Title: Data Driven Retention Strategies for Online Students
1Data Driven Retention Strategies for Online
Dr. Jeffrey P. BartkovichMarie J.
FetznerFebruary 21, 2004
2I. Introduction and Welcome
- Welcome and presenter introductions
- Brief audience survey
- Handouts
- Session evaluation
3Presentation Agenda
- 1230pm 130pmIntroduction, Overview and
Presentation of Study 1 - 130-140pm Break
- 140pm 220pmPresentation of Study 2
- 220 230pm Break
- 230 315pm Research to Inform Practice
- 315 330pmQuestions and Discussion
4Purpose of Presentation
- Provide an overview of two online student
retention/withdrawal studies - The problem, the research, the findings and the
applications - Demonstrate retention strategies and policy
- Discuss a research agenda to inform practice
- Theory development, defining retention, managing
services and student-to-student advice
5II. MCC Overview
- MCC is part of SUNY
- Founded in 1961 13,326 FTE in 2003
- Joined SUNY Learning Network (SLN) in 1997
- Spring 2004 MCC SLN Summary Data
- Headcount 3,434
- Online FTE 328.43
- Courses 86 Sections 121
- Sharing in the development and delivery of SLN
6MCC Online Courses and SectionsFall 1997 to
Spring 2004
7MCC Online Program Support
- MCC is western NY SLN faculty training site
- MCC online faculty supported via The Monroe Model
- SLN and local campus participation
- Cross divisional membership
- Comprehensive on-site support
- Students supported via SUNY HelpDesk and MCC
online and on-site resources
8MCC Educational Technology Services (ETS)
9III. MCC Online Student Retention Study 1
- Characteristics and Attitudes of Non-Retained
Online Students - Office of Educational Technology ServicesMonroe
Community College Dr. Jeff Bartkovich and Marie
10The Research
- The Problem/Research Question
- Method
- Study limitations
- Descriptive Statistics
- Correlations
- Significant findings
- Conclusions and Applications to Practice
11The Problem
- Why are certain MCC online students (those with
grades of F/W) not succeeding in their online
courses? -
12Online Retention Study Method
- Archival Data Analysis
- Grades and demographics for online courses
retrieved from student records database - Student Survey
- Survey created and administered to sample of
students who received an F or W in an online
course for the Fall semesters in 2000, 2001 and
13The Survey
- Basic demographic data
- Questions derived from
- Online Faculty
- MCC Student Retention Survey
- E-resources
14Survey Instrument
- Total of 45 questions in three areas
- Expectations at time of registration
- Satisfaction at time of withdrawal
- Reasons for withdrawal
- Likelihood of enrolling in another online course
15Research Limitations
- Specific
- Sample of convenience
- Problems with generalizability (n201)
- Difficulty in contacting students who do not
successfully complete the course - General
- Orientation procedures and other online student
services evolve over time - Course design and faculty experience improve
16Basic Student Demographics OL and Site-based, By
Spring 2002 Fall 2002
OL Site-based OL Site-based
Female 68 55 71 55
Male 32 45 29 45
Minority 20 25 19 24
Non-Minority 80 75 81 76
Less than 20 18 27 15 30
20-24 33 33 35 32
25-29 16 11 15 11
30 and over 33 29 34 27
