Title: Searches for the Higgs Boson
1- Searches for the Higgs Boson
- Matthew Herndon, University of Wisconsin Madison
- 34th International Conference on High Energy
2Searches for the Higgs Boson
- Introduction
- Tools of the Trade
- BSM Higgs Searches
- SM Higgs Searches
- LHC Potential
- Conclusions
3Electroweak Symmetry Breaking
- Consider the Electromagnetic and the Weak Forces
- Coupling at low energy EM ?, Weak ?/(MW,Z)2
- Fundamental difference in the coupling strengths
at low energy, but apparently governed by the
same dimensionless constant - Difference due to the massive nature of the W and
Z bosons - SM postulates a mechanism of electroweak symmetry
breaking via the Higgs mechanism - Results in massive vector bosons and mass terms
for the fermions - Directly testable by searching for the Higgs boson
A primary goal of the Tevatron and LHC
4Electroweak Constraints
- Higgs couples strongly to massive particles
- Introduces corrections to W and top masses -
sensitivity Higgs mass
SM LEP Direct search mH gt 114GeV SM indirect
constraint mH lt 160GeV
We know where to look
SUSY Higgs looks interesting
5Colliders and Experiments
- Tevatron 2TeV pp collider - general purpose
detectors CDF, D0 - LHC 14TeV pp collider - general purpose
detectors ATLAS, CMS
- Excellent lepton Id
- Good to excellent calorimeters for jet and MET
reconstruction - Excellent silicon detectors for b jet
identification - Potential for Higgs discovery in dedicated B
physics experiments - Babar, Belle, LHCB
Tevatron results in this talk
Tevatron SM Higgs mass exclusion and perhaps
LHC Observation over full mass range. Study
Higgs properties
6Tools Triggers
- Triggers Extract handful of Higgs events from a
total background 10-11 orders of magnitudes larger
- Primary triggers High pT?e and ?
- Dedicated Z triggers
- JetMET triggers modes with no charged leptons
- CDF JetMET triggers supplement lepton triggers
for gaps in coverage - Dedicated ? triggers
- trackMETCal Energy
7Tools Lepton Id
- Dedicated lepton detectors for e/?
- Improvements in lepton Id
- DØ excellent muon acceptance with OR of all muon
detectors/triggers - CDF Supplements detector gaps with use of
isolated tracks - CDF/DØ applying ? Id in both SM and beyond the SM
Higgs searches - Lepton types well understood from large
calibration samples
Maximizing Higgs acceptance
8Tools b quark jets
- b jet tagging?
- DØ NN tagger with several operating points
- CDF Secondary Vertex tagger, jet probability
tagger, and NN flavor separators - 50-70 Efficient with 0.3-5 mistag rate
- Improvements in jet energy(dijet mass) resolution
- H1 algorithm and NN based corrections
9Tools Backgrounds
- Every SM process is a background to Higgs
- Discovery analyses
- WW, WZ, ZZ, single top, and even top pairs
- Total and differential cross section
measurements - QCD dijets, Wb, Wc, Zb
- Critical to Higgs
- Constrain background predictions
- Testing ground for tools and techniques
- Control regions
Higgs search built on a foundation of the entire
collider physics program
10BSM Higgs
- Many Beyond the Standard Model Higgs
Possibilities - SUSY Higgs tan? enhanced couplings to b quarks
and tau leptons - h, H, A, H, H- or alternative models with doubly
charged Higgs - Fermiophobic Higgs with enhanced couplings to W
bosons or photons
f0 h/H/A
Observable at Tevatron or LHC
11BSM Higgs ??bb
- 3b channel b??bbb.
- Di-b-jet background too large in ??bb channel
- Search for peak in di-b-jet mass distribution of
leading jets - Key issue understanding the quark content of the
3 jets - CDF Secondary vertex tagger and vertex mass
- D0 NN tagger
- Background Simulation and data driven studies
- No Evidence for SUSY Higgs
- Limits tan? vs mA
- 3b search very sensitive with certain SUSY
parameter choices
12BSM Higgs ????
- ???? and b??b?? channels
- ?? pure enough for direct production search
- DØ adds associated production search b??b??
- Key issue understanding ? Id efficiency
- Large calibration samples W for Id optimization
and Z for confirmation of Id efficiency
- No Evidence for SUSY Higgs
- Limits tan? vs mA
- ???? generally sensitive at high tan?
