Title: Diapositiva 1
1Module 10. Practice policies, case studies and
participation in decision making
Environmental policies Case studies examples of
multicriteria application Participation in
decision making
2Environmental policies
- Emission control in USA previous to 1975 command
and control setting, for each source of
emissions, a maximum emission limit, based on a
favoured control technology. In critical zones,
favoured control technology was mandated by
authority - EPAs reform (Clean Air Act) tradeable emission
permits (sets a general cap on total emissions
allowes for inter-sources emssions
compensations) much wider range of choice if
polluting less than permitted, emission
reduction credits (ERC) are granted. ERC can
either can be used at other source of emission of
the company, or sold in a market company can
choose between reducing emissions (improve
technology) or buy from others a single market
could not becreated - Later, government applies emissions trading
programme to lead in gasoline Ozone-depleting
chemicals acid rain (penalty of 2.000 per
extra unjustified ton emitted) - 2.24 withhold
of permits into an auction - trading occurs
through private transactions as well. Great SO2
reductions achieved - 1994, LA RECLAIM (sets a general cap of
emissions, reduced by 5-8 each year) in 4
years, trading prices increased from 24 ton NOx
to 1529 and from 13 per ton of SOx to 960 - Emission trading under the Kyoto Protocol could
work this way as well.
3Case studies examples of multicriteria
Multicriteria sets of evaluation criteria are
combined with alternative options and then
compared Cinque Terre National Park Criteria
(goals) 1 dry stone walls conservation
(environmental/cultural/social criterium) 2
minimize fertylizer use (environmental
criterium) 3 max. wine selling revenue
(economic-monetary criterium) 4 produce good
quality wine -biological- (environmental
criterium) Alternatives only dry stone wall
restoration traditional manual
agriculture improved manual agriculture mechan
ized biological agriculture mechanized
intensive agriculture Methodology Set targets
(quantify satisfactory level) for each goal.
For each alternative, measure distancefrom
target achievement (goal 1to 4) Sum distances
(distance goal 1 distance goal 2 goal
4) Compare alternatives Variation 1 set a
value of importance for each criterium
(weights) Variation 2 ask different
stakeholders to express its set of weights find
optimal (satisficing) alternative for each
stakeholder stakeholders park auth, local
people, farmers, hobby farmers, ecologists...
4Case studies examples of multicriteria
NAIADE - Diafanis social multicriteria
evaluation Weights are not given - because giving
weights supposes strong comparability of
values weak comparability criterium1 of
alternative1 compared with criterium1 of
alternative2 criterium2 of alternative1
compared with criterium2 of alternative2 that
is, criteria are never summed together within the
same alternative and then compared once with the
other alternative, rather, different comparisons
are made for each criterium Institutional
analysis to measure distance between interests of
different stakeholders participating in the
5Practice from the peoples side
Not public nor private the Commons The
conventional economist faith in Hardins mistake
the tragedy of the Commons The
reality Differentiation strategy (as a parallel
with monetary investment) diversify economic
system between monetary based and
life/socio-ecological based Redefinition of
progress from unilinear progress towards market
growth to dynamic progress towards a balance of
market economy and life (human social ecological)