Amendment of the Act on Aviation regarding experiments position of CROS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Amendment of the Act on Aviation regarding experiments position of CROS


the airport with regard to aspects of external safety and noise pollution ... airline companies ... Airline companies have noticed that a reduction of noise ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Amendment of the Act on Aviation regarding experiments position of CROS

Amendment of the Act on Aviation regarding
experiments position of CROS
  • ISA foundation
  • 16.11.2006
  • Christiaan Verwer

Items to be discussed
  • Schiphol Act 2003
  • Air operations and its legal limitations
  • How to decrease the noiseload for the surrounding

Structure of legislation
  • Act -gt Schiphol Act (2003)
  • i.e. Amendment of the Act on Aviation
  • Order in Council -gtLib
  • -gtLvb

Schiphol Act 2003
  • amended the Act on Aviation adding
  • Chapter 8 with regard to
  • a. introduction of CROS
  • b. operations at Schiphol airport.

Act on Aviation article 8.34
  • introduces CROS consisting out of
  • Independent Chairman
  • Representatives of provinces of North South
    Holland and of Utrecht
  • Representatives of muncipalities in the three
  • Operator of the airport
  • Air traffic control Authority
  • Airline companies visiting the airport

Act on Aviation article 8.36
  • Announces a Decree of the Secretary of Transport
    to regulate in detail the composition and the
    task of CROS

Decree 07.03.2005 (Secretary of Transport)
  • Tasks of CROS (article 2)
  • To do justice to the interests of its
  • To provide information through IKB with regard to
    the daily operations of Schiphol airport in
    relation to the environment
  • To handle complaints regarding airtraffic to and
    from Schiphol
  • To inform the Secretary of Transport when asked-
    about its activities .

Composition of CROS
  • Independent Chairman
  • Representatives of clusters of municipalities if
    two, one representing administrators and one
    representing residents
  • Operator of the airport
  • Air traffic control Authority
  • Airlinecompanies (KLM-group, other airlines using
    SPL and one for members of Barin)

Operations at Schiphol airport
  • Schiphol Act provides
  • General rules and obligations
  • Implementing regulations as Orders in Council
  • Airport area order
  • Airport traffic order

Airport area order
Act on Aviation art 8.5
  • Creates areas with limitations around
  • the airport with regard to aspects of external
    safety and noise pollution

Airport Area Order (2)
  • Areas with limitations
  • Art 2.2.1 bans for buildings in different areas
    according to their function
  • Art 2.2.2 limits in height for buildings
  • Art 2.2.3 limits in use or purpose for
    categories of activities

Airport traffic order
  • Act on Aviation article 8.17
  • Sets frame and obligatory contents of the order
    with regard to aspects of safety, noise
    pollution, local air pollution and smell
  • Sets limits to the risk of external safety,
    noise pollution as well as the emission of
    substances causing local air pollution.
  • Requires continuous improvement of environmental

Airport traffic order (2)
  • Obligations for
  • airport operator
  • air traffic control
  • airline companies
  • to perform in accordance with the obligations
    set by and in force of article 8.17 Act on
  • Duty to perform each for itself as well as in

Airport traffic order (3)
  • Aircraftcommander takes care to keep the
    departing aircraft within air traffic routes
    (art. 3.1.1 Ato)
  • Only exception instruction of air traffic
    control (par 4)
  • Same obligation for incoming aircraft (art 3.1.2
  • Only exception instruction of air traffic
    control (par 5)
  • Air traffic control advises the aircraftcommander
    aiming to stay within the boundaries of air
    traffic routes (art 3.1.3 Ato)
  • Exceptions are limited (art. 3.1.3 par 3)

Airport traffic order (4)
  • Ground traffic at airside of airport
  • Aircraft commander takes care to use run- and
    taxiways in accordance with paragraphs 4 to 6
    including of this article
  • Paragraph 4 limits the use of runways
  • Exception only for salvage and rescue operations

Airport traffic order (5)
  • Paragraph 4.2 limits to noise pollution
  • Art 4.2.1 sets limit to the noise of 63,46 dB(A)
    in Lden for a 24 hourperiod. The limit is
    estimated for one year.
  • Points recorded in annex 2 have the noise limit
    indicated in annex 2
  • Art 4.2.2 sets limits for the period of 23.00
    07.00 54,44 dB (A)
  • Points recorded in annex 3 have the noise limit
    indicated in annex 3

  • Act on aviation article 8.22
  • As soon as the Inspector General finds the
    limits set by article 8.17, paragraph 4 exceeded
    he prescribes measures which to his opinion
    contribute to a reduction of the load caused by
    air traffic.
  • This means no freedom to develop a prosecution
    policy for the Inspector General.

Development of operations
  • Between 1993 and 2005 the number of
    aircraftmovements has doubled without a
    comparable increase of noise pollution
  • Reason improving technology and bigger aircraft

Effects of regulation
  • Airline companies have noticed that a reduction
    of noise level of an aircraft gives more space to
    the airport operator which means operational
    opportunities for other competing airline
    companies this is not a reward for good
  • The total amount of noise is to be performed by
    the airport not the individual airline companies.
  • Authors opinion
  • An airline company should have its own sound

Experiments article 8.23a (proposed)
  • By Decree of the Secretary of Transport it can
    be decided that requirements of article 8.15 can
    be broken by means of experiment upon condition
    that CROS has indicated that such an experiment
    can improve the experience of nuisance.

Experiments Art 8.23a (2)
  • The Decree sets the purpose of the experiment,
    and indicates how the requirements of art 8.15
    may be broken
  • The Decree indicates the realisation execution of
    the experiment the criteria according to which it
    will be decided that it is to be transformed into
    structural legislation

Experiments art 82.3a (3)
  • The experiment can last only one year with one
    extension of one year at most gt favourably this
    period concides with the operational year (01.11
  • The Decree ment in par. 1 needs to be presented
    to CROS for consultation and is to be published
    in the State Gazette and local newspapers in
    order to give anybody the opportunity to present
    his/her opinion

Experiments art 8.23a (proposed)
  • CROS can file a request for a Decree ment in par.
    1 with the Secretary of Transport. The Secretary
    decides within six weeks after reception of the
    request and reports to the Lower House as well
  • Entry into force one day after publication in
    the Bulletin of Acts, Orders and Decrees.

Evaluation of Schiphol Act
  • The Upper House has asked for an evaluation of
    the Schiphol Act three years after its entry
    into force
  • Schiphol Act art XVI the Minister will start an
    evaluation of the effects of the orders according
    to article 8.15 (ATO) not later than three years
    after coming into force.

Evaluation Schiphol Act
  • Evaluation contains a Environmental Impact
    Assessment (EIA).
  • EIA will start in 2007.
  • Cabinet has voiced its opinion on the Evaluation

Cabinets opinion
  • Cabinet wishes to see Schiphol airport to
    develop further within the existing environmental
    conditions set by legislation.
  • Cabinet wishes as well to give opportunities
  • to the surrounding residents to reduce the
    negative consequences of flying.

Cabinets desires
  • Growth for Schiphol airport.
  • Reduction of nuisance.
  • Liability for the operations lies with the
    Airport Authority.(Amsterdam Airport Schiphol
  • In order to test new opportunities the Act has to
    be amended to offer room for experiments

Authors opnion
  • The Schiphol Act is effective in its claimed
    environmental protection.
  • The aviation industry has the challenge to
    increase the overall capacity of Schiphol airport
    while improving the environmental performance as
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