Welcome%20to%20CS%20450%20Internet%20Security:%20A%20Measurement-based%20Approach - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Course Administrative Trivia. What is Internet security? Principles of cryptography ... Other students are welcome to question either side either for clarifications or ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Welcome%20to%20CS%20450%20Internet%20Security:%20A%20Measurement-based%20Approach

Welcome to CS 450Internet Security A
Measurement-based Approach
Why Internet Security
  • Internet attacks are increasing in frequency,
    severity and sophistication
  • Denial of service (DoS) attacks
  • Cost 1.2 billion in 2000
  • 1999 CSI/FBI survey 32 of respondents detected
    DoS attacks directed to their systems
  • Thousands of attacks per week in 2001
  • Yahoo, Amazon, eBay, Microsoft, White House,
    etc., attacked

Why Internet Security (contd)
  • Virus and worms
  • Melissa, Nimda, Code Red, Code Red II, Slammer
  • Cause over 28 billion in economic losses in
    2003, growing to over 75 billion in economic
    losses by 2007.
  • Code Red (2001) 13 hours infected gt360K machines
    - 2.4 billion loss
  • Slammer (2003) 10 minutes infected gt 75K
    machines - 1 billion loss
  • Security has become one of the hottest jobs even
    with downturn of economy

  • Course Administrative Trivia
  • What is Internet security?
  • Principles of cryptography
  • Authentication

  • Instructor
  • Yan Chen (ychen_at_cs.northwestern.edu),
  • Office Hours Tuesday. 2-4pm or by appointment,
    Rm 330, 1890 Maple Ave.

Course Overview
  • Seminar class paper reading a big project
  • Start with the basic concepts of Internet
    architecture, its design principles and evolution
  • End-to-end, active networks, etc.
  • First half focus on large-scale Internet attacks
    and defense
  • Mobile Malcode (virus/worm) global
    characteristics and prevalence, propagation
  • Internet Quarantine self-propagating code
  • Denial of service attacks (in P2P and stealthy
    DoS) vs flash crowds
  • Research agenda by DoD

Course Overview (contd)
  • First half (large-scale Internet attacks)
  • P2P system security
  • Wireless, ad hoc and sensor network security
  • Second half reverse engineering the Internet
  • Motivation Internet ossification
  • High-speed network monitoring and detection
  • Network fault diagnostics and root cause analysis
  • Measurement-based inference

Prerequisites and Course Materials
  • Required CS340 (Intro to computer networking)
  • Highly Recommended OS or having some familiarity
    with Unix systems programming
  • No required textbook paper reading!
  • Recommended books on computer security (see
    webpage for a complete list)

  • No exams for this class
  • Class participation and discussion 15
  • Paper reading summary 10
  • In class paper presentation and debate 20
  • Project 55
  • Proposal and survey 5
  • Midterm presentation and report 10
  • Weekly report and meeting 10
  • Final presentation 10
  • Final report 20

Paper Reading
  • Write a very brief summary of each paper, to be
    emailed to the TA before the class
  • Summary should include
  • Paper title and its author(s)
  • Brief one-line summary
  • A paragraph of the one or two most significant
    new insight(s) you took away from the paper
  • A paragraph of the one or two most significant
    flaw(s) of the paper
  • A last paragraph where you state the relevance of
    the ideas today, potential future research
    suggested by the article

Class Format I - Presentation
  • Introduction of the basic problems, ideas and
    solutions (10 minutes)
  • Student presentations of the two closely related
  • 20 minutes for presentation, and 10 minutes for
  • Or spend 40 minutes for the first paper (major
    one), and 20 minutes on the second paper
  • Each non-speaker need to ask at least one
    question about the shortcoming for either one of
    the papers
  • Summarize with the last 10 minutes
  • Take turns for presentation (one student each

Format of the Presentation
  • Presentation should include the following
  • Motivation
  • Classification of related work/background
  • Main ideas
  • Evaluation and results
  • Open issues
  • Send the slides to Prof. Kuzmanovic and me for
    review at least 24 hours ahead of the class
  • Guidelines online

Class Format II - Debate
  • Defensive team presentation 30 minutes
  • Offensive team presentation 20 minutes
  • Follow up argument from the defensive and
    offensive teams
  • Other students are welcome to question either
    side either for clarifications or to add to the
  • Both teams need to send the slides to Prof.
    Kuzmanovic and me for review at least 24 hours
    ahead of the class

  • The most important part of class
  • Group of 2 people
  • Project list online now
  • Proposal 4/8
  • 3-4 pages describing the purpose of the project,
    work to be done, expected outcome/results and
    related work
  • Weekly Meeting and Progress Report 4/4-5/20
  • Each team will schedule a weekly meeting (30
    minutes) with me. A work-in-progress report
    (except the 4/13 week) of 1-2 pages is due 24
    hours ahead of the meeting.
  • Midterm presentation 4/27
  • Midterm report 4/29
  • Project Presentation 5/25 and 6/1
  • Final Report 6/10

Communication and Policies
  • Web page http//www.cs.nwu.edu/ychen/classes/cs4
  • Send emails to instructor for questions
  • No late handins! Will be ignored
  • Work division
  • Each team member should do similar amount of work
  • Survey on work division at the end of quarter
  • More contribution, better grade!

  • Class Survey
  • Can everyone make 330-5 M and Wed?
  • Do you like peer-review and comments for
  • Sign up for Debates and Presentation
  • Individual discussion for Projects
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