Protecting the Rights and Welfare of Human Research Participants - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Protecting the Rights and Welfare of Human Research Participants


Parental permission should not override a child's objections ... Detailed in the IRB Guidelines based on federal regulations, FWA terms and NDSU policy. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Protecting the Rights and Welfare of Human Research Participants

Protecting the Rights and Welfare of Human
Research Participants
NDSU Institutional Review Board Teri Grosz,
Who is a research participant?What
protections are we talking about?
Why protect participants?
  • Right thing to do
  • Preserves integrity of research project
  • Fosters public support of research
  • For the public good
  • Federal law, state law, NDSU policy

Human subjects research
  • If a project/activity involves both
  • human subjects/participants
  • and
  • research
  • gtgtgtthese policies apply to the activity

Human subject Research participant
  • -An individual, about whom, a researcher gathers,
    collects, or obtains data or information for the
    purposes of contributing to generalizable

Some examples
  • Gathering or collecting data by
  • Surveys, interview, focus group, testing
  • Sensory evaluation, clinical tests
  • Use of academic, or other private records
  • Human biological specimens
  • Observation of people
  • Use of existing data, documents, records or

  • Systematic investigation, including research
    development, testing and evaluation, designed to
    develop or contribute to generalizable
  • An intent to draw conclusions beyond the specific
    instances being studied, inform policy, or
    generalize findings
  • Usually a broad dissemination of the results is
    planned (ie, publication, presentation,
    dissertation, etc.)

If a project will be done solely for
  • Course assignment
  • Evaluation of a program (no intent to disseminate
    or generalize)
  • Quality improvement
  • gtgtgtis not research (per this policy), BUT

Dual-use Projects
  • Even if research is a secondary goal, these
    policies apply to the project
  • IRB review is required before the
    activity/project starts

Research subjects have a right to
  • equitable recruitment
  • complete understanding of the research
  • a free choice
  • quit participating at any time
  • respect for their privacy
  • respect for confidentiality of their info
  • be informed of all potential risks
  • ask questions or voice concerns

How to protect participants?Multiple roles
  • Institutiongtgt Ensure a functional program,
    educate research community, provide sufficient
    resources, maintain federal assurances
  • Researchergtgt Design study to minimize risks,
    conduct study per approved protocol
  • IRB gtgt Review proposed research, monitor ongoing
    research, address complaints, report
  • Sponsorgtgt Verify IRB review of funded research
  • OHRP/FDAgtgtOversee IRBs and institutions

Research subjects have a right to
  • equitable recruitment
  • complete understanding of the research
  • a free choice
  • quit participating at any time
  • respect for their privacy
  • respect for confidentiality of their info
  • be informed of all potential risks
  • ask questions or voice concerns

Equitable recruitment
  • Equal share of burdens and benefits
  • Belmont principle of justice
  • In the past, some high-risk research projects
    singled out only vulnerable, dis-enfranchised

Vulnerable populations(vulnerable to coersion or
undue inducement)
  • Children
  • Prisoners
  • Pregnant women, fetus, neonates
  • Cognitively impaired
  • Economically disadvantaged
  • Educationally disadvantaged

Research involving children
  • In ND, under 18 yrs of age
  • Requires parent/guardian permission, and
    child/youth assent (7 yrs )
  • Parental permission should not override a childs
  • Some college students may be under 18 yrs of age
    parent/guardian permission required

Research involving prisoners
  • Now very restricted after reports of abuse of
    prisoners in dermatological research
  • Prison is a limited choice environment
  • May only be involved with research that studies
    the prison environment or criminal behavior

Other vulnerable groups
  • Pregnant women, fetus, neonates
  • Cognitively impaired
  • Economically disadvantaged
  • Educationally disadvantaged

Research subjects have a right to
  • equitable recruitment
  • complete understanding of the research
  • a free choice
  • quit participating at any time
  • respect for their privacy
  • respect for confidentiality of their info
  • be informed of all potential risks
  • ask questions or voice concerns

Complete understanding of the research
  • Full information of purpose, procedures, etc.
  • Appropriate reading level, language, format
  • All elements of informed consent
  • Sometimes a legal representative

What should participants be told?
  • Project involves research
  • Purposes of the research
  • Procedures to be followed, identifying any
  • Participation is voluntary
  • Any alternatives available
  • Description of risks, benefits
  • Description of confidentiality procedures
  • Contact for questions, concerns

Informed Consent various formats
  • Oral presentation
  • Handout
  • On-screen view
  • Form that requires a signature

Sometimes consent may be waived
  • Regulations allow for limited use
  • Waiver of signature requirement
  • Waiver of some or all elements of IC
  • Must meet specific conditions and receive
    approval by IRB