17Archival Data Analysis
- MCC Online vs. On-site
- Grade Distribution
- Grade Rates
- Success Rates in Matched (ftf vs. same section
online) Courses
18Overall Grade DistributionOL vs. Site-based, By
Spring 2002 Fall 2002
Grade OL Site-based OL Site-based
A 34.5 32.8 34.0 28.7
B 20.5 26.1 19.7 26.2
C 10.0 15.3 10.6 15.2
D 3.9 5.0 3.7 5.1
F 12.9 8.2 14.1 7.4
W 16.3 11.4 14.5 10.7
19Grade RatesOL vs. Site-based, Fall Semester
1999 2000 2001 2002
OL N 970 1,417 1,916 2473
C and Higher 69.7 65.8 65.3 63.6
F/W 24.8 26.4 29.7 30.2
MCC N 43,779 45,235 48,288 52,428
C and Higher 70.3 69.7 70.7 70.7
F/W 20.0 21.3 20.6 20.5
20Success Rates in Matched Online and Site-based
On-campus, n 16,291 Online, n 1,719 C or Better C or Better Percentage Point Difference
On-campus, n 16,291 Online, n 1,719 Online Site-based Online Site-based Percentage Point Difference
Total 64.2 69.6 -5.4
Full-time Part-time 56.4 72.3 70.3 66.7 -13.9 5.6
1st time FT 1st time at risk 1st time not at risk 39.7 47.2 66.3 72.2 66.6 74.0 -32.5 -19.4 -7.7
Under 25 years of age 25 years of age or older 54.5 75.2 67.8 75.7 -13.3 0.5
21Success Rates in Matched Online and Site-based
On-campus, n16,291 Online, n 1,719 C or Better C or Better PercentagePoint Difference
On-campus, n16,291 Online, n 1,719 Online Site-based PercentagePoint Difference
Part-time 72.3 66.7 5.6
1st time, PT not at risk 73.5 66.4 7.1
Taking Eng, History, Math, Speech, Comm, Music, HVAC 51.6 65.3 -13.6
Not Taking Eng, History, Math, Speech, Comm, Music, HVAC 74.1 73.7 0.4
22Retention Sample
- MCC vs. Retention Sample
- Gender
- Age
- Ethnicity
23MCC, MCC SLN and Sample Profile Gender and Age
2002-03 MCC Profile MCCSLN Profile Sample Profile
Female Male 54.7 45.3 70.8 29.2 62.2 34.8
Under 20 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 45-59 60 and over 31.8 32.2 11.0 7.6 11.2 6.0 0.2 14.3 36.9 14.0 11.6 16.7 6.5 0.0 14.3 42.9 15.7 8.6 11.4 7.1 0.0
24MCC, MCC SLN and Sample Profile Ethnicity
2002-03 MCC Profile MCC SLN Profile Sample Profile
Black Hispanic Amer. Ind. NRA Asian Unknown White 16.2 5.1 0.6 0.5 3.2 0.0 74.4 11.0 4.4 0.4 0.3 2.1 0.0 81.7 12.9 5.5 0.0 0.0 3.5 4.5 73.6
25First-time vs. Experienced Online Student Sample
by Gender
- First-time online students (n 132 68)
- Experienced online students (n 62 32)
n 194 7 Unknown
26First-time vs. Experienced Online Student Sample
by Ethnicity
27Expectations at Time of Registration
First-Time Students Experienced Students
Can Begin Anytime 41.4 18.8
Online Easier than On-Campus 40.4 22.3
Less Homework than On-Campus 40.0 20.0
Faculty Interaction Required 35.6 15.0
Need Basic Computer Skills 28.3 14.1
Participate Independently 18.9 35.0
Definitely what I expected Sort of what I
28Satisfaction at Time of Withdrawal
First-Time Students Experienced Students
Own Performance in Course 30.0 14.0
Technical Help with the Course 28.6 13.5
Registration/Orientation 26.4 9.8
SLN in General 23.4 13.9
Directions Provided by Faculty 22.8 14.0
Directions to Get Started 10.9 15.1
Somewhat satisfied Extremely satisfied
29Explanation for Non-Successin Online Course
Top Ten Factors First-Time Students Experienced Students
Lack of Motivation 46.3 24.4
Course Taking too Much time 43.0 18.8
Instructors Teaching Style 43.0 18.4
