Title: Overview of Operation Health Protection: Activities to Date
1Overview of Operation Health Protection
Activities to Date
- alPHa All-Members Meeting
- April 22nd , 2005
2Operation Health Protection
- In June 2004, the Minister released Operation
Health Protection An Action - Plan to Prevent Threats to Our Health and to
Promote a Healthy Ontario - Vision A revitalized system that supports the
health of Ontarians, through - concerted action to prevent disease and protect
against known and emerging - diseases.
- Strategic Priorities
- Creation of a Health Protection and Promotion
Agency - Health Emergency Management
- Infection Control and Communicable Disease
Capacity - Infrastructure for Health System Preparedness
- Health Human Resources
- Public Health Renewal
3Health Protection and Promotion Agency
- Goal
- Creation of a new Health Protection and
Promotion Agency that will promote and protect
the health of Ontarians, provide laboratory and
epidemiological services, as well as translate
research and information into practical
assistance, tools, advice and support to
Ontarios health care providers. - Activities to Date
- Cross-jurisdictional review of other Public
Health Agency models - Agency Implementation Task Force struck two
meetings held to date
4Health Protection and Promotion Agency (Contd)
- Agency Implementation Task Force Next Steps
- Roundtables Infectious Diseases Health
Promotion, Chronic Diseases and Injury
Prevention Environmental Health Spring 2005 - Interim Report Summer 2005
- Examining options for interim governing body in
2005 - Laboratory Review
- RFP issued
- Contract awarded
- Results of review in summer 2005
5Methodology Inputs for Agency Development
Reference Panel
INTERIM REPORT End of June 2005
Implementation Planning
Round Tables
Commissioned Research
6Agency Development Overview of Workplan
Governance and Core Functions March June 2005
Interim Report (June)
Interim Board Leadership (December)
Implementation Planning July Nov 2005
Implementation planning activity will be
guided by and dependent on the proposed roles and
responsibilities of the Interim Board and CEO
7Health Emergency Management
- Goal
- Strengthening of Health Emergency Management
to ensure that Ontario has the capacity to
respond effectively to health emergencies. - Activities to Date
- Creation of the Emergency Management Unit
- Formation of the Emergency Medical Assistance
Team (EMAT) - Release of the Ontario Health Pandemic Influenza
Plan (OHPIP) - Completion of MOHLTC Emergency Response Plan
- Hospital Emergency Preparedness Initiative
8Infection Control Communicable Disease Capacity
- Goal
- Enhance Ontarios capacity to prevent, manage
and respond to existing and emerging infectious
diseases, as well as future outbreaks. - Activities to Date
- Provincial Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee
established in summer 2004 - Three sub-committees fully functional each has
established work priorities for the next 6 months
- Fourth sub-committee to be established within
coming months Communicable Diseases
9Infection Control Communicable Disease
Capacity (Contd)
- Regional Networks
- Implementation of 4 initial networks underway
Southeastern Ontario (Kingston), Champlain
(Ottawa), Hamilton/Niagara and Northwestern
Ontario - Guiding principles for network development
implementation are being developed by PIDAC
working group including standard job
descriptions, terms of reference and MOUs - Infrastructure components now being put into
place in each of the 4 regions - Network Coordinator
- Medical Lead
- Network Steering Committee
- Each network will be required to conduct an
inventory of Infectious Diseases/Infection
Control resources (human, education,
standards/guidelines, etc.) within the region for
acute, LTC and community based care
10Infection Control Communicable Disease
Capacity (Contd)
- Infection Control Training
- Steering Committee struck to assist the Ministry
with development and implementation of an
initiative to deliver infection control core
competency education to front-line healthcare
workers. Membership includes key stakeholder
associations- CHICA-Canada, OHA, OMA, RNAO, LTC
(for and not-for profit), OPHA - Core competency content being developed by a
working group of the Steering Committee work is
well underway - Ultimate audience for the education is all
front-line healthcare workers to be implemented
in a phased manner, targeting different portions
of the health sector (acute, LTC, community) as
each phase moves forward - The first training tool (s) e-learning-based
scheduled to be piloted in a number of acute care
facilities late spring/early summer of 2005
11Infrastructure for Health System Preparedness
- Goal
- Modernize Ontarios processes for collecting
and analyzing information related to infectious
diseases, and of delivering timely information to
healthcare providers and to the public as
required. - Activities to Date
- Public Health e-Health Council established
- Participation in Canada Health Infoways
Surveillance Steering Committee - Public Health Communications Portal
- Integrated Public Health Information System
(iPHIS) for Communicable Disease reporting and
case/contact management
12Health Human Resources
- Goal
- Create a made-for-Ontario health human
resources strategy to support the rebuilding of
public health capacity and to ensure appropriate
surge capacity in an emergency across all health
sectors. - Activities to Date
- Ministrys Health Human Resources Strategy is
under development for example, cancer area has
been developed - Recommendations for public health human resources
have been integrated into the terms of reference
for the Capacity Review Committee
13Public Health Renewal Increased Independence of
- Goal
- Increase the independence of the Chief
Medical Officer of Health (CMOH). - Activities to Date
- Bill 124 to increase in the independence of the
CMOH was introduced in the House on October 14th,
2004 - The Bill received Royal Assent on December 16th,
14Public Health Renewal System Enhancement
- Goals
- Rebuild public health capacity within the
province and enhance public health leadership and
accountability. - Improve system collaboration and partnerships
between public health and other parts of the
healthcare system. - Activities to Date
- Capacity Review Committee (CRC) struck January
2005 - Developmental work has been undertaken on a
Public Health Performance Report - The provincial funding share for public health
has increased to 55 as of January 1st, 2005