13Other BSM Higgs Searches
- Fermiophobic Higgs
- Scenarios where Higgs coupling to fermions is
small - DØ H??? (also SM search)
- At lower mass large BR(H???) and order magnitude
100fb cross section - Key issue understanding QCD background uses
excellent calorimeter
- WH?WWW (also SM), charged Higgs, decays to and
from top
14SM Higgs Production and Decay
- High mass H?WW?l?l? decay available
- Take advantage of large gg?H production cross
section - Low Mass H?bb background dominates
- Use associated production with W or Z for
background discrimination - WH?l?bb, ZH???bb (METbb), ZH?llbb
- Also VBF Production, VH?qqbb, H???(with 2jets),
H???, WH-gtWWW, ttH
15Wheres the Beef Higgs
Macroscopic Higgs Event Counts
16SM Higgs ZH?llbb
- ZH?llbb - signature two leptons and b jets
- Backgrounds Z b jets
- Key issue Maximize lepton acceptance and b
tagging efficiency - Innovations CDF/DØ Extensive use of loose b
tagging - CDF Use of isolated tracks and
calorimeter only electrons - Use of MET to correct jet energies,
New ME analysis - DØ XXX
Results at mH 115GeV 95CL Limits/SM
Analysis Lum (fb-1) Higgs Events Exp. Limit Obs. Limit
CDF NN 2.4 XXX 11.8 11.6
CDF ME(120) 2.0 XXX 15.2 11.8
17SM Higgs VH?METbb
- ZH???bb, WH?l?bb(l not detected) - signature MET
and b jets - Backgrounds QCD b jets and mistagged light quark
jets - Key issue Building a model of the QCD background
- Shape from 0 and 1 tag data samples with tag and
mistag rates applied - Innovations CDF/DØ Use of track missing pT to
define control regions and - suppress backgrounds, CDF Uses of H1 Jet
Results at mH 115GeV
Analysis Lum (fb-1) Higgs Events Exp. Limit Obs. Limit
CDF NN 2.1 7.3 6.3 7.9
DØ BDT 2.1 3.7 8.4 7.5
18SM Higgs WH?l?bb
- WH?l?bb - signature high pT lepton, MET and b
jets - Backgrounds Wbb, Wqq(mistagged), single top,
Non W(QCD) - Key issue estimating Wbb background
- Shape from MC with normalization from control
regions - Innovations CDF leptons Id with isolated
tracks, ME search with NN jet corrections - DØ dedicated WH???bb search
Results at mH 115GeV
Analysis Lum (fb-1) Higgs Events Exp. Limit Obs. Limit
CDF NN 2.7 8.3 5.8 5.0
CDF MEBDT 2.7 8.3 5.6 5.7
DØ WH???bb 2.X XX XX XX
19SM Higgs H?WW
- H?WW?l?l? - signature Two high pT leptons
- Backgrounds WW and top in 2 jet bin
- Key issue Maximizing lepton acceptance
- Innovations CDF/DØ Combination of ME and NN
approaches - CDF Inclusion of acceptance from VH and VBF
in 1 and 2 jet bins
Spin correlation Charged leptons go in the same
Results at mH 160GeV
Analysis Lum (fb-1) Higgs Events Exp. Limit Obs. Limit
CDF MENN 3.0 16.6 1.8 1.7
DØ MENN 2.X XXX 2.3 2.3
20Other SM Higgs Searches
- CDF and DØ implement searches in every viable
mode - CDF/DØ WH?WWW same sign leptons
- Adds sensitivity at high and middle masses. Also
Fermiophobic Higgs search - CDF VH?qqbb 4 Jet mode.
- CDF H??? with 2jets
- Simultaneous search for Higgs in VH, VBF and gg?H
production modes - Interesting bench mark for LHC
- DØ H? ??
- Also model independent and fermiophobic search
- DØ ttH
- Rest of slide devoted to this since its new
Analysis Exp. Limit
CDF VH?qqbb 37
CDF H??? 25
DØ H??? 23
21SM Higgs Limits
- Display of all CDF and D0 expected limits on one
plot! - Combination group is working on this
- Limits calculating and combination
- Using Bayesian and CLs methodologies.
- Incorporate systematic uncertainties using
pseudo-experiments - Backgrounds can be constrained in the fit
22SM Higgs Combination
23LHC Prospects
- Three LHC slides
- Will design them based on the parallel session
- Emphasis not placed on H?WW?l?l?
- The Higgs boson search is in its most exciting
era ever - The Tevatron experiments have achieved
sensitivity to the SM Higgs boson production
cross section - In addition there is strong sensitivity to beyond
the SM Higgs - With the advent of the LHC we will have the
potential to observe the Higgs boson and study
its properties. - For the first time since the end of LEP we have
direct information on the SM Higgs mass
SM Higgs Excluded mH 160-170GeV
I hope!