Too Many Technical Difficulties 41.9 19.8
Got Behind/Couldnt Catch Up 41.7 22.1
30Explanation for Non-Success in Online Course
Top Ten Factors (Cont) First-Time Students Experienced Students
Too Much Reading 41.4 20.9
Signed Up for too Many Courses/Had to Drop 41.1 20.4
Course too Unstructured 41.0 21.1
Not Interested in Subject 40.8 20.3
Couldnt Handle Study Plus Other Responsibilities 38.9 21.6
31Number One Reason for Non-SuccessRanked Order
- Got behind and couldnt catch up
- Too much reading
- Course taking too much time
- Course too unstructured
- Too many technical difficulties
32Number One Reason for Non-SuccessRanked order
- 6. Not interested in subject matter
- 7. Course too difficult
- 8. Signed up for too many courses
- 9. Couldnt handle school with other duties
- 10. Didnt know where to go for help
33Likelihood to Take Another Online Course
Survey Not a chance/not likely Its possible Somewhat likely/very likely
Fall 2000 31.8 11.6 56.5
Fall 2001 58.1 12.9 29.0
Fall 2002 55.9 11.8 32.3
3 Year Total 48.5 12.2 39.3
34Likelihood to Take Another Online Course by Age
Age Range Not a chance/not likely Its possible Somewhat likely/very likely
lt20 43.59 15.9 40.6
20-24 34.4 15.6 50.0
25-29 46.4 14.3 39.3
30-34 64.1 7.7 28.2
35-44 63.6 0 36.4
45-59 50.0 0 50.0
60 and over N/A N/A N/A
35Likelihood to Take Another Online Course by Gender
Not a chance/not likely Its possible Somewhat likely/very likely
Female 52.4 8.1 39.5
Male 40.9 19.7 39.4
36Likelihood to Take Another Online Course by
Ethnicity Not a chance/not likely Its possible Somewhat likely/very likely
Black 48.0 16.0 48.0
Hispanic 45.5 18.2 36.3
Asian 49.2 1.6 49.2
White 41.3 11.7 40.0
37General FindingsArchival Analysis
- When compared to site-based courses at MCC
- Online students are more likely to earn a grade
of C or better if they are gt25 years of age and
are part-time students - First-time, full-time online students are least
likely earn a grade of C or better
38General FindingsSurvey Analysis
- Levels of Satisfaction
- First-time students more satisfied at time of
withdrawal in general, and with their own
performance - Experienced students less satisfied with
- Registration procedures
- SLN in general
- Directions from faculty
39General FindingsSurvey Analysis
- Expectations
- First time students more likely to expect
- Fluid beginning and end dates
- Less homework
- Online easier than site-based courses
- Experienced students more likely to expect
- Limited faculty interaction
- Independent participation in course
40General FindingsSurvey Analysis
- Expectations
- Online format expectations not accurate
- Level of online interaction with faculty and
other students not accurate - Technical expectations (needed PC and typing
skills) not accurate - Percentage of W/F students likelihood to take
another online course is decreasing - Approximately 1/3 are likely or somewhat likely
41General FindingsSurvey Analysis
- Main reasons for withdrawal
- Got behind and couldnt catch up
- Course had too much reading, took too much time,
was too unstructured and too difficult - Had too many technical difficulties and didnt
know how to get help - Not interested in subject matter and dropped
course to cut course load - Couldnt handle school, family, work, etc.
