Title: English Story Telling Workshop
1English Story Telling Workshop
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2The Rabbit The Turtle
By ???
- There is a rabbit
- and a turtle.
- They are good
- friends and they live
- in the forest.
3They walk to school everyday together. Every
time, because the turtle is so slow, the rabbit
becomes angry.
4- Come on turtle, we are late!
- Oh, if I am not your friend I
- will not walk with you.
- Why dont you grow longer
- legs? says the rabbit.
5- I am sorry but I do not think my legs will grow
any longer! says the turtle. - He feels hurt.
6- When they are at school, the teacher tells them
- that there will be a race next week.
- The winner will win 1,000.
7The rabbit says, I will enter the race. I am
the fastest runner in the forest. I will win.
Since I will win, I will buy some toys now and
pay for them later. Ha! Ha! Ha!
8The rabbit goes to the toy shop after school.
He buys 500 worth of toys promising to pay after
the race.
9On the day of the race, there are many animals
and he also sees the turtle.
The gun goes off and the race begins.
After two minutes the rabbit and the other
animals are very far away but the turtle is still
near the starting line.
10It is a long race. Many animals are tired. One
by one, they begin to stop, give up and go home.
After half an hour, the only animals still in the
race are the rabbit and the turtle.
11What an easy race. There is nobody left in the
race except the turtle. Ha! Ha! Ha!
The turtle is so slow. He will take forever to
finish the race. I am tired. Let me sleep for
awhile, says the rabbit.
12Soon the rabbit is asleep and he is snoring.
Meanwhile the turtle is tired. He wipes away his
sweat and walks slowly.
After three hours the turtle reaches the place
where the rabbit is sleeping.
He does not see the rabbit because the rabbit is
sleeping behind a rock.
13Oh! I am so slow. I think everyone have finished
and gone home! Well, that is fine.
I will keep on walking and I will get there in
the end! says the turtle as he wipes more sweat
off his forehead.
14When the turtle finally reaches the finish line,
everyone is very surprised. Nobody believes that
the turtle will win. They expected the rabbit to
15 Here is your prize! says the teacher. The
turtle gets 1000. Huh! Are you saying that I
am the winner? asks the turtle. Yes. You are
the first one to pass the finish line! says the
teacher. You are the winner!
16 What is happening? Why do you give the prize
to the turtle? asks the rabbit.
As the teacher is presenting the prize to the
turtle the rabbit reaches the finish line.
Cant you see? He is faster than you. He is
the winner. says the teacher.
17 The rabbit cries. What do I do? I owe 500 to
the toy shop. I have no money to pay them.
18 Oh you are so kind! says the rabbit.
Dont worry, says the turtle, I will give
you half of the prize money so that you can pay
the toy shop. Here is the 500.
We are good friends, arent we? says the
turtle hugging the rabbit.
19The End
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