Title: Monitoring overburden changes on the Valhall Field
1Monitoring overburden changeson the Valhall Field
T. Røste1, M. Landrø1, and P. Hatchell2 1NTNU,
Trondheim, Norway 2Shell EP, Rijswijk, The
Netherlands ROSE-meeting, April 2006
- Discriminate between changes in thickness and
velocity in the overburden of the Valhall Field - (from time-lapse OBC data, surveys 1 and 3)
- Show examples of observed distortion zones
(Valhall) correlated with buried faults
3 Time-lapse time shifts capture changes in both
thickness and velocity
The challenge is to discriminate between ?z and
5- We search for the a-value leading to minimum
least square error between estimated and picked
relative time shifts
6- When best fitted a-value is found,
- the changes in layer thickness and velocity are
given by
7Synthetic time-lapse example
Picked ?T/T
Based on a one layer model
8Synthetic time-lapse example
Difficult to determine a-values below -5
Estimated ?T/T vs offset for varies values of a
Based on a one layer model
9Field data example Valhall
The selected LoFS 2D line (red) follows one of
the cables
10LoFS Good quality and high repeatability
Position (km)
Time (s)
Top Res
Survey 1
Survey 3
11Estimated ?T0/T0 for Top Res horizon (LoFS)
Red x Initial estimation Blue Smoothed
12Several positions show a -5 for the sequence
SeaBed TopRes
Blue solid Best fitted a
Red x Picked relative time shifts, ?T/T.
Dashed Initial and last guess of a.
13More examples indicating a -5 for the sequence
SeaBed TopRes
Blue solid Best fitted a
Red x Picked relative time shifts, ?T/T.
Dashed Initial and last guess of a.
14Some positions show low sensitivity in a
Difficult to determine a
Red x Picked ?T/T. Dashed Initial and last
guess of a.
15Standard deviation in a versus two key
parameters a itself and standard deviation in
picked time shifts
16Results for all positions for sequence SeaBed
Uncertainties given in dashed lines.
17Time-lapse distortions (time shifts) moving with
(From a different line)
18Time shifts in offset vs position domain
19Coherency Time-slice at 1960 ms
(Valhall streamer data)
20Coherency Time-slice at 1960 ms
2 Faults Younger red fault (strike slip) cuts
the older yellow fault
(Valhall streamer data)
21RMS Amplitude Changes at TopRes (LoFS 1-3)
Strong indications of a growing fault at the SW
tip of the red fault
22Inline 1441 showing red fault
23Discussions and Conclusions
- LoFS data offers high degree of repeatability
- We estimate a -5 for the Valhall overburden
- Similar a-values are obtained by Hatchell et al.
(2005) - and Carcione et al. (2006)
- Subsidence of Top Reservoir horizon 0.5 m
(max), - Corresponding velocity decrease (from sea bed to
Top Reservoir) 2.0 m/s - Time-lapse distortion zones are observed and
correlated to growing faults - Such distortions cannot be detected from
poststack analysis
- Total for financial support
- Valhall partnership (BP-op, Shell, Amerada Hess,
and Total) for providing and permission to use
and present the LoFS data - Peter Wills for valuable help and discussions
- This work was done at Shell EP (Rijswijk).
- Thanks to the 4D group in Shell for hospitality
and assistance in data analysis. - The presented results and opinions do not
necessarily reflect the view of the Valhall