Research subjects have a right to
  • equitable recruitment
  • complete understanding of the research
  • a free choice
  • quit participating at any time
  • respect for their privacy
  • respect for confidentiality of their info
  • be informed of all potential risks
  • ask questions or voice concerns

Research subjects have a right to
  • equitable recruitment
  • complete understanding of the research
  • a free choice
  • quit participating at any time
  • respect for their privacy
  • respect for confidentiality of their info
  • be informed of all potential risks
  • ask questions or voice concerns

A free choice
  • Non-coercive invitation
  • Sufficient time to consider their decision
  • Choice will not affect other benefits
  • Cannot be made to waive their rights, or release
    institution from liability
  • Dual relationships can be a problem

Research subjects have a right to
  • equitable recruitment
  • complete understanding of the research
  • a free choice
  • quit participating at any time
  • respect for their privacy
  • respect for confidentiality of their info
  • be informed of all potential risks
  • ask questions or voice concerns

Respect for privacy
  • Type of information being requested, sensitive
    nature, etc. Setting of research procedures
    public or private
  • Private information (medical, academic, etc.)

Research subjects have a right to
  • equitable recruitment
  • complete understanding of the research
  • a free choice
  • quit participating at any time
  • respect for their privacy
  • respect for confidentiality of their info
  • be informed of all potential risks
  • ask questions or voice concerns

Respect for confidentiality of their information
  • Secure data safeguarding procedures
  • Limit collection of identifiable information, if
  • Limit use of data to what subjects have agreed to
    (dont share unless allowed by subjects)
  • Sometimes research goal is to publish identifiers
    or names (ie, oral history)

Data safeguarding procedures
  • Must minimize potential for a breach of
    confidentiality of data
  • Use a coded or numbered list that is kept
    separate from raw data
  • Limit access to raw data (physical, and
    electronic security procedures)
  • Remove identifiers at earliest opportunity

To protect subjects, consider
  • How will the data be recorded?
  • Names, links to coded identifiers
  • Anonymous collection collection involves no
    names, codes, or other links, or other
    information that can ID a person
  • How will the results be reported?
  • Summary form only, no individual results or names
  • Individual names and data reported

Research subjects have a right to
  • equitable recruitment
  • complete understanding of the research
  • a free choice
  • quit participating at any time
  • respect for their privacy
  • respect for confidentiality of their info
  • be informed of all potential risks
  • ask questions or voice concerns

  • Potential risks of harm
  • Physical
  • Psychological
  • Sociological
  • Economic
  • Legal
  • Could disclosure (inadvertent breach of
    confidentiality) of individual research data
    place subjects at risk of criminal or civil
    liability, or be damaging to their financial
    standing, employability, or reputation?

Physical Risks
  • Injury during exercise
  • Skin reaction to topical ointment
  • Allergic reaction to a food ingredient
  • Adverse side effect to a drug dose

Psychological Risks
  • Topic of study may bring up previously
    un-addressed issues
  • Negative perception of self
  • Emotional suffering (anxiety, shame)
  • Aberrations of thought or behavior
  • Anger, guilt
  • Distress, fear (upon learning of a diagnosis)

Social Risks
  • Negative effects on interactions or relationships
    with others
  • Social stigmatization

Economic Risks
  • Imposition of financial costs
  • Loss of health insurance
  • Loss of employment

Legal risks
  • Illegal activities
  • Under-age drinking
  • Theft, abuse, assault, etc.

Possible risks of harm
  • Likelihood (probability)
  • Severity (magnitude)
  • gtgtStudy design should reduce the likelihood and
    reduce the magnitude of harms
  • gtgtConsent document should fully disclose any
    potential risks of harm or discomfort

Minimize risk of harms to subjects
  • Study is well designed
  • Drugs, devices, or other instruments/testing
    devices are FDA approved, or FDA has approved
    study use
  • Researchers are qualified to conduct the study,
    and handle any immediate adverse event
  • Participants will be provided with counseling
    referrals (if applicable)
  • Collect data in an anonymous fashion (no
    information that could potentially identify a
    subject is collected at any time in the study)
  • Have robust confidentiality procedures in place
    (especially for sensitive and identifiable data)

  • Maximize potential benefits of research
  • Design study to yield useful and valid results
    that will contribute to generalizable knowledge
    in the field.
  • Provide participants with feedback about analysis
    of their individual information (if possible).
  • Provide participants with an increased knowledge
    of a particular topic, or an increased awareness
    of their traits, habits, or behaviors.
  • Provide subjects with an understanding of
    research participation and how research is

Research subjects have a right to
  • equitable recruitment
  • complete understanding of the research
  • a free choice
  • quit participation at any time
  • respect for their privacy
  • respect for confidentiality of their info
  • be informed of all potential risks
  • ask questions or voice concerns

Ask questions, voice concerns
  • Ask before or during participation
  • Ask anytime after participation
  • Researcher study-related, injury, AE
  • IRB research subjects rights, concerns, etc.

