Title: Approximating Integrals
1Lecture 19
2Integral Area
3Estimating Using Rectangles
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6Size of Rectangle Base Can Vary
7Area of approximating Rectangle f(c) (b-a)
8A partition of an Interval a,bis just a
choice of numbers with
for each i 0.. n-1
1,2,3,4,5,9,12 is a partition of
1,12 -5,0,20 is a partition of -5,20
10A marking of the partition is just a choice
of numbers
With for each i
1.. n
3,7 is a making of the partition 1, 5,12
since 3 is in 1,5 and 7 is in
5,12 1,2,3,4,5 is a marking of the
partition1,2,3,4,5,6 since 1 is in 1,2, 2
is in 2,3,
12Integral Estimates from Partitions
If P
Is a partition of a,b and
is a marking of P then for any function f defined
on a,b we have an for
given by
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As the maximum distance between elements of the
partition goes to zero the estimates converge to
the actual integral
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16Regular Partitions
A partition is regular all of the rectangles it
defines have the same Base length. More precisely
is regular if is the
same for each i.
If then nh
b-a or
17Regular Estimates for
Uses the regular partition of a,b into
nsubintervals and the left end point of each
subinterval for the marking
Uses the regular partition of a,b into n
subintervals and the left end point of each
subinterval for the marking
(The Trapezoid Rule) is the average of
Calculate the left regular estimate for
with 5 subdivisions
Calculate the right regular estimate for
with 5 subdivisions
Calculate the trapezoid rule estimate for
with 5 subdivisions
21Average of a Function
If f(x) is a function defined on an interval
a,b then the average value of f on a,b is
22The temperatures every two hours from
midnight(time t 0 hrs) to noon is given in the
table. Estimatethe average temperature over that
time interval using theleft regular, right
regular, and trapezoid estimates.
a 0, b 12, n 6
h 2
The left estimate is
23Similarly the right estimate is
482 532 572602622632 686
The trapezoid rule estimate for the integral is
666 so the trapezoid rule estimates the
averagetemperature as
Remark The average of the temperatures above is
So the average of the temperatures is not the
same as the average temperature
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