42Significant Positive Correlations
- Likelihood to take another online course
- SLN in general (.604)
- Interaction with other students (.518)
- Directions provided by faculty (.491)
- Directions to get started (.483)
- Interaction with the faculty (.428)
- Technical help with course (.408)
(GPA and credit hours not significant with
likelihood to take another course) Significant
at 0.01 level)
43Significant Positive Correlations
- Lacked PC skills and
- Lacked typing skills (.970)
- Too many tech difficulties (.741)
- Lack of access to PC and
- Lacked PC skills (.766)
- Financial problems (.731)
- Too many tech difficulties (.688)
- Course too difficult/lacked PC skills (.629)
(Significant at 0.01 level)
44Significant Negative Correlations
- Likelihood to take another online course
- Didnt like the online format (-.569)
- The course was too unstructured (-.485)
- Felt too alone, not part of the class (-.435)
- Didnt know where to get help (-.324)
(Significant at 0.01 level)
45Factor Analysis Summary
- Factor analysis conducted
- Data converged into four key groupings in seven
iterations - Further discussion on this analysis will be
conducted later in this presentation
46Advice from the Literature
- The course design/level of interaction
- The experience of the faculty
- The level of technical support
- A student pre-course orientation
- Manage student expectations upfront
- Professional development and training for faculty
- Standardized course management system
47Summary of Key Findings
- Retention of online (W/F) MCC students is
impacted by these characteristics - First-time (vs. Experienced) online students
- Amount of previous higher education credits for
full-time online students - Student age (lt25)
- Lack of PC skills and lack of access to a PC
48Research Informing PracticeApplications
- Online student orientation CD project
- Development and distribution of the CD
- Phone calls made to first-time online students
- On-site student orientations implemented
- Development of Ten Myths Videostream
- Expansion of PC access for MCC students
- Wireless laptops for check-out in Libraries
- Learning Center support for online students
An analysis was conducted on online student
performance outcomes for those students who
attended on-site MCC orientations
49Research Informing Practice
- Additional materials development
- SLN Student Awareness Sheet
- Retention strategies included in online faculty
course development trainings - Emphasis placed on pre-course activities and
first week of course interactions - Promote self-paced free technology training to
MCC students - Preliminary discussion of MCC policies
- Forwarded to Academic Leadership Council
50Next Steps
- Conduct further analysis to investigate the
relationship between online student reasons for
non-success, and satisfaction variables for
successful online students - Investigate students technology readiness
- Continue evaluation of services and activities
that were implemented as a result of the
retention study
51Summary and Questions
- Questions on retention survey 1
- Time for a break!
52IV. MCC Online Student Retention Study 2
- An Analysis of SLN Students Performance and
Differentiation - Office of Institutional ResearchMonroe Community
CollegeAngel Andreu
53The Study Research
- The Problem/Research Question
- Observations
- The Data
- Analysis
- Conclusions and Policy Implications
54The Problem
- It is observed that the failure and withdrawal
(F/W) grades for online students are increasing
in number and percentage.
55The Observation
- Percentage of F/W Grades, Fall Semester
- 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
- Online 19 25 26 30 30
- College 17 20 21 21 21
- N in 1998 was 409 2002 was 2,473
56The Research
- Previous research identified characteristics of
students at risk of F/W grades in online courses.
These were - First-time online students
- Full-time students with less than 30 earned
credits - Students under the age of 25
- Minority students
57The Research
- The MCC Andreu study affirmed these
characteristics and looked specifically at - Time of registration
- Basic academic skills
58The Data Time of Registration
- Only 7 of the C or better students registered
during the first week of classes, compared to 16
of the F/W students - Students who registered during the first week of
classes had a 50/50 chance of earning a grade of
C or better - The odds of getting C or better decreased by 13
for each week closer to the first week of classes
59The Data Age
- 65 of the F/W grades were among students under
the age of 25 - Between the ages of 21 and 22, a student had a
50/50 chance of earning a C or better
60The Data Age
61The DataAge and Time of Registration
- Age and time of registration are each significant
contributors to grade performance - Their interaction is not significant
- The best chance of getting a C or better
- Register 5 weeks before the start of the semester
- Be age 25 or above
62The Data Experience(i.e. number of accumulated
credit hours)
- The rate of F/W grades between first and second
year students is significant - Experience is not significant when combined with
age or time of registration
63The Data Part/Full Time Status
- Part/Full time status is not significant
- The interaction of status and age was significant
64The DataPart/Full Time Status
65The DataBasic Academic Skills
- The variables used included reading and sentence
scores - The metrics are placement scores at the college
English level (78 for reading, 83 for sentences)
66The DataBasic Academic Skills
- For students to have a 50/50 chance of earning a
C or better in an online course, their basic
academic skills should be at the college English
67What Does the Analysis Show?
