Title: Ocean Atmosphere Circulation
1Ocean Atmosphere Circulation
BUT Outgoing solar radiation is not as uneven
3Redistribution of heat controlled by
- Atmospheric circulation (including storms)
- Ocean circulation
- Wind driven surface circulation (lt1000 m)
- Density driven deep circulation
- Temperature
- Salinity
4Sea Surface Temperature
5Ocean Surface Salinity
- http//www.ldeo.columbia.edu/dees/ees/climate/slid
es/sal_march.gif - http//ingrid.ldgo.columbia.edu/
6Temperature-Salinity Diagram used to show Density
- Used to plot density
- Each line is a line of equal density.
- The density range is given as 1.029 to 1.021
(g/cm3) - Water with a density of 1.027 g/cm3) could have a
T of 0 oC and salinity of 33.5 o/oo or a T of 15
oC and a salinity of 36.3 o/oo.
7Ocean Salinity at 800 m depth.
- http//www.ldeo.columbia.edu/edu/dees/ees/data/fr_
8Salinity _at_ 800 m water depth
- http//www.ldeo.columbia.edu/edu/dees/ees/data/fr_
9Temperature _at_ 800 m water depth
- http//www.ldeo.columbia.edu/edu/dees/ees/data/fr_
10Temperature-Salinity Diagram used to show Density
- Water Characteristics _at_ 800 m, just N or
Gibralter - Temperature 11.5 oC
- Salinity 36.2 o/oo
- Density 1.0276
11Temperature-Salinity Diagram used to show Density
- Water Characteristics _at_ 800 m water depth, off
easternmost point in South America - Temperature 4.4 oC
- Salinity 34.5 o/oo
- Density 1.0275
12Salinity _at_ 1200 m water depth
- http//www.ldeo.columbia.edu/edu/dees/ees/data/fr_
13Temperature _at_ 1200 m water depth
- http//www.ldeo.columbia.edu/edu/dees/ees/data/fr_
14Temperature-Salinity Diagram used to show Density
- Water Characteristics _at_ 1200 m water depth, just
N or Gibralter - Temperature 11 oC
- Salinity 36.2 o/oo
- Density 1.0278
15Temperature-Salinity Diagram used to show Density
- Water Characteristics _at_ 1200 m, off easternmost
point in South America - Temperature 4.2 oC
- Salinity 34.5 o/oo
- Density 1.0275
16Salinity _at_1750 m water depth
- http//www.ldeo.columbia.edu/edu/dees/ees/data/fr_
17Temperature _at_1750 m water depth
- http//www.ldeo.columbia.edu/edu/dees/ees/data/fr_
18Temperature-Salinity Diagram used to show Density
- Water Characteristics _at_ 1750 m, just N or
Gibralter - Temperature 6.4 oC
- Salinity 35.3 o/oo
- Density 1.0278
19Temperature-Salinity Diagram used to show Density
- Water Characteristics _at_ 1750 m, off easternmost
point in South America - Temperature 3.8 oC
- Salinity 34.7 o/oo
- Density 1.0277
20- http//www.ldeo.columbia.edu/edu/dees/ees/data/fr_
21During an El Nino there are changes in
Wind Strength Sea Surface Temperature Atmospheric
Pressure Cause global changes in gt
precipitation productivity What starts the
22Sea Surface Temperature
23Sea Surface Temperature
Sea Surface Temperature Shortened Scale
24Wind Strength - Normal and El Nino Conditions,
Cross-Section View
Normal Year
El Nino Year
25El Nino winds - map view
November, 1988 - Normal
November, 1982 -El Nino
View of how El Nino rearranges the distribution
of rainfall over the tropical Pacific. The colors
indicate the distribution of sea-surface
temperature. Red indicates warmer water, and blue
indicates colder water.
26LaNina, Normal El Nino SST Conditions
27Normal Conditions
Normal Conditions
SST water T profile, Equatorial Pacific Ocean,
January, 1997
28El Nino conditions
El Nino Conditions
29Developing La Nina
Developing La Nina
El Nino Conditions
Northern Hemisphere Summer
31El Nino Summary Websites
http//www.pmel.noaa.gov/ toga-tao/el-nino/nino-ho
me.htm http//earthobservatory.nasa.gov/ Observato
El Nino is a disruption of the ocean-atmosphere
system in the tropical Pacific having important
consequences for weather around the globe.
321982-1983 El Nino Impact
33Class ended here
- You are not responsible for the material that
follows, but incase you want to know more about
monsoons read on.
34El Nino websites
- Start here http//topex-www.jpl.nasa.gov/science/
el-nino.html - Â
- http//earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Study/ElNinoColo
r/ - Â
- http//earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Study/ElNinoColor
/el_nino_color_2.html - Â
- http//earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Study/ElNinoColor
/el_nino_color_3.html - Â
- http//earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Library/ElNino/
- Â
- http//earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Library/ElNino/el
35North Atlantic Oscillation Other Primarily
Atmospheric Teleconnections
- Primarily atmospheric
- Positive high pressure (CCW) around Iceland,
low pressure (CW) in Azores - Seems fairly steady
36Southern Oscillation (SO)
- Monsoon connection 1877, 1899 no Indian monsoon
- 1904 Gilbert Walker
- High pressure (western Pacific) at Darwin and low
pressure in Tahiti (central Pacific) heavy rain
in central equatorial Pacific, drought in India,
warmer winter in SW Canada, colder winter in SE US
- 1957-1958
- Jacob Bjerknes (UCLA) atmospheric measurements
and Pacific Ocean measurements - El Nino extended 1000s of miles into Pacific
- Same atmospheric changes as Walkers SO
38NAO Positive Mode
- Strong northern winter winds
- On average colder winters (winds brought down
from Canada) - European winters warmer and wetter (Gulf Stream
influence) (e.g. more rain in Scandinavia
39Monsoon Areas
- http//www.usda.gov/oce/waob/jawf/profiles/special
40- Unequal heat capacities of land and water
- The flow of air in sea breezes and land breezes
(a) Afternoon onshore sea breeze. (b) Nighttime
offshore land breeze.
41- Valley breezes blow uphill during the day
mountain breezes blow downhill at night. (The Ls
and Hs represent pressure, while the purple lines
represent surfaces of constant pressure.)
42- Development of a sea breeze and a land breeze.
(a) At the surface, a sea breeze blows from the
water onto the land, while (b) the land breeze
blows from the land out over the water.
44Onset of Indian Monsoon
- Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) predicts
the onset date and rainfall potential of the
monsoon using a statistical model that evaluates
16 "precursor" conditions. Of the 16 parameters
used, - 6 regard temperature conditions,
- 3 wind or pressure field values,
- 5 pressure anomalies, and
- 2 snowcover.
- The most important of these appear to be
- 1) the position of the 500mb ridge centered over
75 E longitude averaged over the month of April - 2) monthly average temperatures over the Indian
sub-continent (March and May monthly averages at
different locations) and - 3) El Niño/Southern Oscillation conditions.
45- http//www.usda.gov/oce/waob/jawf/profiles/special
46- http//www.usda.gov/oce/waob/jawf/profiles/special
47Monsoon Areas
- http//www.usda.gov/oce/waob/jawf/profiles/special