Title: Adapting our Institutions cmf v
1Adopt an Enterprise Approach 6 October
2009 GEN Ann Dunwoody
Version 4/As of 6 October 2009
2What I Want To Leave You With
- Adapting the Institution using an Enterprise
Approach - This is NOT about ... This is about doing the
right thing for the right reasons to provide
better support to deployed men and women while
being good stewards of taxpayer - Want your thoughts and engagement
We will not turn the Army into a business but
will understand the business of our Army
CG, AMC-Oct 2008
3(No Transcript)
4Back up
5The Power of the Enterprise
Rapid Fielding Initiative Property
Accountability Improved Rapid Fielding Initiative
accountability and total asset visibility over
gaining command property increased process yield
for property transfer within 7 days from 23 to
99.99. Estimated Cost Avoidance is 21.8M for
FY10-FY11. Stakeholders include PEO Soldier, AMC
Recovery of Interceptor Body Armor Improving
Process 27M in cost avoidance by recovering
serviceable body armor to refill outstanding
requisitions. Stakeholders include TACOM LCMC,
PEO Soldier, HQDA G-4
Rapid Kiowa Liquid Crystal Display Obsolescence
Mitigation Invested 1.34M to save 35.5M over 10
years. Stakeholders include PEO Aviation, AMCOM
Reduced Inventory of OEM supplied Materiel
Improving Process Cost avoidance of 18.9M by
reducing buy back of materiel in the T-55
program. Stakeholders include Corpus Christi
Army Depot, AMCOM LCMC, RDECOM, PEO Aviation,
Industry Partners
Lower Cost . . . Higher Quality . . . Faster