- Factors important to success in online courses
- Time of registration
- The age of the student
- The academic preparedness of the student
68What Does the Analysis Show?
- Factors in the decision model
- College is enrollment driven
- The online program is supporting enrollment
growth - The demographics of enrollment growth for the
College are the same demographics of non-success
in online courses
69What Does the Analysis Show?
- Policy Factors
- Should policy account for motivation
- At what odds of failure do we restrict
enrollment - Should online growth be allowed to continue to
support college enrollment growth - What is the balance between student success and
online enrollment growth
70Policy Development 1
- In all cases, a student with an ACCUPLACER score
below 78 (reading) and/or 83 (sentence) is
prohibited from taking an online course at MCC.
- This prohibition is lifted at such time that the
student successfully completes the Transitional
Studies coursework appropriate to address the
deficiency. - All online sections will be closed to
registration one week before the start of class.
Qualified students (see definition on next slide)
who wish to enroll after this date will be
allowed to green slip in until the Colleges
Add deadline.
71Policy Development 1
- Qualified students include mature students with a
record of success in college-level coursework.
Student must also have satisfactory ACCUPLACER
scores to have successfully completed the
Transitional Studies coursework appropriate to
address any deficiency. Students who have
successfully completed an online course
previously are also considered qualified. Note
that data indicate that students 22 years old or
older have a significantly greater chance of
success in online coursework.
72Policy Development 2
- Considerations
- Forget policy, make it a course prerequisite
- Must be programmable
- Cannot rely upon faculty involvement for
exceptions due to availability - Does resolution of the online problem become a
73Policy Development 3
- Draft X
- Students in remedial English courses are
prohibited from enrolling in online courses - All registrations for online courses are closed
on the first day of classes
74Policy Development 4
- Current Policy
- Registration for online courses closed week
before the first day of classes - Late entry by permission
75Summary and Questions
- Questions on retention survey 2
- Time for a break!
76V. Research to Inform PracticeAn Online
Research Agenda
- MCCs Online Research Agenda Level 1
Descriptive - Basic demographics
- Basic production
- Basic enrollment
- Basic finance
77An Online Research Agenda
- MCCs Online Research Agenda Level 2
Evaluative - Basic performance
- Student and faculty satisfaction
- Integration with campus IR
- Modify existing surveys to fit
78An Online Research Agenda
- MCCs Online Research Agenda Level 3
Comparative - Statewide benchmarks
- National benchmarks
- Complete surveys-be a case study
- MCCs Online Research Agenda Level 4
Theoretical - External in the literature
- Internal on the campus
79Research to Inform PracticeSUNY
ResearchReasons for Taking an OL Course
- Reasons for Taking Course Online
- Conflict with Personal Schedule 49
- Family Responsibilities 23
- Distance or Transportation 10
- Other 10
- Course Not Offered on Campus 5
- Interest in Technology/Internet 3
Retained Students
80SUNY ResearchReasons for Taking an OL Course
MCC vs. all other SUNY Students
- Primary Reason MCC SUNY
- Personal Schedule Conflict 49 31
- Family Responsibilities 23 16
- Distance or Transportation 10 20
- Other 10 12
- Not Offered On Campus 5 15
- Interactive Technology 3 7
- Retained Students
81Research to Inform PolicyTheory Development
- Four major barriers to persistence in distance
learning (Garland, 1993) - Situational students general environment
(social, economic, family) - Institutional colleges programs, policies, and
procedures - Dispositional students personal background
- Epistemological academic environment (course,
pedagogy, prerequisites)
82Theory Development 2
- Classified the 22 reasons for non-persistence
according to Garlands four barriers - Conducted Principle Components Factor Analysis
- Analysis and Definition of the Factors
83Research to Inform PracticeOn-campus Orientation
- Question
- Is there value to an on-campus orientation
course for online performance?
