Title: Connecting the Dots
1GEC3 2008-09 Climate Change Impacts and
Adaptations Speaker Series
Connecting the Dots . Adaptation to Climate
Change, Biodiversity and Land Use in SE
Dr. Ian Mansergh Senior Policy Analyst, Climate
Change Adaptation ( past Manager, Biodiversity
Conservation Strategies) Department of
Sustainability and Environment Victoria, Australia
1400 hr, Thursday, Oct 30 Redpath Museum
Auditorium, McGill University join us for coffee
at 1330 public welcome
For more information contact Angela.Mansi
Abstract Climate change is the major novel
threatening process affecting biodiversity and
ecosystem services of south-eastern Australia in
the 21st century. Adaptation encompasses both
good science and emerging new societal values.
Increasing ecological and socio-economic
evidence suggests large-scale land and water-use
change will be part of a an appropriate risk
management adaptation response. Restoration of
effective ecological connectivity (biolinks) can
transform some key landscapes from carbon sources
to carbon sinks and assist biodiversity to "self
adapt" to climate change. New techniques in
visualisation can assist the scientific and
public debates by defining the historical context
of the problem and future landscape options.
Bequeathed landscapes will be determined by
bio-physical effects of climate change (science)
and what "meaning" society imbues into those
landscapes that conditions long-term-actions.
Adaptation requires good science and
incorporation of emerging societal values that
supports biodiversity as a driver of a "new sense
of place.