Title: Introduction to Markov Chains
1Introduction to Markov Chains
- Referred Book Gregory F Lawler
- Introduction to Stochastic Processes
- Chapter 1.
2Quick Recap(1) Random Variable
- A random variable x is a function from sample
space O to real/complex space Rn. - x is measurable wrt. s- algebra of O.
- x may be discrete or continuous
- Depends on O
- Random Variable representing position of a
particle can take any value in real space R3 . (O
position x x ? R3). - Random Variable representing population can take
only positive integral values. (O size of
population n n ? N) - Not all elements in O are in its s- algebra.
3Quick recap(2) Stochastic Process and Filtration
- A stochastic process x(t,?) is a collection of
random variable wrt. Some parameter (most often
time). - A stochastic process X(t,?) is the state of the
outcome ? of a probabilistic experiment at time
t. - At each time t, we filter s-algebra F to get
s-algebra Ft. - Ft represents all the events that can take place
up-to time t total history of the process up-to
t. - This sequence Ft is called filtration of F
4Stochastic Process - Illustration
Y2 X(t2, ?)
Y1 Y2 are 2 different random variables.
Y1 X(t1, ?)
Stochastic Process X(t, ?) is a collection of
these Yis
5Stochastic Process Another Interpretation
- x(t,?) can also be viewed as a function of t and
?. - The parameter t can be continuous or discrete.
- We can monitor a process continuously or look
at it after some time interval. - O can be discrete or continuous
- Depends on the sample space O (position or
population). - Hence, Stochastic processes can be divided in 4
different classes
6Stochastic Process Classification
X(t,?) can take only a countable/finite number of
values at each discrete moment. e.g Discrete
Markov Chain
X(t,?) can take only a countable/finite number of
values at any point. e.g. Continuous time Markov
X(t,?) can take any value in a valid interval at
any point. Realm of Stochastic Differential
Equations and Itos theorem e.g. Brownian Motion
Not Discussed.
7Discrete Stochastic Processes
- In this case time and sample space are discrete.
- Time is indexed and will be designated by integer
n - The process x(t,?) is then denoted as xn.
- xn can take only a discrete number of values.
- The probability of xn taking a valid value k is
determined by its entire history. - P(xn k) ?.. .? P(xn k,xn-1 kn-1,,x1
k1) or - P(xn k) ?.. .? P(xn kxn-1,..,x1) P(xn-1
kxn-2,..,x1)..P(x1) - i.e. state of the process at any index n depends
on the previous values
8Discrete Time Stochastic Process Illustration
x4 5
x1 5
x9 5
x7 4
x8 3
x2 3
x6 2
x5 2
x3 1
9Markov property for Discrete Stochastic Processes
- The likelihood of transition to any state at the
next time index depends only on the current
state. - P(xn kxn-1 kn-1,,x1 k1) P(xn kxn-1
kn-1) or - P(xn k) ?m P(xn kxn-1 m) or
- P(xn k) ?.. .? P(xn kxn-1) P(xn-1
kxn-2)..P(x1) - Any Discrete Stochastic Process Satisfying the
Markov property is a Discrete Markov Chain
10Discrete Time Markov Chain(1)
- A discrete time Markov Chain M is a sequence xn
of random variables. - Each element of the sequence is a discrete random
variable. - The probability of xn being in a particular
state depends only the value of xn-1. - A Markov Chain is defined by 2 quantities-
- Initial State probability vector v(0)
- (P(x0 k) vk(0))
- The Transition matrix P(n) at time n.
- P(xn1 kxn i) P(n)ik .
- v(n 1) v(n)P(n).
11Discrete Time Markov Chain(2) Behavior with Time
- A markov chain is called Time-Homogenous when
P(n) P is a constant wrt n. - The likelihood of transitions dose not change
with time. - Then v(n 1) v(n)P v(n-1)P2 v(0)P(n1)
- Long Range Behavior
- What happens to the state probabilities when a
markov chain has continued for a long time? - A large class of markov chains tend to approach a
steady state of state probabilities.
12Discrete Time Markov Chain(3) Behavior with Time
- Steady State Probabilities
- After a long time, generally a markov chain would
settle to state probabilities that do not change
with time. - i.e. v(n) ? p as n ?8.
- p is a left eigenvector of P with eigenvalue 1
- pP p
- We know that such a vector exists as there is
always a right eigenvector of P with eigenvalue 1 - P.1 1
13Discrete Time Markov Chain(4) Behavior with Time
- Question now is Which Markov Chains approach
this steady state, and if it is unique? - We look at it later after presenting a few more
14Discrete Time Markov Chain(5) Classification of
- A discrete markov chain can be considered as a
random path in a graph (nodes represent the
states). - Then, 2 states (nodes) i and k can communicate
with each (i ? k) other if for some m,n gt 0 - Pmik gt 0 and Pnki gt 0
- There is a chance that the chain will reach state
i from k in some finite steps and vice-versa
(existence of a path in probability) - Communication is an equivalence relation-
- i ? k and k ? h i ? h
- i ? k k ? i
15Discrete Time Markov Chain(6) Communicating
Classes Illustration
4 is not communicable with any other state
3 ? 5
1 ? 2
2 ? 6
6 ? 7
6 ? 5
16Discrete Time Markov Chain(7) Classification of
- Not all states can communicate with each other.
- A set of states that can communicate with each
other belongs to one communication class. (a
connected sub-graph in probability) - If all the states can communicate with each
other, the markov chain is irreducible (A
connected graph) - Or, P has exactly one left eigenvector with
eigenvalue 1 and all other eigenvalues have
magnitude less than 1.
17Discrete Time Markov Chain(8) Classification of
- A set of states that can communicate with each
other belong to a particular communication
class- - As time progresses, if the markov chain leaves
the class with probability 1, then the class is
transient - Other Classes are called recurrent classes.
- Markov chain is trapped in the recurrent class
- In such a case, a markov chain is reduced to
smaller chains
18Discrete Time Markov Chain(9) Reducible Markov
Chain Transition Matrix
Recurrent Class
Transition From recurrent to transient class
Transient class
Transition From transient to recurrent class
19Discrete Time Markov Chain(10)
- At infinite time, a recurrent state will be
visited infinitely often - At infinite time, a transient state is visited
only a finite number of times. - The expected number of visits to a transient
state j is given by ? Mjk where M (I - Q)-1. - The probability matrix A of ending up in a
recurrent state r from any transient state is
obtained by A M.S (I - Q)-1S
20Discrete Time Markov Chain(11) Periodicity
- A state i can communicate with itself (existence
of a cycle) - Hence, it will return to the same state i in some
finite steps with a non-zero probability - The period of a state i is defined as d(i)-
- d(i) gcdn Pnii gt 0
- If d(i) 1, markov chain is aperiodic
- Can be observed from visual inspection
21Discrete Time Markov Chain(11) Steady State
- If a time-homogeneous markov chain is irreducible
and aperiodic, it will have a unique steady state
probability vector p. - aperiodicity guarantees that only one left
eigenvector has eigenvalue 1. - Multiple left eigenvectors with eigenvalue 1
imply multiple steady state distributions. (each
one can occur) - Irreducibility guarantees that no other
eigenvector has an eigenvalue with magnitude 1.