Title: LTS
1LTS advocate for games and learning
- Derek P Robertson
- New Technologies for Learning
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3Our new learning space
- Successful learners
- Confident Individuals
- Responsible citizens
- Effective Contributors
4Prenskys digital native?
- What is a digital native?
- Modern technology is now embedded in, and
integral to, young learners lives
- digital interactive TV
- the internet
- Music downloads
- computer games
- cell phones
- instant messaging
- blogs
- ebay
- online avatars
- instant messaging
- sharing media
5Digital natives what differs?
- Does the digital native learn in a different way?
- They are used to receiving information at high
speed - They like to parallel process/multi-task
- They prefer graphics before text
- They prefer random access (i.e. hypertext)
- They work very well when networked
- They thrive on instant gratification and frequent
rewards - They prefer games to serious work
6Prenskys digital immigrant?
- Have had to adapt to the ever increasing
influence of technology on society - Retain their accent
- print out e-mails
- write on word processing documents rather than do
it on screen - refer to the manual first
- Did you get my e-mail? phone call
7Communication breakdown?
- Do teachers (digital immigrants) speak a
different language from young learners (digital
natives)? - Is our methodology still based on how immigrants
were socialised to learn? - slowly, step-by-step, linear, individually,
seriously - Do immigrants implicitly assume that learners
learn, and will continue to learn, the way they
always have?
8A theoretical framework?
- Social constructivism
- Find out about what children already know and can
do, value it and use this a s the foundation upon
which future learning can be built - Importance of talk and collaboration in the
learning process - a shared experience - Importance of cultural relevance and resonance
9Why computer games?
- Whitfield Primary, Dundee, 1997-1999
- Games at Christmas
- Problem solving with the Zoombinis
- Using the Nintendo 64 to promote creative writing
- Pupils were motivated and stimulated to learn
- Encouraged and facilitated collaboration
- Encouraged and facilitated learner reflection
- A climate of active and knowledgeable
participation - No fear in the approach to their learning
10Why computer games?
- Wider reading and research
- Futurelab
- Games and Learning (2005)
- Teaching with Games (2006)
- Unlimited Learning (2006)
- Mark Prensky
- James Paul Gee
- Stephen Johnson
- Gerard Jones
- John Kirriemuir
11Enhanced learning?
- Powerful motivational context
- Enhanced learning through games
- Science model
- Problem solving
- Knowledge about other curricular areas
- Metacognitive development
- Collaborative contexts
- Affective domain
12Why games engage us?
Games have representation and story. That gives
us emotion.
Games are a form of fun. That gives us enjoyment
and pleasure.
Games have conflict/challenge/opposition. That
gives us adrenaline.
Games have outcomes and feedback. That gives us
Games have rules. That gives us structure.
Games are adaptive. That gives us flow.
Games are interactive. That gives us doing.
Games have problem solving. That sparks our
Games have goals. That gives us motivation.
Games have win states. That gives us ego
Games are a form of play. That gives us intense
and passionate involvement.
Games have interaction. That gives us social
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15A new moral panic?
promotes aggression
social isolation
causes obesity
encourages sedentary lifestyle
desensitises children
cognitive stagnation
established standards challenged
16The Consolarium
- Scottish Centre for Games in Education
- Comprehensive range of commercial consoles and
games - PS2, PSP, Xbox360, DS, Wii,
- Alienware PC
- Intel Mac
- Interactive whiteboard
- Wi-fi access
- Some pictures
17What it aims to do
- Promote games and learning
- Act as a centre that teachers and educational
managers can visit - Develop a community of interested partners
- Education, academic industry
- Nurture, support and celebrate effective and
innovative practice with games - Address cynicism and moral panic associated
with games based learning - Embed games and learning in ACfE
18Literacy through games
- Text driven narratives encouraging reading and
writing - Phoenix Wright, Hotel Dusk
- Tracey Beaker, Shobna, Jungle Adventure
- Myst with Tim Rylands
- Developing a game character
- Exploiting games related contexts
- Crazy Talk
- A little bit more adventurous
- Guitar Hero/Singstar thematic approach
19Numeracy and games
- Increasing range of games that present cognitive
challenge - Nintendo Touch Generations
- Doctor Kawashima, Big Brain Academy
- St Columbas PS Nintendo project
- 3 schools one with Nintendo DS, one with Brain
Gym, one control group - 10 week treatment period
- Pre and post tests Burnett Self Scale and age
appropriate Maths test
20New Technologies
- Games are incorporating the full range of new
technologies to enhance the game experience - Eye Toy
- Dance Mats
- Sonica Spanish
- Ramba Studios Phonics dance mat
- Nintendo Wii
- Buzz
21Game play in social studies
- Music, literature, art used as vehicles for
political protestnow games - Madrid
- September 12th
- Darfur is Dying
- Learning about citizenship and politics?
- Prime Minister election simulator
- Games in History
- David McDivitt
22Power to create games!
- An ethos of creation and not just consumption is
required - Gamemaker
- Thinking Worlds
- Missionmaker
- Neverwinter Nights new
- Microsoft
- Opening up Xbox coding
23Lets be realistic
- Successful learners require good teachers
- This is another way through which we can engage
digital natives - We need to explore this medium but we need to be
open-minded - Schools needs to appreciate the changing societal
landscape and evolve accordingly
24Thank you
- d.robertson_at_ltscotland.org.uk
- http//hotmilkydrink.typepad.com