Title: The Exchange
1The Exchange
Partnership between public agencies
Knut O Flaathen Director General Norwegian
Mapping and Cadastre Authority
2Norwegian Mapping and Cadastre Authority
- State enterprise under the Ministry of the
Environment - A national resource center for geodata and
property information - Responsible for the Land Book
- 14 offices nation-wide
- Annual turnover will increase to approx 500 mill
in 2007 - 600 staff
- Founded 1773
- Covers Norwegian land, coastal and territorial
waters and the economical sone (2.300.000 km2)
3 A changed lifestyle?
The Spacial Data Infrastructure is about to
change our lives by documenting the real world
and integrating that information into our
lifestyle. The citicens will find Location Based
Services and geographical information widely
distributed on the Web and routinely integrated
into most applications and services.
4Overall trends (in a digital world)
- Increasing demand for individual solutions - to
meet user specific requirements - A technological development enabling NMCAs to
find solutions in new partnerships - Focus on best practice and optimal alliances
- One web-portal to reach all available
geographical information (base maps, property and
land book information, thematic data and LBS)
independant of data ownership - Merging of public sector agencies
5Norway digital
- Assemble
- the entire public geodata-Norway
- to one empire
Give a little and get a lot !
6The model
Free of charge internet solutions
Commersial users
Norway digital
Government owned company
Public users outside ND
Extranet between partners
7Geovekst as girder to built a Norway digital
- 93 of the municipalities participate
- 5 other national partners
- NMCA as coordinator
- A bottle party of 10 mill/year
- A program to establish a common object
oriented chart data base. Continuos updates
in approx 1/3 of the municipalities
- All municipalities participate
- Far more national partners (20 )
- NMCA as coordinator
- An extended bottle party
- Full territorial coverage and continuosly
updated in all 433 municipalities
NMCA as the driving force
8The Integrated National Property Information
System (INPIS) as part of Norway Digital
Cadastre Authority
Entries in the PAB and DPM
Plan and preservation approvals
Plan information
Land register
Entries in the Land book
Land Register Authority
NMCA as the authority and driving force
9A National Area Resource Management Program as
part of Norway Digital (AREALIS)
Thematic geographic info
Basic geographic info
Base map data -Ortophoto -
Digital map data - Road data, etc
Better area resource planning
20 thematic dataowners, 100 munici- palities
and 18 county governors
INPIS - Properties - Adresses - Buildings -
Dig. property maps - Deed information
Area plans and preservation measures
Location based data
NMCA as the driving force
10 RENC operations in Europe builds NSDIs and
supplies the total marine community
- PRIMAR Stavanger an integrated part of the
Norwegian Hydrographic Service - Cooperation based on bi-lateral agreements
- A cooperation with the other European RENC -
IC-ENC - operated by the UK Hydrographic
Office - Open for hydrographic organisations
worldwide - Meet all relevant standards and regulations
issued by IHO and IMO
Primar cooperating countries
IC-ENC cooperating countries
Deliver ENC to both RENCs
11ENC coverage
122005 ?
2005 ?
NMCA as the driving force
13NMCA as the driving force
- Positioning in real time
- Norway digital
15The municipalities in Norway digital
- To ensure a complete and comprehensive NSDI the
most important player in Norway digital is
the municipalities - The municipalities carries the major costs in
establishing large scale chart DBs, the
PAB-register and DPMs - Norway digital shall not give the
municipalities an extra burden - On the contrary, Norway digital shall give the
municipalities more and better accesible PSI
16Norway digital Contracts og documentation
Individual contracts
Prinsipal agreement
Technology framework
Each partners data og services
Rules Organisation
Financial model
Market activities
Commersial business
17Geodata portal- geonorge.no
18Scenario - a new road is planned
We start with a base map ...
... A new road is planned ...
PROPERTIES Gnr. 5 bnr. 4 Gnr. 5 bnr.
6 . . VALUE 13,4 mill
... What about cultural heritage ?
... Protected areas ? ...
... Farm land ?...
... Properties to be purchased ?
