Title: The Ark of the Covenant
1The Ark of the Covenant King David Brings It To
2Picture a rainy night, miserable weather
chaos. - dead all around.
Philistines winning the war...
Where is God???
Why did the LORD let us lose? Lets go get Him so
we will win. (1 Sam 43)
3The Ark of the Covenant - Gods Promise that He
would never leave the Israelites and drive out
their enemies. With strict instructions this Box
with lampstands, permanent offerings, holy manna,
and other symbols also included Gods Ten
Commandments. The Covenant of God, physically
represented by the Ark, included the promise that
the Israelites were Gods chosen people and worth
saving from Egypt. The promise I will go with
you and give you victory.
Exodus 3411 Exodus 37 Deut 101-22 Exodus
4But the Covenant Box had the opposite effect...
The Philistines won the battle and Gods Box
was captured. The priesthood was disgraced and
despatched. God brought his Ark back to high
ground, and settled at Abinadabs house. For
twenty years, the Ark of the Covenant remained in
Kiriath Jearim while King Saul and King David
secured the land of Israel by human means...
1 Sam 49 1 Sam 418 1 Sam 62 1 Chr 13 3 1 Sam