Title: In situ calibration: status of ? jet and Z jet
1In situ calibration status of ?jet and Zjet
- Outline
- Introducrtion
- ?jet status
- Zjet reminder
- Conclusions and future work
S. Jorgensen IFAE
2 Introduction
- Motivations
- ? and Z0 are well calibrated objects at EM scale
balancing the recoiling hadronic system - potentially large statistics available
- pT range from 20 GeV to 60 GeV
- Z(?ll)jet (2Hz)
- ?jet ( 0.1 Hz)
- reserving 1Hz for downscaled trigger
- pT range gt 60 GeV
- ?jet (2Hz)
- Zjet ( 0.1 Hz)
- Issues to be understood
- Detector effects response, showering
- Physics effects fragmentation, gluon radiation
(multijets) - Compare different methods of analyses and the two
data samples
3 ?jet 1 pT balance
- Rome data. Athena 10.0.1
- select gamma
- select highest pT jet
- apply phi back-to-back cut
? pT
Parton pT
pT balance (pT parton pT photon)/ pT
photon Fit peak region iterating a gaussian fit
between s around the most probable value
4 ?jet 2 pT balance
- Biases on pT for the different jet algorithms
Algorithms Cone 0.7 Cone 0.4 Kt
Parton level 1 - 0 1 - 0 1 - 0
Recon level 2 - 0 15 - 7 10 - 2
To understand differences Cone7 and kT, study
underlying event, min.bias noise, etc
Standard H1 weighting calibrated for the C7
5 ?jet 3 UE
- Want to find the mean Et for EU. We look to the
transverse region of the event avoiding 60
degrees on both sides of photon and jet
(suggested by the standard model group)
Protojet recon lvl
Protojet particle lvl
Et (MeV)
Et (MeV)
Et (MeV)
Mean transverse energy
Tower 15.1 0.2 MeV
Recon protojet towers after applying noise supression 15.8 0.2 MeV
Particle protojet particles in one tower 19.1 0.4 MeV
6 ?jet 4 Jet size
- Jet constituent Et versus deltaR (const R jet
R) (one entry per tower)
Et (GeV)
Particle level
Et (GeV)
Recon level
Why is the size so big?
7 ?jet 5 Jet size
- Jet constituent Et density versus deltaR
(integrated Et in a 0.1 ring and divided by the
Et (GeV)
Particle level
Et (GeV)
Recon level
8Default CBNT cuts S/B10 Optimised
cuts S/B30 Efficiency ? 90
Efficiency ? 15
low pT sample ltETgt30 GeV
Data sample Athena 7.2.0 DC1 data
Mean (-0.6, 0.6) window Cone 0.4 Cone 0.7 kT
Signal -13 0.8 2 0.9 1 0.9
Background -15 2 1 2 -1 2
remaining jet background p0
statistical error
C. Deluca. Rome Workshop
9- Zjet Relative calibration across the detector
at HAD scale
pTbalance calibrated jets
Calibration or Reconstruction problem for h gt
2.5 ? More study needed.
Data sample Rome Athena 10.0.1
J. Proudfoot. Rome Workshop
10- Zjet Relative calibration across the detector
at EM scale
Jet response (Etmiss projection)
10.0.1 Rome
(E? ?????? ?)
- see dips at eta 1.5 and 3.2, and perhaps 0.8
- Expected from particle-level comparisons (F.
Paige/S. Padhi) - Pt balance flatter in eta
- E (and Response) is increasing with ? both R
and balance see this - out-of-cone showering also increases with eta
only balance sees that effect ? cancels higher
response giving flatter balance
B. Kehoe. Rome Workshop
11- Methods to Study Jet Energy Scale
- Pt balance
- Calculated from leading jet and photon/Z
- Sensitive to out-of-cone showering, underlying
event, gluon radiation in addition to detector
effect - Need to disentangle different effects
- Etmiss Projection
- Etmiss (vector sum over everything in
calorimeter) - Sensitive to particle response only
- not effects from algorithm applied to recoil
- For further information on this method see Doug
Schoutens talk
Compared with ? Offset of approx. 0.05 relative
to Zjet
Z??e?e?Balance -0.109 Z?????? Balance -0.111
Statistical error 0.3
J. Proudfoot. Rome Workshop
13 Future work
- Conclusions
- These events are useful to compare the different
jet algorithms - And to do the relative energy calibration through
the detector - Ultimately would provide useful information on
absolute energy calibration - Future work
- Continue studies on both gammajet and Zjet
events and chech the agreement between them - Continue EU studies
- More diagnostic of the jet algorithm behaviour at
recon level - Use different datasets with different level of
underlying events to help understand the
difference of Kt and C7 algorithms - See how this affects the pT balance for different