Title: The Book of the Past, Present, and Future
1The Book of the Past, Present, and Future
- By Evelin Roman and Emanuel Flores
2About the Authors
- My name is Emanuel Flores. I am a first
grader and I am 6 years old.
My name is Evelin Roman and I am 7 years old.
3- We would like to dedicate this book to Ms.
Salazar for teaching us about the past, present,
and future and Ms. Long for helping us put this
slideshow together.
5Cars from the Past
Evelin I think these cars were made 23
years ago.
6Cars from the Present
Evelin I think these cars are nice and
7Cars from the Future
Emanuel These cars are cool and I want to get
one when I grow up.
9Phones from the Past
Evelin People used these 100 years ago.
10Phones from the Present
Evelin I am going to tell my dad to buy
me one of these.
11Phones from the Future
Emanuel People will use these in 200 years.
13Clocks from the Past
Emanuel Maybe this is from when the dragons
14Clocks from the Present
These are clocks from our classroom.
15Clocks from the Future
Evelin Maybe these will be used in 2 years.
17Computers from the Past
Emanuel I think these computers were used 145
years ago.
18Computers from the Present
These are computers from our classroom.
19Computers from the Future
Evelin I think these computers will be used in
2 years.
21Schools from the Past
Emanuel I think these schools look like houses.
22Schools from the Present
This is a picture of our school.
23Schools from the Future
Emanuel I think that looks like a space school.
25Buildings from the Past
Evelin I think these buildings look like
26Buildings from the Present
These are buildings in Houston.
27Buildings from the Future
Evelin I think these buildings will be built
in 20 years.
29Clothes from the Past
Emanuel I think these clothes were made in the
30Clothes from the Present
This is what we wear at school.
31Clothes from the Future
Evelin I think these clothes are weird,
but we will wear them in the future.
32Reflection Page
- Emanuel I learned a lot about the present,
- past, and future.
- Evelin I liked learning and typing. I
liked - it when I was finding the pictures.
33Citation Page
- The photos through this slideshow are from
- www.images.google.com.
- Other pictures came from Clip Art.