Title: ECE 291: Senior Design Team
1ECE 291 Senior Design Team 1
- Reed Solomon Decoder for HDTV Applications
2Team Members
- Enrique Aleman
- Emmanuel Galema
- Mathew Kettledon
- Advisor Hanho Lee
- Sponsor ECE Department
- What is Reed-Solomon code?
- Theory behind the code
- How this works for High-Definition TV
- C code (For verification)
- Verilog HDL Coding
- Synthesis for a FPGA (Field Programmable Gate
4Reed-Solomon Code
- Block based error correction code
- Used in a wide variety of applications.
- Ex CD, DVD, Satellite communications, HDTV, and
communication networks. - Parity bits redundancy
- Can correct entire bytes of error
5Reed-Solomon Code
- RS(n,k)
- n codeword symbols
- k data symbols
- n k parity symbols 2t
- t maximum of symbol errors that can be
corrected. - S number of bits per symbol ?index
6Representing Alpha(?) values
P(x) X8 X4 X3 X2 1 for GF(28) P(?)
?8 ? 4 ? 3 ? 2 1 0 Ex. ?9 /
P(?) ?1 ?3 ?4 ?5
7Galois Field Algebra
- Field a number system with defined fundamental
operations (, -, /, x) - Galois Field (GF) is a finite field
- GF(2m ) ? m8
- Multiplication ? i ? j ?(i
j) mod (2m - 1) - Division ? i / ? j
?(i - j) mod (2m - 1) - Example ? 5 ? 4 ? 9 mod 7 ? 2
- Addition/Subtraction ( use binary XOR)
- Example ? 17 ? 18 (00011001) (10110100)
(10101101) ? 42
- What is HDTV?
- New television standard
- Prone to errors
- Uses a Reed-Solomon Decoder to reduce Bit Error
Ratio (BER) in HDTV.
- HDTV uses RS(207,187)
- S ?index byte 8 bits
- t 10 symbols 80bits
9Reed-Solomon Encoder
- Generator Polynomial
- Encoder Algorithm
- c(x) xn - k m(x) mod g(x)
- g(x) (x?)(x?2)(x?19)(x?20)
- c(x) encoded message
- m(x) original message polynomial
- xn - k m(x)/g(x) q(x) c(x)/g(x)
10Reed-Solomon Decoder
- RS decoder consists of
- Syndrome calculator
- Euclidean algorithm block
- Chien searcher
- Forney algorithm block
- Error corrector
Where r(x) e(x) c(x)
- Syndrome
- S(x) r(x) mod g(x)
- Depends only on e(x)
- r(x)/g(x) q(x) S(x)/g(x)
- e(x) c(x)/g(x) q(x) S(x)/g(x)
- Since c(x) is divisible by g(x)
- e(x)/g(x) qe(x) S(x)/g(x)
- Consists n-k symbols used to limit the search
for the e(x) from 2n to 2n-k. - If there are no errors, the syndrome polynomial
S(x) will be zero.
12Euclidean Algorithm
- Euclidean algorithm
- Processes the key equation, S(x)?(x) ?(x) mod
xn k to generate an error locator polynomial
?(x) and an error magnitude polynomial ?(x). - Determines the greatest common divisor of the two
13Euclidean Divider Block
Initial Values
R -1(x) x 20
R0(x) S(x) ? x 19 x18 1
Since deg R2(x) lt ( T 10) ?(x) R2(x)
14Euclidean Multiply Block
B1(x) B -1(x) Q1(x) B0(x)
Initial Values
B -1(x) 0
B2(x) B 0(x) Q2(x) B1(x)
B0(x) 1
B3(x) B 1(x) Q3(x) B2(x) B1(x)
B4(x) B 2(x) Q4(x) B3(x) B2(x)
?(x) BT(x) B !0(x) B 2(x)
15Chien Search Block
- Chien Search
- Evaluates the error locator polynomial ?(x) to
find its roots. It runs all possible input
values of the GF(256) and then checks to see if
the output is zero. A value of zero at the
output indicates an error at that location.
16Forney Algorithm and Error Corrector Block
- Forney Algorithm
- Computes the error magnitudes ( Yi ) with the use
of ?(xi) and ?(xi). - Yi ?(xi) / ?(xi)
- Where xi indicates the root as computed from the
Chien Search and ?(xi) is the derivative of
?(x). - Output of this stage is the completed error value
17Forney Algorithm and Error Corrector Block.
- Error Corrector
- Takes the received word r(x) and adds
(XOR-operation) it to the corresponding error
magnitudes computed at the respective error
locations to produce the corrected codeword. - r(x) e(x) c(x)
18Design Flow
- Define requirements specify functionality of
device. Ex I/O and performance requirements
Define Requirements
- C coding Source code of a program that
implements a Reed-Solomon encoder/decoder.
C coding
Verify Logic
- Verilog coding entry functional description of
architectures. Include combinational logic design
and RTL (Register Transfer Level) coding.
Verilog Coding
Verify Logic
- Synthesis generates a netlist from the Verilog
code. Netlist is a low level abstraction of the
Verify Logic
Place Route
- Place and Route determines the Placement of each
cell and connections between cells in the chip.
Verify Logic
- Configuration a process in which the circuit
design (bitstream file) is downloaded into the
19C Code Implementation
- Source code of a program that implements the
Reed-Solomon decoder/encoder algorithm - Verification purposes
20Outputs of C Code
21Verilog HDL code
- Simple example of Verlilog
- module mux2x1 (A, B, Sel, Y) input 7 0
A input 7 0 B input Sel output 7
0 Y reg 7 0 Y always _at_ (A or
B or Sel) Y lt (Sel) ? B A
endmodule // mux2x1
Gate Level Diagram of MUX2x1
22Verlilog Simulation Result
RS(207, 187) C code comparison Index
Errmag_out Received corrected
Original6, 0,
212, 212
2127, 0,
244, 244
2448, 0, 4,
4 49,
12, 205, 193
19310, 232,
64, 168
16811, 186,
8, 178
17812, 0,
216, 216 21613,
39, 2,
37 3714,
0, 76, 76
7615, 158,
29, 131
13116, 0,
47, 47
4717, 0, 250,
250 25018,
204, 16,
220 220
- FPGA design for RS decoder
24Synthesis for FPGA
- Macro Statistics
- Registers 22
- 8-bit register 22
- Multiplexers 22
- 2-to-1 multiplexer 22
- Xors 188
- 1-bit xor10 1
- 8-bit xor10 1
- 1-bit xor2 118
- 1-bit xor3 55
- 1-bit xor4 2
- 1-bit xor5 2
- 8-bit xor5 1
- 1-bit xor6 2
- 1-bit xor7 3
- 8-bit xor7 1
- 1-bit xor8 1
- 1-bit xor9 1
Example HDL Synthesis Report for the Chien
Search block.
- Verilog Simulator
- FPGA Chip
- CAD Tool
- Chip Board
- Hardware for testing
- Time Spent