Title: Section 4'2 Orthogonal Sets Orthogonal Matrices
Section 4.2 Orthogonal Sets Orthogonal Matrices
Def 4.7 Orthogonal Set. Orthonormal Set. Th 4.3
Orthogonal set (nonzero) gt Linearly
independent Def 4.8 Orthogonal Basis.
Orthonormal Basis. Note Given (2-dim) subspace
of R3 with basis u,v, an orthogonal basis is
u,v-proju(v) Th 4.5 Any vector u in a subspace
with orthonormal basis ui has a unique
representation (coordinates) uS(u?ui)ui.
2Section 4.2 Orthogonal Sets Orthogonal Matrices
NOTE If the columns of an nk matrix A are
orthogonal, ATA is a kk diagonal matrix with the
squares of the lengths of the column vectors as
elements. Th 4.6 ATA Ik iff the columns of A
are orthonormal. AT is a left-inverse of A Def
4.9 A nn matrix Q is orthogonal iff QTQ In
iff Q has orthonormal columns. TQ orthogonal iff
Q orthogonal. Th 4.7 Q orthogonal iff Qu?Qv
u?v for all u,v. Cor Orthogonal transformations
preserve norms (lengths). Isometry
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