Title: Angular Measurement
1Angular Measurement
- Requires three points
- From Backsight reference
- At Where the transit is located
- To Foresight
- Established or Determined
- Units of Measure
- Degrees, Min, Sec
- Radians - ? rad 180 degrees
- Gons European, 400 Gon/circle
2Direction of a Line
- Same units as Angles
- Meridians North/South Lines
- True
- Magnetic
- Grid
- Assumed
- Azimuth
- Bearing
- Angles Measured Clockwise from North
- Military and Astronomers use South
- Angle between 0 and 360
- Back Az Az 180
- AzBC Back AzAB ltA
- Quadrants NE, SE, SW, NW
- Always lt 90
- Written N2315W
- Back Bearing change directions
- Bearing AB N2315W
- Back bearing AB bearing BAS2315E
5Bearings to Azimuths
- Each quadrant is different
- NE Bearing E from N Az Bearing Angle (BA)
- SE Bearing E from S Az 180 BA
- SW Bearing W from SAz 180 BA
- NW Bearing E from NAz 360 BA
6Problem 9-3, McCormacs 4th
Az OA 14116 (SE Quad) B.A. 180 - 14116
3884 Bearing S3884E Az OB 21723 (SW
Quad) B.A. 21723 - 180 3723 Bearing
S3723W Az OC 4823 (NE Quad) B.A. Az
Bearing N4823E
7Problem 9-5, McCormacs 4th
Az OA 172216 Az OB 180 - 701846
1094114 Az OB 180 11852
191852 Az OB 360 - 763052
8Traverse Directions
- Given
- The direction of a side
- The connecting angle
- Find
- The direction of the adjacent side
- Determine back azimuth
- Add angle
- Clockwise ()
- Counterclockwise (-)
9Traverse Azimuths Example
- Az AB 3515
- ?ABC 9827
- Find AZ BC
- Back Az Az ? 180
- Az BA 21515
10Problem 9-7, McCormacs 4th
Az AB 7042Az BA 25042 ?ABC 9718 Left
(CCW) so Az BC 25042 - 9718
15324 SE QuadrantB.A. 180 - 15324
2636 Bearing S 2636E
11Problem 9-7, McCormacs 4th
Az BC 16228Az BA 34228 ?BCD 6738
Left (CCW) so Az CD 34228 - 6738
27450 NW QuadrantB.A. 360 -
27450 8510 Bearing N 8510W
12Problem 9-17, McCormacs 5th
Az 34 3515000Az 43 1715000- ?4 -
2213756 - 494756
3600000Az 41 3101204 NW Quad, B.A.
360 - Az Bearing 41 N 494756W
13Problem 9-17, McCormacs 5th
Az 41 3101204 Az 14 1301204- ?1 -
511600Az 12 785604 NE Quad, B.A. Az
Bearing 12 N 785604E Az 21 2585604-
?2 - 362200Az 23 2223404 SW Quad,
B.A. Az - 180 Bearing 23 S423404E
14Problem 9-17, McCormacs 5th
?3 360 - 2213756 - 511600 -
362200 504404 Az 32
423404- ?3 - 504404
- 81000 3600000Az 34
3515000 NW Quad, B.A. 360 - Az Bearing 34
N 81000W
Closed traverse, Interior angles ??s (n-2)180
(4-2)180 360