Title: International Programs
1International Programs
- A Report on International Programs to the Board
of Trustees - November 2004
2International Programs at FHDA
- Providing services to international students for
over 30 years - Known as leaders in the field
- Presentation Highlights
- International Programs overall activities
- Recruitment
- Pedagogical benefits
- Post-9/11 environment
- Economic benefits
3The Mandate forInternational Education
- National Imperative
- District Mission and Values
4F-1 Visa Students
- Issued to individuals enrolling in programs
leading to a degree - Remain in the U.S. until they have completed
their graduation requirements - FHDA is responsible for monitoring progress and
well-being - Pre-9/11, the program was growing 12-20 per year
5F-1 Headcount 1995 - 2003
6Top 20 Countries
- Japan
- Hong Kong
- Korea
- Indonesia
- Taiwan
- China
- Vietnam
- United Kingdom
- Sweden
- India
- Canada
- Thailand
- Philippines
- Malaysia
- Poland
- Singapore
- Portugal
- Macau
- Turkey
- Germany
7Recruitment of F-1 Students
- Unified in 2001
- Word of mouth
- Educated more than 50,000 international students
- Counselor relationships
- International high schools
- U.S. government and private educational advising
centers - Foreign International Fairs and Exhibitions
- 3 persons traveling September, October, February,
and March
8Recruitment Travel Oct. 2004
9Recruitment Sample City
Saturday, September 25 955 p.m. Arrive
Singapore, transfer to the Conrad Centennial
Hotel Sunday, September 26 (Singapore) 1030
a.m. Exhibition set-up 1100 a.m. 400
p.m. Exhibition Monday, September 27
(Singapore) 830 a.m. Depart hotel 900 a.m.
1000 a.m. International School of
Singapore 1100 a.m. 1200 p.m. Overseas
Family School 100 p.m. 200 p.m. Singapore
American School 230 p.m. Return to
hotel Tuesday, September 28 (Singapore) 830
a.m. Depart hotel for airport, fly to
Penang 1215 p.m. Arrive in Penang
10Application and Visa Process
- Applications accepted Fall, Winter, Spring
- Deadline 3 months prior to quarter start
- TOEFL of 500 or IELTS of 5.0
- High school transcripts
- Financial ability
- SEVIS and I-20
- Student applies for F-1 visa
- Arrives in U.S. about 1 month before classes start
11International Orientation
- Mandatory one-week orientation
- Held one month before quarter start
- Take placement tests
- Meet with academic counselor
- Choose and register for classes
- Information about visa requirements, campus
services, educational planning and transfer
12F-1s Take More Units
13F-1s Remain Longer
14F-1s Earn Higher Grades
15Classrooms and Communities Benefit
Barbara Illowsky, Math at De Anza Having
international students in their classes is the
closest that local students may ever come to
intermingling with other cultures before they
enter the workforce Charles Lee, ESL at De
Anza By comparison, I have found international
students highly motivated and eager to learn.
Sid Davidson, Business, Accounting at
Foothill they are attentive, participatory,
focused and eager for the knowledge they are able
to extract from the classes.
16F-1s Transfer More
17Post-9/11 Challenges
- New requirements from Dept of Homeland Security
- Dept of State issuing fewer visas
- Personal visa interviews
- Some male students are investigated
- SEVIS system implementation
- Daily online reporting of 40 various events
- FHDA must monitor student status and location
- SEVIS fee
- Competition
- Other countries
- Other schools in the U.S.
18District Financial Benefits
- Foreign tuition 111 per unit, plus 17 per unit
enrollment fee - Must enroll in 12 units minimum
- 5,000 per academic year on average
- 11.6 million non-resident for 2003-2004
- 10.2 million from international students
19Other Activities
- Campus Abroad
- Sister schools and corporate programs
- Summer language intensives
20International Programs Goals
- Enhance world peace and global understanding
through education - Learn more about each country's culture,
language, people, government, and economic
principles in order to promote friendship without
boundaries - Promote and support a variety of cultural and
educational experiences for all concerned parties
21Overall Program Benefits
- Allow FHDA to internationalize our colleges
- Brings outstanding students onto our campuses and
into our classrooms, and gives us an excellent
transfer record that helps to build and maintain
our local and national reputations - Provides the District a significant Fund 14
revenue stream, which augments the salaries and
operations in Central Services and on both