Rural, Onsite - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Rural, Onsite


or weak, or silt loam and structure massive? 0.0 ... Surface horizon - silt loam, moderate structure. Mound System. Wastewater Volume ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: loam | loamy | onsite | rural


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Rural, Onsite

Rural, Onsite Small Community Wastewater
Waste Engineering
  • Designing Soil Based Systems

Site Soil Assessment Results
  • Mapping Unit
  • Wea
  • Soil type at site
  • Wea
  • Gravelly sand at 66 inches
  • 0 - 3 slope
  • At 18 inch depth - loam, moderate structure

Septic System
Leach Field
Wastewater Volume
  • 120 gallons/bedroom
  • 3 bedroom home
  • 3 120 360 gpd

Linear Loading Rate
  • Based on nature of limiting condition
  • Gravelly loam
  • (c) 8 - 10 gpd/lf

Linear Loading Rate
Basal Loading Rate
  • Based on characteristics at trench depth (18
  • Loam, moderate structure
  • (I) 0.6 gpd/ft2

Basal Loading Rate
  • gpd/ft2
  • A. Is the horizon gravelly coarse sand or
    coarser? 0.0
  • B. Is consistence stronger than firm or hard, or
    any cemented class? 0.0
  • C. Is texture sandy clay, clay or silty clay of
    high clay content and structure massive
  • or weak, or silt loam and structure massive?
  • D. Is texture sandy clay loam, clay loam or silty
    clay loam and structure massive? 0.0
  • E. Is texture sandy clay, clay or silty clay of
    low clay content and structure
  • moderate or strong? 0.2
  • F. Is texture sandy clay loam, clay loam or silty
    clay loam and structure weak? 0.2
  • G. Is texture sandy clay loam, clay loam or silty
    clay loam and structure moderate
  • or strong? 0.4
  • H. Is texture sandy loam, loam, or silt loam and
    structure weak? 0.4
  • I. Is texture sandy loam, loam, or silt loam and
    structure moderate or strong? 0.6
  • J. Is texture fine sand, very fine sand, loamy
    fine sand, or loamy very fine sand? 0.6
  • K. Is texture coarse sand with single grain
    structure? 0.8

Soil Absorption System Design
  • Wastewater volume
  • Linear loading rate
  • Basal loading rate

System Width
  • Long thin along the contour of lot
  • System width linear loading rate / basal
    loading rate
  • System Width 10 gpd/ft / 0.6 gpd/ft2
  • System Width 17 feet

System Length
  • As long as possible
  • System length Wastewater volume / Linear
    loading rate
  • System Length 360 gpd / 10 gpd/ft
  • System Length 36 feet

Number of Trenches
  • Backhoe bucket width - 2 ft
  • No. of trenches System width / Bucket width
  • No. of trenches 17 ft / 2 ft 9 trenches

Soil Absorption System
36 feet long
9 trenches each 2 feet wide
Site Soil Assessment Results
  • Mapping unit
  • Kendallville
  • Soil type at site
  • Miamian
  • Dense till at 28 inches
  • 2-4 slope
  • Surface horizon - silt loam, moderate structure

Mound System
Wastewater Volume
  • 120 gallons/bedroom
  • 3 bedroom home
  • 3 120 360 gpd

Linear Loading Rate
  • Based on nature of limiting condition
  • Moderately dense till
  • (b) 5 - 6 gpd/lf

Linear Loading Rate
Basal Loading Rate
  • Based on characteristic of surface horizon
  • Silt loam, moderate structure
  • (I) 0.6 gpd/ft2

