Title: Explaining BroadBand Neighbourhood
1ExplainingBroadBand Neighbourhood Tim
JohnsonJulian Herbert Point Topic June 2005
2Introducing Point Topic(www.point-topic.com)
- Mission to provide the facts about broadband
communications services worldwide - Free access to high level analysis, up-to-date
statistics and outline profiles for all - Subscriber services covering
- Operator Source statistics and profiles of all
the worlds leading broadband operators - Broadband Money Makers service profiles and
markets for broadband value-added services - BroadBand UK market facts, detailed area
estimates, BroadBand User Survey business and
residential field research
3Mapping broadband neighbourhoods
- The potential value of neighbourhood estimates
- How Point Topic has done it for the UK
- Some results for illustration
- Accessing the BroadBand Neighbourhood product
4There is a digital divide across Europe
Broadband numbersare readily available at
country level
5Data by smaller areasis harder to find
(Broadband lines bydigital exchange areain
England Wales)
6BroadBand Neighbourhood meets the need for local
- A set of deliverables providing estimates of
Internet and broadband take-up for UK geographies - Segmented by type of customer and network
- business or consumer, dial-up, DSL, LLU or cable
modem - Reports on number of lines or take-up
- Draws together a wide variety of public data
- Census, Valuation Office, Employment and Food
Survey, samknows.com, Point Topic statistics - Using key results from Point Topics UK
BroadBand User Survey
7The value for service providers and vendors
- Inform marketing ISPs, content and service
providers, ICT products - Inform network planning backhaul, local-loop
unbundling WiMax - A benchmark for incumbents where is the actual
better than expected, and where worse?
8The value for planners, policy makers, regulators
- Public bodies can often negotiate access to
actual data from service providers - Benchmarking this actual data against expectation
is essential - otherwise there is no measure of success or
problems - BroadBand Neighbourhood can provide the benchmark
- using take-up data from BBUS to provide a
standard for the UK - BroadBand Neighbourhood can also provide a
limited substitute for actual data where
necessary - where actuals are unavailable or incomplete
- where the usage of actual data with clients is
9The turning point realising how it could be
10Starting point why does broadband take-up vary
by location?
- Availability no service no customers
- Competition multiple offers increase total
take-up - Population the more households and workplaces,
the more customers - Household profiles age, income, family structure
- Workplace profiles office, shop, factory, school
- Moving from SME to workplace approaches was a key
step - Regional and local effects GDP, cultural
11All this data is available in some form
BBUS Point Topic BroadBand User Survey UK2005
12Methodology for BBN local authority output
13Methodology for BBN unit postcodes provide
geographical location
Local Authorityward data
Digital exchangearea data
The Unit Postcode layer provides the geographical
location and number of household and business
delivery points for 1.4m locations across the UK.
14Methodology for BBN higher level data is
distributed between postcodes
Local Authorityward data
Digital exchangearea data
Data for wards and exchange areas can be
distributed to unit postcode records according to
relevant features of the postcode
15Methodology for BBN postcode data supports other
Local Authorityward data
Digital exchangearea data
Data from the unit postcodes can be assembled to
produce broadband estimates for any other
geographies as required
16Broadband lines bydigital exchange areain
South-East England
17Household take-up of broadband lines by local
authority in England Wales
18BroadBand Neighbourhood products
19Benefits of the broadband neighbourhood approach
- Benchmarking ISP performance
- Benchmark network planning
- More cost-effective marketing
- Better targeting of gap areas
- Increased broadband take-up
20Tim JohnsonJulian Herbert tim.johnson_at_point-topic
.comjulian.herbert_at_point-topic.com 020 7551 9260