Title: Preliminary results on H8 test beam data Cosenza
1Preliminary results on H8 test beam data Cosenza
Frascati Pavia Roma1 Roma3
- First results of summer 2001 H8 test beam data.
- all is preliminary, several systematic effects
need (a probably long!) investigation but most
results are known with good accuracy already - many people made an important effort to get a
quick feedback to chamber constructors on the
chamber performance - although most things are preliminary almost all
seems to be as expected - all tracking based results were obtained using
CALIB, a c program developed by several
off-line people from the Italian community. It
will be the standard test beam analysis tool for
Italian groups.
- Basic results of this presentation concerning
(mostly BIL, BML under way) - t0, t1, tmax drift characteristics (Ludovico!)
- r-t relation
- tube efficiency
- resolution HV scan threshold scan
2Note in preparation
3Drift properties
700 ns width
raw time (ns)
t0 ? start of physical distribution
t1 ? end of physical distribution
Not expected to carry any relevant information,
needed to equalize tdcs
tmax t1 t0 depends on many relevant drift
4tmax distribution_at_ nominal conditions
Tubes have all the same drift properties
rms of the distribution is 2 ns (compatible with
error in the determination of t0)
average value 665 ns
5The tdc rise time depends on threshold
Zoom of the first part of the time distribution
and compare the rise time corresponding to
different threshold values
From here on all distributions are equal
20 ns
40 ns
6tmax depends on HV threshold
Threshold scan
HV scan
7Display events
no way to include this hit in the track without
spoiling the C2. Smaller radius, d ray?
8Get autocalibration using standard methods
Distribution is clean and well described by a
gaussian around 0
All layers, layer 2 3
Band ? 10 mm
1 mm
BIL Multilayer 1
Undistinguishable in this scale!
space (mm)?
BIL Multilayer 2
time (ns)?
space (mm)?
time (ns)?
10Look at small differences
Pessimistic !
D rt(2)-rt(12)
D rt(1)-rt(12)
Pessimistic !
20 mm band
20 mm band
time (ns)?
time (ns)?
20 mm band
D rt(2)-rt(1)
Several geometrical parameters were found to be
imprecise Present results are expected to improve
Pessimistic !
time (ns)?
11Studying the tube efficiency
Study the efficiency of this tube
Construct tracks crossing the tube under study
the hit of that tube may be absent. When present
quote hit to be inefficient if it contributes
significantly to the track C2 (at present
5ndof) (More complicated than that!).
12The MDT tube efficiency
Good hits (efficient hits)
Hits totally absent 0.1/
Radius (mm)
Bad hits (high C2 hits)
C2 cut
Radius (mm)
Radius (mm)
Could be due to d rays, the corresponding radius
has to be smaller than track hit ? negative
13MDT hit tube efficiency
96.5 efficiency ( a bit pessimistic)
14Something which resambles alignment
Same run, independent processing in the 2 BIL
nominal QBIL0.017 rad
Track reconstructed in BIL, ml 1 (rt-rel from ml1)
Da0.00025 25 mm in 10 cm
Track reconstructed in BIL, ml 2 (rt-rel from ml2)
15And look at translations too
Same run, independent processing in the 2 BIL
Track reconstructed in BIL, ml 1 (rt-rel from ml1)
Track reconstructed in BIL, ml 2 (rt-rel from ml2)
16How to get the correct point resolution of one
MDT hit
If this hit was included in the track it would
pull the track itself and would bias the
This hit is not included in the track
drift time of excluded hit
Track parameters using remaining hits (a,b,Da,)?
d (distance of minimum approach) and
extrapolation error
Distribution of (d drift) convolutes
resolution and extrapolation error
17Getting the resolution / 2
- the only way to get MDT resolution
- select clean events (one track only) good
tracks (8 hits in BIL, no multiple association,
acceptable C2) - remove one MDT-hit at a time and compute new
track parameters using remaining MDT-hits (say 7
in BIL)
- compute distance of minimum approach of the
straight line to the tube center of the remove
MDT-hit (d) histo drift- d fit resulting
distribution with gaussian distribution gt get
sdrift- d(radius)
- compute extrapolation error gt get
- ltextrapolation errorgt(radius)
signed radius (mm)
Resolution(radius) ? sdrift- d(radius)2-
ltextrapolation errorgt(radius)2
18Fits at different radii
r-slice 1.5 mm
r-slice 6 mm
r-slice 11.5 mm
r-slice 13.5 mm
All distributions are quite clean, rms very close
to gaussian width. In the results which follow
distribution of residuals in different slices was
fitted with gaussflat level. Width of
distribution was taken to be s of gauss
19Around r0.mm things are a bit messy
Tube wall region inefficient
6? track
0? track
Low e points not used to get resolution
20The resolution on different layers
Run 2011 QBIL 6? Nominal conditions
21The resolution we get at nominal conditions, run
Run 2011 QBIL 6? Nominal conditions
Dotted line is the input resolution
Each point is the average of 4 layers
Continuous line is the fitted resolution
22The resolution at another angle
Run 2022 QBIL 1? Nominal conditions
23The two angles on the same plot
Resolution at 1 6 degrees
Garfield prediction _at_ 25 electrons threshold
24Threshold scan
Garfield prediction at 25 electrons thr
38 mV ?13 e threshold 60 mV ?20 e threshold 98 mV
?33 e threshold
25HV scan
Quick dirty method The beam setup allows a
simpler computation of space resolution. If track
is orthogonal to the chamber drift times of tube
in one layer is equal to the one of layer2
sr(r)1/?2 vd(r) st(r) sr(r) required space
resolution vd(r) drift velocity (as computed
from tube time spectrum) st(r) rms width of the
difference 2 time measurements
Quick dirty method compared with CALIB and
found to agree everywhere for at small and large
26HV scan quick dirty method
HV scan
Increase of the HV corresponds to an effective
lowering of the threshold and gives better
resolution mostly close to the wire
- About 10 M events were succesfully collected at
the H8 test beam this september. Data were taken
at many different conditions and will allow a
campaign of study which will cover most aspects
and functionalities of MDT system. - Tracking based analysis is needed to validate the
performances of MDT chambers electronics in
quasi final configuration. - First results obtained indicate
- uniform drift properties
- good tube efficiency (d rays)
- space resolution at nominal conditions as
expected - hv and threshold scan as expected
- Most of all above is based on CALIB (V3R2) a
realistic c MDT reconstruction program
developed by Italian groups. - It cumulates few years of man work
documentation in preparation - can read many different types of inputs
including MC-Geant4 DAQ-1 it handles most MDT
problems - is (always was) available for all groups.
Documentation and help available as well - Italian groups plan to use it as a standard
analysis tool for (test beam) MDT data analysis. - ) Domizia Orestano, Mauro Iodice, Toni
Baroncelli, Paolo Bagnaia, Ludovico Pontecorvo,
Nanda Pastore, Fabrizio Petrucci, Evelin Meoni