- Service Review Meeting
- Portfolio Review Boards
- Cabinet Member for Sustainability Innovation
Delegated Powers Meeting - Performance Scrutiny Overview Committee
8- HR Payroll
- Delivered
- Creation of centralised HR and payroll teams
- Introduction of enhanced payroll ICT application
- Introduction of comprehensive intranet
self-service - Winner of Pay Magazines Payroll Excellence in
the Public Sector award
9- ICT
- Delivered
- Significantly enhanced corporate ICT network
infrastructure - Refresh of all PCs in Council in first 3 years
- Standardisation of systems and software
- Introduction of managed desktop printing and
photocopying - Provision of Rotherham Grid for Learning for
10- Procurement
- Delivered
- Creation of centralised best practice purchasing
(BPP) and purchase to pay (P2P) procurement teams - Introduction of e-procurement
- Professional supplier management processes
- Beacon status and other national awards
11- Revenues Benefits
- Delivered
- Transfer of customer facing service to Rotherham
Connect - Successful piloting of home working
- Introduction of enhanced Revenues Benefits ICT
application - Achievement of four star service rating
- Recognition by BFI as best-practice exemplar
12- Rotherham Connect
- Delivered
- Expansion of Central Library contact centre and
creation of Bailey House Revenues Benefits
contact centre - Launch of award-winning Streetpride service
- Successful opening of Civic and Swinton customer
service centres - Significant investment into Siebel CRM system
13Strategic Partnering
- The Issues
- Why do it?
- Do what?
- How?
- Governance?
- Financial model?
- VFM assessment?
- Continuous improvement?
- Staffing issues?
- Cultural issues?
14Shaping the Contract Together
- The 4 Principal Objectives of the Contract
Refresh are - To move from Client Contractor Relationship to
Partnership - To improve Value-for-Money
- To provide a platform for the delivery of 3rd
Party Trading Shared Services - To meet Budget targets
15Contract Negotiation Desired OutcomesImproved
governance arrangements levels of
trustImproved transparency of financial
statements Simplified contractual financial
arrangementsDelivery of improved benefits from
BT 30m investment
16Contract Negotiation Desired OutcomesDefinitio
n of RBT role in developing delivering shared
servicesCosts reductions, efficiency gains,
improved VFMReduction in need for change
requestsReview of contract period
17Contract Negotiation Desired OutcomesImproving
performance as measured by KPIsRe-definition
of balance of riskEnhanced stakeholder
Contract Element 5
Contract Element 4
VFM Gain
Contract Element 3
Contract Element 2
Contract Element 1
19The Alternative
- Terminating the Contract Altogether
- Incurs termination penalties other costs
- Loss of capacity (e.g. re shared services
procurement) - Get freedom from the constraints of Partnership
20The Process Moving Forward
- Package 1
- Secures Partnership
- Eliminates Termination for Convenience option
- (not termination for default or performance,
which are strengthened) - Packages 2 and on
- Drive out Improved Outcomes
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23RBT Rotherham Brought Together