84On-campus Orientation
- On-Campus Orientation Results
- Most students felt they had the necessary skills
to be successful - Skill preparation is not related to performance
- Students who attended the on-campus program were
more likely to earn a C or better - C/Better F/W
- On-campus Orientation 78 18
- Online Orientation only 64 30
85On-campus Orientation
- To Continue the Course
- Practice Demonstration Course
- Structure not Skills
- Market the grade differential
- Keep faculty involved in the program to provide
authentic experience
86Research to Inform PracticeStudent Advice
- Question to online students who received F/W
grade on their online course - What advice would you give a fellow student
considering registering for an online course?
87Student Advice
- Results Top Five Topics
- Be ready for independent learning. Must be
self-motivated. - Once you get started, stay on track.
- Online courses require lots of reading, homework
and research. Get ready for the demands. - Must develop a schedule to go online, must manage
your time. - Talk to other people and to other students before
you take the class, and during the class
88Student Advice
- Practical Use of Online Student Advice
- Integrate into brochures, orientation seminars
- Do mock testimonies for video displays
- Share with Counseling and Advising staff
- Share with Faculty
89Research to Inform PracticeManaging Services
- Manage the Expectations
- Additional pre-start information sharing
- Additional orientations offered
- Manage the Support Services
- Greater integration with support team
- Additional points of access to services
- Manage the Academics
- Faculty course design issues and training
- Emphasis on multiple interactions
90Managing Services
- Manage the Expectations
- Welcome letter from Academic Vice President has
been expanded - Face-to-face student orientations offered
- MCC Online Orientation CD distributed
- Phone calls made to all Fall 2002 online students
and 1st-time Spring 2003 online
studentsadditional analysis conducted
91Managing Services
- Manage the Support Services
- Student Services web page expansion
- Revisions made to the service gateway to online
learning web page - Brochures at Records and Registration and at the
Counseling Center
92Research to Inform PracticeManaging Services
- Manage the Academics
- Retention strategies integrated into faculty
trainings - Discipline-specific retention studies
- Discussions on other academic supportonline
tutoring, writing centers, etc. - Pilot test CourseSpace (use of online template
for web course enhancement)
93Research to Inform PracticeDefining Retention
- Question How do you define retention?
- It depends
- Researchtwo basic presentations
- As an enrollment statistic
- As a performance indicator
- Policy
- Be consistent, clarify your statistics
94Defining Retention and Withdrawal Rates
Retention as an enrollment statistic
All SLN Courses Fall 2002 Annual 2002-03
First day enrollment 1851 4154
First week enrollment 1857 4225
Census day enrollment 1714 3847
Last day enrollment 1716 3832
95Online Retention Rates
Fall 2002 1st Week Census Day Last Day
1st Day 1.02 .94 .95
1st Week .92 .92
Census 1.00
All 2002-03 1st Week Census Day Last Day
1st Day 1.02 .93 .92
1st Week .91 .91
Census 1.00
96Defining Retention and Withdrawal Rates
Retention as a performance measure (All SLN Courses)
Grade Fall 2002 Annual 2002-2003
A to D 1,253 2,755
F, W, Other 463 1,077
97Withdrawal Rates
Fall 2002 FW Grades Spring 2003 FW Grades 2002-2003 FW Grades
All MCC 20.5 19.6 19.5
Online Only 30.0 29.5 28.1
98Next StepsThings to Consider
- Services
- Policies
- Definition of Retention for data collection
- Replicate studies at other institutions
- Conclusions
- Questions
- Discussion
- Completion of Session Evaluation Forms
100Contact Information
- Dr. Jeffrey P. Bartkovichjbartkovich_at_monroecc
.edu - Marie J. Fetznermfetzner_at_monroecc.edu
- MCC Web Page www.monroecc.edu
- MCC Online Learning pagehttp//www.monroecc.edu/