Title: Workflow Manager and General Tuning Tips
1Workflow Manager and General Tuning Tips
2Topics to discuss
- Working with Workflows
- Working with Tasks
- General Tuning Tips
3Working with Workflows
A workflow is a set of instructions that tells
the PowerCenter Server how to execute tasks
such as sessions, email notifications, and
shell Commands.
4Working with Workflows
Developing New Workflows. Everybody has
created more than 1 workflow !!
5Working with Workflows - Links
- Working with Links
- Use links to connect each workflow task. You can
specify conditions with links to create branches
in the workflow. The Workflow Manager does not
allow you to use links to create loops in the
workflow. Each link in the workflow can execute
only once. - a valid workflow
6Working with Workflows - Links
- The Workflow Manager does not allow you to create
a workflow that contains a loop - Invalid workflow-
7Working with Workflows - Links
- Specifying Link Conditions
- Once you create links between tasks, you can
specify conditions for each link to determine the
order of execution in the workflow. If you do not
specify conditions for each link, the PowerCenter
Server executes the next task in the workflow by
default. - You can use pre-defined or user-defined
workflow variables(?) in the link condition. If
the link condition evaluates to True, the
PowerCenter Server executes the next task in the
workflow. If the link condition evaluates to
False, the PowerCenter Server does not execute
the next task in the workflow. - You can view results of link evaluation
during workflow runs in the workflow log file.
8Working with Workflows - Variables
- Pre-defined workflow variables. The Workflow
Manager provides pre-defined workflow variables
for tasks within a workflow. - User-defined workflow variables. You create
user-defined workflow variables when you create a
9Working with Workflows - Variables
- Pre-defined workflow variables
- Task-specific variables 2. System
variables - -Condition -SrcSuccessRows -SYSDATE
- -ErrorCode -Status
- -ErrorMsg -TgtFailedRows
- -FirstErrorCode -TgtSuccessRows
- -FirstErrorMsg -TotalTransErrors
- -PrevTaskStatus
- -SrcFailedRows
10Working with Workflows - Variables
- User-defined workflow variables
11Working with Workflows - Variables
- Start and current value-
- Value in parameter file
- Value saved in the repository (if the variable is
persistent) - User-specified default value
- Datatype default value
- Datatype
Workflow Manager Default Value - Date/time 1/1/1753 A.D.
- Double 0
- Integer 0
- Nstring Empty string
12Working with Workflows - Scheduler
- You can schedule a workflow to run continuously,
repeat at a given time or - interval, or you can manually start a workflow.
The PowerCenter Server runs a - scheduled workflow as configured.
- By default, the workflow runs on demand. You can
change the schedule settings - by editing the scheduler. If you change schedule
settings, the PowerCenter Server - reschedules the workflow according to the new
settings. - When a workflow fails, the PowerCenter Server
removes the workflow from the - schedule, and you must manually reschedule it.
13Working with Workflows - Scheduler
14Working with Workflows - Suspending
- When a task in the workflow fails, you might want
to suspend the workflow, fix the - error, and resume or recover the workflow. The
PowerCenter Server suspends the - workflow if you enable the Suspend On Error
option in the workflow properties. - You can optionally set a suspension email so the
PowerCenter Server sends an - email when it suspends a workflow.
- When you enable the Suspend On Error option, the
PowerCenter Server - suspends the workflow when one of the following
fails - Session
- Command
- Worklet
- Email
16Working with Tasks
- Assignment
- Command
- Control
- Decision
- Email
- Event-Raise
- Event-Wait
- Session
- Timer
17Working with Tasks - Assignment
- The Assignment task allows you to assign a value
to a user-defined workflow variable. To use an
Assignment task in the workflow, first create and
add the Assignment task to the workflow. Then
configure the Assignment task to assign values or
expressions to user-defined variables. After you
assign a value to a variable using the Assignment
task, the PowerCenter Server uses the assigned
value for the variable during the remainder of
the workflow.