Basal Loading Rate
  • gpd/ft2
  • A. Is the horizon gravelly coarse sand or
    coarser? 0.0
  • B. Is consistence stronger than firm or hard, or
    any cemented class? 0.0
  • C. Is texture sandy clay, clay or silty clay of
    high clay content and structure massive
  • or weak, or silt loam and structure massive?
  • D. Is texture sandy clay loam, clay loam or silty
    clay loam and structure massive? 0.0
  • E. Is texture sandy clay, clay or silty clay of
    low clay content and structure
  • moderate or strong? 0.2
  • F. Is texture sandy clay loam, clay loam or silty
    clay loam and structure weak? 0.2
  • G. Is texture sandy clay loam, clay loam or silty
    clay loam and structure moderate
  • or strong? 0.4
  • H. Is texture sandy loam, loam, or silt loam and
    structure weak? 0.4
  • I. Is texture sandy loam, loam, or silt loam and
    structure moderate or strong? 0.6
  • J. Is texture fine sand, very fine sand, loamy
    fine sand, or loamy very fine sand? 0.6
  • K. Is texture coarse sand with single grain
    structure? 0.8

Mound System Design
  • Wastewater volume
  • Linear loading rate
  • Basal loading rate

Sand Width
  • Long thin along the contour of lot
  • Abs. Area Width linear loading rate / sand fill
    loading rate
  • Abs. Area fill loading rate 1 gpd/ft2
  • Abs. Area Width 6 gpd/ft / 1 gpd/ft2
  • Abs. Area Width 6 feet

Mound Size
Sand Length
  • As long as possible
  • Abs. Area Length Wastewater volume / Linear
    loading rate
  • Abs. Area Length 360 gpd / 6 gpd/ft
  • Abs. Area Length 60 feet

Sand Height
  • Sand soil 4 feet
  • Sand height 4 ft - soil depth
  • Sand height 4 ft - 28 inches
  • Sand height 48 inches - 28 inches
  • Sand height 20 inches

Sand Height down slope
  • Sand height down slope height upslope slope
  • Sand height down slope 20 inches 0.04 6 ft
  • Sand height down slope 20 in 0.04 72 in
  • Sand height down slope 23 inches

Overall Mound Size
  • Wastewater distribution system
  • 9 inches on top of sand
  • Aggregate or chambers

Cover with soil fill
  • Insulate - protect from freezing
  • 12 inches
  • Shed water - crown top
  • Additional 6 inches
  • Cover soil to prevent breakout at mound toe
  • Based on basal loading rate
  • Slope sides for safety when mowing

Overall Mound Height
  • Mound height
  • sand aggregate insulating soil fill crown
  • Mound height 20 in 9 in 12 in 6 in
  • Mound height 47 inches at top
  • Mound height at downslope sand edge
  • 23 in 9 in 12 in
  • Mound height at downslope sand edge
  • 44 inches

Width to avoid breakout at toe
  • Basal width
  • Linear loading rate / basal loading rate
  • Basal width 6 gpd/ft / 0.6 gpd/ft2
  • Basal width 10 feet

Safety for mowing
  • 31 slope
  • Slope drops 1 foot in 3 feet

31 slope
1 ft
3 ft
Overall Mound Width
  • Mound width
  • Abs. Area width upslope width downslope width
  • Upslope width side slope mound height slope
  • Upslope width 3 47 inches 0.89 126 inches
  • Downslope width
  • side slope downslope height slope corr.
  • Downslope width 3 44 inches 1.14 151 in

Slope Correction
Slope Downslope Corr. factor Upslope Corr. factor
0 1.00 1.00
1 1.03 0.97
2 1.06 0.94
3 1.10 0.92
4 1.14 0.89
Overall Mound Width
  • Mound width
  • Abs. Area width upslope width downslope width
  • Mound width 6 ft 129 in 151 in
  • Mound width 72 in 129 in 151 in
  • Mound width 352 inches 29 feet

Overall Mound Length
  • Mound length
  • Abs. Area length 2 endslope length
  • Endslope length 3 mound height
  • Endslope length 3 47 in
  • Endslope length 141 inches 12 feet
  • Mound length 60 feet 2 12 feet
  • Mound length 84 feet

Overall Mound Size
  • 84 feet long along the contour
  • 29 feet wide
  • covers basal width of 10 feet

  • Crites Tchobanoglous 905 - 918
  • Burkes Minnis 142 - 161
  • Bull 813 Mound Systems for Onsite Wastewater
  • AEX 743 Septic tank - Soil Absorption Systems
  • AEX 744 Septic tank - Mound Systems
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