Title: Global Financial Crisis, Protectionism, and World Trading System
1Global Financial Crisis, Protectionism, and World
Trading System
- Wongun Song
- Korea Economic Research Institute
2? Global financial crisis caused world
trade to reduce sharply.
- Pace of reduction in global production
- and trade is faster and severer than that of
any recent global economic downturn.
3- World trade grew more than 6 a year. (1990-2006)
- Reduction of World Trade in 2009 (predicted) 9
(WTO), 11 (IMF)
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7Adoption of Protectionist measures in country A
Retaliatory adoption of Protectionist measures
in countries affected by measure of country A
Trade War
Collapse of Global Trade
Worsening Global Economic Crisis
Other NTBs
9? Raise tariffs Ecuador, Russia, India etc
? Subsidies to troubled domestic industries
Automobile industry (US, Europe, Canada,
China, Brazil etc)
? Discriminatory procurement provisions in fiscal
stimulus bills Buy American, Buy
Chinese Provisions
? Anti-dumping increase in investigations
? Other Non-tariff barriers import bans,
discretionary licensing requirements
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14Fiscal Stimulus Bills and World Trading System
- Subsidizing troubled domestic industries is
included - in almost all fiscal stimulus bills.
- (e.g. automobile industry, steel industry)
- It may violate WTO norms but ambiguity remains
- whether it has broke WTO rules.
- Expansionary fiscal policies can be used as a
way - of subsidizing and protecting domestic
industries in a - competitive or retaliatory fashion.
- Widespread use of subsidies might lead to the
- dismantling of world trading system
constructed by - decades of global efforts towards free trade.
15Ways to Avoid Protectionism
Completing Doha
Embarking on a New Round
Agreement on Co-ordinating Fiscal Policy
Empower WTO for standstill with G20
16Completion of DDA
17Ways of Enforcing the Standstill
18Thank You!!