18Working with Tasks - Commands
- If you select the Run If Previous Completed
option, when one of the commands in the Command
task fails, the PowerCenter Server stops running
the rest of the commands and fails the task. If
you do not select the Run If Previous Completed
option, the PowerCenter Server runs all the
commands in the Command task and treats the task
as completed, even if a command fails.
19Working with Tasks - Example
20Working with Tasks - Control
- You can use the Control task to stop, abort, or
fail the top-level workflow or the parent
workflow based on an input link condition. A
parent workflow or worklet is the workflow or
worklet that contains the Control task.
21Working with Tasks - Control
- Example-
- This can be used in a worklet. And the condition
given in the control task will be Stop top-level
workflow. So whenever the decision routs the flow
towards the control task, an email will be
generated and then the workflow containing the
below worklet will stop and not proceed further.
22Working with Tasks - Decision
- Nothing new under the sun
23Working with Tasks - Events
- Event-Raise task. Event-Raise task represents a
user-defined event. When the PowerCenter Server
runs the Event-Raise task, the Event-Raise task
triggers the event. Use the Event-Raise task with
the Event-Wait task to define events. - Event-Wait task. The Event-Wait task waits for an
event to occur. Once the event triggers, the
PowerCenter Server continues executing the rest
of the workflow. - Pre-defined event
User-defined event.
24Working with Tasks - Events
- Pre-defined event. A pre-defined event is a
file-watch event. For pre-defined events, use an
Event-Wait task to instruct the PowerCenter
Server to wait for the specified indicator file
to appear before continuing with the rest of the
workflow. When the PowerCenter Server locates the
indicator file, it starts the next task in the
workflow. - User-defined event. A user-defined event is a
sequence of tasks in the workflow. Use an
Event-Raise task to specify the location of the
user-defined event in the workflow. A
user-defined event is sequence of tasks in the
branch from the Start task leading to the
Event-Raise task.
25Working with Tasks - Events
- Example Used Defined Event !
27Performance Tuning
- Identifying the Performance Bottleneck
- 1gtIdentifying Target Bottlenecks
- 2gtIdentifying Source Bottlenecks
- - Using a Filter Transformation
- - Using a Read Test Session
- - Using a Database Query
- 3gtIdentifying Mapping Bottlenecks
- - High Rowsinlookupcache Counters
- - High Errorrows Counters
- 4gtIdentifying a Session Bottleneck
- Any value other than zero in the readfromdisk and
writetodisk counters for Aggregator, Joiner, or
Rank transformations indicate a session
bottleneck. - 5gtIdentifying a System Bottleneck
28Performance Tuning
- Optimizing the Target Database
- Drop indexes and key constraints.
- Increase checkpoint intervals.
- Use bulk loading.
- Use external loading.
- Increase database network packet size.
- Optimize Oracle target databases.
29Performance Tuning
- Optimizing the Source Database
- Optimize the query.
- Create tempdb as in-memory database.
- Use conditional filters.
- Increase database network packet size.
- Connect to Oracle databases using IPC protocol.
30Performance Tuning
- Optimizing the Mapping
- - Configure single-pass reading.
- - Optimize datatype conversions.
- - Eliminate transformation errors.
- - Optimize transformations.
- - Reduce the number of transformations.
- - Optimize expressions.
- - Figure out common logic and place in a
variable flag instead of calculating each time.
31Performance Tuning
- Optimizing Lookup Transformations
- Caching Lookups
- - Shared cache.
- - Persistent cache
- Reducing the Number of Cached Rows
- Optimizing the Lookup Condition
- Indexing the Lookup Table
32Performance Tuning
- Optimizing the Session
- Increase the number of partitions.
- Reduce errors tracing.
- Remove staging areas.
- Tune session parameters.
33Performance Tuning
- Optimizing the System
- Improve network speed.
- Use multiple PowerCenter Servers.
- Use a server grid.
- Improve CPU performance.
- Configure the PowerCenter Server for ASCII data
movement mode. - Check hard disks on related machines.
- Reduce paging.
- Use processor binding