Title: The Census of Canada and Immigration
1The Census of Canada and Immigration
Ethno-cultural Data
University of Alberta February 10, 2006
- Significance of the Census
- Distinction between Statistics and Data
- Channels of Access
- Statistical Sources from the 2001 Census
- Data Sources from the 2001 Census
- Post-censal Data
- Some of the material in this presentation was
made available by Tina Chui at Statistics Canada.
4Census of Population
- Largest survey in Canada taken every five years
- Long history of questions on
- place of birth
- citizenship
- year of immigration
- 2B form consists of 51 questions compared to the
7 questions of 2A
5(No Transcript)
6Census of Population
7Census of Population
- New question in 2001 on birthplace of parents
8Census of Population
- Household activities
- Education
- Labour force activity
- Occupation
- Mobility
- Income
9What Census Data Tell Us
- Size origins of the immigrant population,
children of immigrants, ethnic groups, etc. - Settlement mobility patterns of immigrants and
ethnic groups over time - Labour market experience of immigrants, adult
children of immigrants, visible minorities,
ethnic groups
10Advantages of Using Census Data
- Up to 100 years of historical data
- Detailed information on birthplaces, ethnic
origins, visible minority groups, languages, etc. - Data available for small geographic areas
- Wide range of socio-cultural and economic
variables can be used in analysis
11Limitations of Census Data
- Not longitudinal cannot follow the same
respondents over time - No year of arrival information
- (asks the year landed immigrant status was
obtained) - No immigration program information
- (e.g. categories of admission selection
characteristics) - Outcome measures, rather than process
12Statistical Information
- Statistics
- numeric facts/figures
- created from data, i.e, already processed
- presentation-ready
- Data
- numeric files created and organized for analysis
- requires processing
- not ready for display
13Chart of Statistical Information
14Continuum of Access
15CENSUS 2001
16Statistics STC Website
18Statistics DSP (E-STAT)
20Statistics DLI Tabulations
21DLI Tables
22Statistics Custom Tabulations
23Custom Tabluations
- Metropolis Core Tables
- Three levels of geography
- Between CT and CSD
- DA
- Available for 1996 and 2001
- Canadian Heritage
24Data DLI Tables
25DLI Tables
- Same as the tables from the Statistics Canada
website that are sold (), but put away your Visa
or Mastercard. The DLI license covers the cost. - Tables at the DA-level of census geography
- Some very large tables at DA-level that arent
available from the STC website - Need Beyond 20/20 table browser
26Data DLI Public UseMicrodata Files
27DLI Public Use Microdata
- Anonymised microdata for three units of
observation - Individuals
- Families
- Households
- The Individuals file is available still waiting
on the Families and Households files
28Post-censal Ethnic Diversity Survey
29EDS Public Use Microdata File
30EDS Public Use Microdata
- Anonymised microdata available with SPSS and SAS
syntax files - 355 variables and 41,705 cases (unweighted)
- Available through DLI
31EDS Research Data Centres
32EDS Confiential File
- Confidential file, also referred to as the
analytic file - Over 1,000 variables
- 13 RDCs across Canada
- Must apply on a project by project basis
- Approval involves two-stage process peer review
and security clearance -
33Ethnic Diversity Survey
- Survey Objectives
- to provide information on the ethnic cultural
backgrounds of people in Canada and how these
backgrounds related to their lives today - To better understand how Canadians of different
ethnic backgrounds interpret and report their
ethnicity - Target population
- Population aged 15 and over living in private
dwellings in the 10 provinces, excluding Indian
Reserves and Aboriginal
34EDS Sample design selection
- Two-phase stratified design
- Phase I 2001 long census questionnaires
(one-in-five households in Canada) - Phase II Selected a sample of respondents from
the Census according to specific characteristics - Sample selection
- Divided the Census population into groups
according to the responses to the following three
questions - Ethnic origin
- Birthplace of respondent
- Birthplace of parents
- Total of 15 strata random selection within each
35EDS Interviews
- 57,000 persons selected to be interviewed (no
proxy reporting) between April and August 2002 - Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing,
approximately 35 minute interviews - Interviewed in 9 different languages
- 42,500 people were interviewed
36EDS Content Modules Themes
- Entry
- Ethnic self-Definition
- Respondent Family Background
- Knowledge Use of Language
- Family Interaction
- Social Networks
37EDS Content Modules Themes (continued)
- Civic Participation
- Interaction with Society
- Attitudes
- Trust Satisfaction
- Socio-economic activities
- Who answered 2001 Census questionnaire
38EDS Potential Research Areas
Unpacking Ethnicity
Discrimination Unfair Treatment
Socio-economic Status
Social Capital
Social Networks
Participation in Society
Transmission of Culture Language
39Census of Population