What are NDSUs requirements for conducting human
subjects research?
  • Detailed in the IRB Guidelines based on federal
    regulations, FWA terms and NDSU policy.
  • Obtain prospective review and approval of the
    project from the IRB.
  • Conduct project according to approved protocol,
    following Belmont principles.
  • Report to the IRB any adverse events, problems,
    or other events that place participants at risk
    of harm.
  • Make changes to the protocol only with
    prospective review and approval of the IRB.
  • Submit continuing review/completion reports to
    the IRB (if applicable) on an annual basis.

How to obtain IRB approval of your project
  • Prepare a protocol
  • Submit to the IRB for review
  • Receive notification of approval (or revisions
  • Begin research procedures after approved

IRB Protocol includes
  • Protocol form (example on website)
  • Other attachments
  • Informed consent document (oral script, handout,
    cover letter, or signed)
  • List of survey/interview questions (if
  • Permission letter from cooperating group (if
  • Recruitment ad (copy, or oral script, if
  • Grant/contract agreement, if applicable

Protocol review procedure varies with risk level
of the project
  • Exempt categories of research little or no
    risk of possible harm to subjects, 6 permissible
  • Expedited review some risk of harm is
    possible, 9 permissible categories
  • Full Board review greater risk of harm,
    and/or involves a vulnerable participant group
  • Protocol form provides guidance for what level of
    review is required for the research project.

What criteria does the IRB use to approve
  • Risks to subjects are minimized
  • Risks are reasonable in relation to benefits
  • Selection of subjects is equitable
  • Informed consent will be sought
  • Informed consent will be documented
  • Research will be monitored to ensure safety, as
  • Privacy will be protected, and confidentiality of
    data maintained, as applicable
  • Additional safeguards are in place for subjects
    vulnerable to coercion or undue influence

Later on, you may also need IRB approval for
  • Changes to the protocol, like
  • Additional investigators
  • Additional study procedures
  • A change in the participant group
  • A change in recruitment procedures
  • Additional information collected from subjects
  • Continuation of the project beyond 1 year

Reporting Requirements(Researcher gtgtgt IRB)
  • Research-related injuries
  • Adverse reactions or events
  • Problems/complaints from participants
  • Breach of confidentiality of sensitive data
  • Other unanticipated problems involving risks to
    subjects or others

Reporting requirements(IRB gtgtgtOHRP,
institutional officials, funding agency, other
  • Suspension or termination of study approval
  • Unanticipated event involving risks to subjects
    or others
  • Serious or continuing noncompliance with federal
    regulations and/or IRB directives
  • Conducting research (non-exempt) without IRB

The Protection of Human Research Participants is
a Shared Responsibility
  • Research Team principal investigator,
    co-investigator, key personnel
  • IRB chair, members, staff
  • Institution Institutional Official, leadership
  • Sponsor agency, or company
  • Federal agencies - OHRP, FDA

NDSU IRB Members, 2007
  • Bob Sylvester, Chair, College of Pharmacy
  • Joe Mike Jones, Vice Chair, College of Business
  • Wolfgang Teder-Salejarvi, College of Science
  • Joel Hektner, College of Human Development
  • Nicholas Bauroth, College of Arts, Humanities
    Social Sciences
  • Julie Garden-Robinson, Extension Service, Food
  • Paul Ode, College of Agriculture
  • Dennis Cooley, ethicist, College of Arts,
    Humanities Social Sci.
  • Rhonda Magel, Dept. of Statistics, College of
    Science Math
  • Magdy Abdelrahman, Dept. of Civil
  • Don Matthees, MD, Innovis Hospital
  • Pastor Julie Tweit, Boulger Funeral Home
  • Adam Tyma, Graduate student rep
  • Daniel Eiler, Undergraduate student rep

NDSU IRB website
  • Basic information
  • Current protocol forms
  • Guidelines
  • Meeting schedule
  • Membership list
  • Links to online training, federal OHRP site,
    other information

Different Types of Research involving Human
  • Research on regular and special education
    instructional strategies, effectiveness of
    instructional techniques, curricula, or classroom
    management methods

Research involving the use of educational tests,
surveys, interviews, focus groups, oral histories
Observation of public behavior
Research involving medical records, academic
records, other documents, or datasets
Research involving human biological tissues,
  • Taste and food quality evaluations, consumer
    acceptance studies

Exercise studies, muscular strength
testing, flexibility testing
Collection of data from voice, video, digital,
or image recordings
Collection of data using non-invasive procedures
routinely used in clinical practice
Research on individual or group characteristics
or behavior (ie, perception, cognition, language,
communication, cultural beliefs, social behavior)
Clinical studies of drugs, medical devices,food
additives, cosmetics, electronic products also
require approval by the FDA
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