All this info only a couple of key - strokes away
Give a little and get a lot
19NMCA has taken the leading role in Norway digital
Thank you for your attention
20FACTS 1)
- The economic potensial by utilising PSI in
Europe and in USA - Europe USA
- Investments 9,5 19
- Value added 68 750
- Return factor 7 40
- PSI gives a value to society 6 times higher in
USA than in Europe - WHY! - (2000 figures in billion Euro)
- Source Commercial Exploitation of Europes
PSI - Pira International Ltd
21FACTS 2)
- In USA PSI is free of charge
- In Europe users of PSI have to pay (a lot)
- Sooner or later politicians will realise that
they will - - increase tax income through increased sales of
VAPs fare more than lost sales from PSI - - decrease velfare costs due to increased
production and higher employment
- Future PSI
- - increased reliability
- - cheaper
- - directly from the key source
- - available 24-7
- - and only a few key strokes away
- In other words
23From NMAs til NMCAs
A promising future for surveyors - or not? From
playing a key role in understanding, exploring
and opening the lands and seas of the World -
everybody can do precise positioning- machines
can make accurate maps The profession has to
change from geodetic engineers and surveyors to
administrators and managers of land and property
- thus playing a new key role - in eliminating
poverty HOW?
- Poverty is closely linked to lack of formalised
registered property rights - Formalisation of property rights and registration
systems that are accessible for all are the
hidden secrets underpinning the functioning
market economies in the west - The Problem in many developing countries is not
lack of assets, but that the capital of property
is dead because the rights to the assets are not
formalised - World-wide there are only 25 to 30 countries
where the public at large have access to loans
using property as collateral
Source Hernando de Soto, The Mystery of Capital
25Thank you for your attention!
... from ... to
26Public Private Partnerships
Andrew Coote Consultancy Services Director ESRI
- Definitions
- Principles
- Practical Experience
- In the UK, partnerships come in several forms
- Private Finance Initiative (PFI)
- Strategic Services Partnership (SSP)
- Outsourcing
- The partnership has to offer something to both
parties beyond what can be achieved through a
conventional customer supplier contract.
- Both parties have to see measurable benefits
- Nice words help, but there has to be a real set
of shared and clear objectives - Trust and compromise are essential
- Success is only achieved through long-term
commitment - The chances of success drop dramatically if there
are multiple partners! - Its like a marriage
30Mutual Understanding
- Cultural Differences
- Public partner is driven by public policy
- Private partner has to make money
- Reward structure
- Private sector partner staff will often get a
higher salary, this can cause resentment BUT they
have less job security and a poorer pension - Empowerment
- Decision making must be quick and consistent
31Personal Relationships
- It is important that strong personal
relationships are established at multiple levels
- Chief Executive
- Project Manager
- Commercial
- Technical
- Administrative
- Partnerships are about People
32Building the Relationship
- Classic Team building Lifecycle
- FORMING bringing the team together
- STORMING constructive criticism is essential
- NORMING reaching an understanding of each
persons strengths and weaknesses - PERFORMING only after going through the
previous steps will the partnership really start
to work - The relationship is only really proven in times
of difficulty this is when trust and compromise
are essential
33Partnerships in Practice
34(No Transcript)
35Leeds City
- Strategic Services Partnership
- ESRI provide technology and services at
preferential rates, Leeds commit to a level of
expenditure over an extended period. - Leeds get a good price
- ESRI gets a guaranteed income stream
- Concluded after a very difficult and prolonged IT
delivery contract we proved we could work
together even when the going got tough
36Westminster City Council
- Strategic Services Partnership
- Development of IT systems for Westminster at
preferential rates which are then sold by ESRI to
other local authorities - ESRI recognise WCC as providing thought
leadership in the local authority community - Westminster recognise value of being able to help
define a market-leading product - No formal Partnership Agreement
37National Land Information Service (NLIS)
38National Land Information Service (NLIS)
- Private Finance Initiative
- Government let contracts to run central hub and
three channels to offer solicitors exclusive
electronic access to Government data sources - Fees paid to Government for licenses
- Private organisations make the market and
charge a premium for faster more effective service
39NLIS Issues
- Multiple competing partners
- Suspicion that one was getting preferential
treatment to others - Governance ineffective
- Private public partnership do work
- The benefits for both partners have to be clear,
measurable and achievable - They dont happen overnight, they require mutual
trust built over time and through successful
projects - Working through difficulties strengthens
- Personal relationships are the key
- Its like a marriage