Free Indeed - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Free Indeed


Peter Eve Abraham ... Can you ask the question: 'Who are you? ... 1 Peter 1:13 'gird up the loins of your mind.' Search without bias ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Free Indeed

Free Indeed
  • How To Get There and Stay

Review Spiritual Warfare Basics
  • You DO what you BELIEVE.
  • Knowing the truth makes you free.
  • Receiving a lie leads to sin being snared.
  • Obedience is Freedom Sin is bondage.
  • Peter Eve Abraham
  • Pr 423 Keep thy heart with all diligence for
    out of it are the issues of life.

Review Exposing The Lie
  • Meditate on the Word.
  • Psalm 12 But his delight is in the law of the
    L-RD and in his law doth he meditate day and
  • Is there ANY verse you dont like? That you
  • Try the spirits
  • 1 Jo 41 Believe not every spirit, but try the
    spirits whether they are of G-d.
  • Can you ask the question Who are you?
  • You dont have to re-live the pain, or seek
    mystical revelation.
  • Irrational emotion anger, strive, fear, envy
  • James 314-15 bitter envying and strife
    descendeth not from above, but is devilish.

Review Lets Be Perfectly Clear
  • Big Lie The devil made me do it.
  • You are responsible for WHAT you do.
  • Rev 2013 They were judged every man according
    to their works.
  • You are responsible for WHY you do it.
  • 1Co 133 And though I bestow all my goods to
    feed the poor, and though I give my body to be
    burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me

Truth Not Negotiable
  • Pr 2323 Buy the truth, and sell it not also
    wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.
  • Pr 47 Wisdom is the principal thing therefore
    get wisdom and with all thy getting get
  • What would you trade for truth? Pr 313-15 She
    is more precious than rubies and all the things
    thou canst desire are not to be compared unto
  • Dont be afraid to BE wrong be afraid to STAY

3 Core Truths
  • G-d loves you
  • G-d is in control
  • You have a unique purpose in His Plan

The Wounded, Craving Heart
  • I feel loved when
  • I am popular
  • I am right
  • I am in control
  • I have pleasure
  • G-d doesnt love you!
  • when others reject you
  • when you are wrong
  • when you are vulnerable
  • when you are in pain
  • Pr 1814 The spirit of a man will sustain his
    infirmity but a wounded spirit who can bear?

3 Core Truths G-d loves you
  • Eph 319 And to know the love of Yeshua, which
    passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with
    all the fullness of G-d.
  • 1Jo 31 Behold, what manner of love the Father
    hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called
    the sons of G-d.
  • Basic human craving to be loved. You are MUCH
    more prone to sin when you dont know G-ds love.

3 Core Truths G-d is in control
  • Eph 111 In whom also we have obtained an
    inheritance, being predestinated according to the
    purpose of him who worketh all things after the
    counsel of his own will.
  • Php 213 For it is G-d which worketh in you both
    to will and to do of his good pleasure.

3 Core Truths You have purpose
  • 2Tim 19 Who hath saved us, and called us with
    an holy calling, not according to our works, but
    according to his own purpose and grace, which was
    given us in Messiah Yeshua before the world
  • Ro 828 And we know that all things work
    together for good to them that love G-d, to them
    who are the called according to his purpose.

3 Core Dispositions
  • Unthankfulness
  • Pride
  • Despondency
  • Thankfulness
  • Humility
  • Joyfulness

3 Core Dispositions - Thankfulness
  • Ro 121 Because that, when they knew G-d, they
    glorified him not as G-d, neither were thankful
    but became vain in their imaginations, and their
    foolish heart was darkened.
  • 2Ti 32 For men shall be unthankful, unholy.
  • Eph 520 Giving thanks always for all things
    unto G-d and the Father in the name of our L-rd
    Yeshua Messiah.
  • What do you deserve?

3 Core Dispositions - Humility
  • Jas 46 G-d resisteth the proud, but giveth
    grace unto the humble.
  • Php 23 Let nothing be done through strife or
    vainglory but in lowliness of mind let each
    esteem other better than themselves.
  • Ro 123 For I say to every man not to think
    of himself more highly than he ought to think
    but to think soberly.

3 Core Dispositions - Joyfulness
  • 1 Peter 18-9 In whom ye rejoice with joy
    unspeakable and full of glory.
  • Ne 810 The joy of the L-RD is your strength.
  • 2Co 610 As sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing
  • Php 44 Rejoice in the L-rd alway and again I
    say, Rejoice.

Be Sober Be Vigilant
  • Eph 616 Above all, taking the shield of faith,
    wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the
    fiery darts of the wicked.
  • Core truths constantly attacked
  • Suggestion
  • Impression
  • Wrong teaching / Thinking
  • Adversity / Difficulty
  • Trauma - Emotional / Physical

Train Yourself to Hear The Truth
  • I hate you!!
  • G-d doesnt love you.
  • That person sure is hateful.
  • When the wicked prosper
  • G-d isnt just theyll never pay!!
  • Ps 7316 it was too painful for me until
  • If G-ds not mad at you, I shouldnt be. And if
    He is, I dont need to be.
  • Here is the patience and the faith of the

Train Yourself to THINK
  • 1 Peter 113 gird up the loins of your mind.
  • Search without bias
  • Reason consistently regardless of outcome
  • Pr 2023 Divers weights are an abomination unto
    the L-RD and a false balance is not good.
  • Look for counterexample
  • If this is false what would have to be true.
  • Is it inconsistent with ANY verse.
  • Proof Verse inconsistent if claim is false.

Gird Up The Loins Of Your Mind
  • Beware of
  • The Bandwagon Technique
  • Guilt by Association
  • Inverse Reasoning A B ? B A
  • Illustration
  • Pr 267 The legs of the lame are not equal so
    is a parable in the mouth of fools.
  • An example does not prove something is true.
  • Manipulative anger

Power Tools Dont Forget To Plug Them In ?
  • Ps 11927 Make me to understand so shall I
  • Ps 11935 Make me to go in the path
  • Ps 1913 Keep back thy servant also from
    presumptuous sins let them not have dominion
    over me.
  • Rom 82 For the law of the Spirit of life in
    Messiah Yeshua hath made me free from the law of
  • John 155 Without me ye can do nothing.
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